Making Connections Pt. 3

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I left school before last hour. I was skipping, but what were they going to do? Call my mom? Oh, they can’t. I texted Jag to meet me at the s*x shop. He’d just answered with a bunch of laughing faces. I assumed that meant 0he was coming. My phone rang. It was Immy. I answered, “Hello?” Immy whispered, “Where are you? Keaton doesn’t know you’re gone yet, but…” I snorted, “I’m doing Valentine’s Day surprises.” Immy said, “Ohhh mischief! I am in! What are we getting?” I laughed, “Sexy fun stuff.” Immy squealed, “YES! You get on with your kinky side. I’ll call you later.” She hung up. Jag was waiting inside the store. He was in the same aisle as the condoms. He said, “You still need that size.” I snorted, “I got the shot, but that’s neither here nor there. I need your help.” Jag laughed, “I have no idea where this is going, but I’m so intrigued.” I sighed, “Well, you are a guy…” Jag’s amusement came through in his tone, “Last I checked, yes.” I rolled my eyes, “Well, I want to try some…stuff…but I don’t know what to get. Don’t you dare laugh.” Jag smirked, “Alright. A little kinky starter kit. Luckily for you, you came to the right person. I know a thing or two. Why didn’t you ask someone else?” I snorted, “Oh come on. All my guy friends are friends with Keaton. They would tell him. You’re my friend, and on team Katie. They were his friends first, but you were mine first. I realize you aren’t friends with them yet, but one day…I think you will be.” Jag was still amused as he walked over and grabbed a Valentine’s Day special kit. It had handcuffs. A black paddle with cut outs in the shape of hearts and a blindfold. He handed it to me, “Start with these my grasshopper.” I asked, “Won’t those cut outs actually leave a heart impression on my ass? Or his ass? I could spank him.” Jag laughed, “That’s kind of the point, but yes they will.” I blushed, “Thanks, Jag.” He asked, “Are we getting sexy outfits too?” I snorted, “No, Immy says she’s handling my outfit.” Jag said, “I’m sorry about those guys at the dance. I wasn’t on the lookout for you that night because you were with Keaton.” I frowned, “How do you know about them?” Jag said, “Sean.” I was glad they were friends. I said, “Well, I have Immy coming over to help with my Valentine’s Day set up. So, they will get to spend most of the day together.” Jag smiled, “You’re one of a kind, Katie.” I whispered, “Odette.” Jag did a double take. I sighed, “My name is Odette, and I’m really tired of everyone not knowing. It’s not like you talk to anyone else I know besides Sean. Both of you aren’t talking to anyone else though. Keaton knows my real name. Everyone seems to know Katie’s not my name. Do you have ANY idea how many eyebrow raises the Daniels and Miller families have given me when I say my name? I don’t know how they know, but they know. Maybe it’s partially my fault because I keep almost saying my actual name. OdKatie is a strange name, but do they HAVE to be so observant? And why after ALL these years is this the area I can’t keep my new name straight? I have no idea. Literally, not one. It kills me when they all call me Katie. I can’t do much about them, but you…Nope you can call me my real name. God, I’m so tired of new fake names and new towns. I just want people to call me by MY name. I’ve never had this desire before. It was always like this secret I had that if I trusted people I told them. That’s not a long list. I come here and this longing for people to know my name is at an all time high. UGH!” Jag studied me for several moments. He said, “I understand.” I snorted, “Care to explain?” Jag told me, “Everyone around here except you would think I’m someone I’m not. I introduced myself to you because I recognized the same thing you do. We are kindred spirits. I also wanted to thank you, but the longer we talked I realized we both need each other. As friends. I’ve never had a neutral third party to talk things over with, and it seems neither have you. As far as the Daniels and Millers, they absolutely know your name isn’t Katie. I knew. Malachi Miller’s whole job is to read people, and to know things. Emmett Daniels is a keen observer, and you’re dating his brother. They were at the school that night to see you. To watch you with Keaton. I don’t know that for a fact, but I’d bet that’s what it was. It worked out since of course you found trouble.” I stuck my tongue out at him. He continued, “As for why you want people to say your actual name, well you feel like you belong here. You know you do. I want to walk straight up to Emmett Daniels and ask if I could be a permanent fixture here. This place feels like home.” I said, “We could go talk to him together. If you want.” Jag smiled, “I’ll keep that in mind. Now, get back to your apartment safely ok. Oh, and uhh Happy Valentine’s Day, Friend.” I smiled, “Are you spending it with anyone?” Jag laughed, “Nope. Still under the radar.” I pursed my lips. I said, “Well, if you want you could stop by during the day.” Jag laughed, “You’re so cute. Thank you, but I’m good.” I sighed, “Alright. Thanks for the help.” Jag smirked, “Anytime.” I left the shop and went back to my apartment. I opened my computer and a call came through the second I opened my email. I answered, “Hello, Caspian.” He blinked in shock that I’d accepted a video call. I guess Trit didn’t tell them we’d had them before. Caspian said, “You’re on camera.” I countered, “I did send you a picture of me in my dress. You know what I look like.” Caspian snorted, “But you’ve only video chatted with Trit.” I teased, “And now you. What’s up mob boss brother man?” Caspian rolled his eyes, “We haven’t had a chance to connect. I wanted to ask how the dance went.” I honestly answered, “Well, other than a minor incident; it was great.” Caspian’s eyes narrowed. He asked, “What minor incident?” I told him, “Well, these guys showed up and wanted my friend. I fought them…and I did that thing again. I think.” Caspian’s eyes went into slits. He asked, “Are these guys dead?” I teased, “Mr. mob boss man, not everyone kills people. I’m sure my song’s family sent them back to the state they were from. It all got very growl-y. I think my song actually did what can only be described as a roar. I need to talk to him about that. OH! Maybe I could dress up as little red riding hood ....” Caspian cut me off, “As your big brother, these are things I don’t need to hear. I’m already ignoring the s*x shop bag on the bed.” I blushed and put it on the ground. Caspian snorted, “I already saw it. Anyway, what thing did you do?” I sighed, “I told them to leave us alone and go away. If my song, his brothers, and his friends hadn’t been waiting…they were trying to go away. Like I told them to.” Caspian looked smug, “I see. Well, what can you do? Is that how you got away from Lux Vennox?” I thought about it, “Well, I had a bus ticket for later….I asked the driver if I could get on; he did say no, but we locked eyes and I said please. Then he agreed.” Caspian grumbled, “Of all the rotten luck.” I snorted, “It was great luck on my part. I’m not usually lucky.” Caspian told me, “You know, I don’t think I said this but you’re truly stunning, little sister.” I blushed, “Thanks. You’re quite handsome yourself. I still can’t believe mom left your dad. He’s easily the most attractive guy she’s been with that I’ve seen. Looks matter to her too and money. Your dad’s got to be rich too though…so…” Caspian casually asked, “You said mom’s boyfriends always pay for your apartment. Does mom ever pay for anything?” I absentmindedly said, “Oh yeah. On our way here, she paid for a really nice hotel room. She’s done that a few times. I’ve never understood how she paid for it. I guess it’s because she must have some money. Does she have a trust fund? She does have nice clothes. I thought she was just having her boyfriend’s buy them, but she’s always had them. So, it’s probably her own money.” Caspian offered, “It’s a trust of sorts.” I asked, “Why do you look calculating now?” Caspian smiled, “Because, I am often calculating.” I changed the subject asking, “Do you have Valentine’s Day plans?” Caspian smiled, “Yes, I do. All of us do, but we have this app on our phone. I had one of my technical guys add an alert to our phones. If you need us, we will answer.” I snorted, “You had your tech guy do it? Of course, you did.” Caspian laughed, “Yes, yes, yes. I cement your theory with the things I say. I know.” Someone knocked on my door. I said, “I’ll see you later. Well, just wait a minute. My song isn’t singing so it’s not him.” I walked to the door and opened it. I groaned as Sassy started hissing “Do you understand what a restraining order means, Lisa?” Tatum came behind me and started barking. Lisa might want to watch out. My tiny fierce rabies riddled wolf taking down dog was on the case. Surely, my dog wouldn’t attack a person though. Right? Sassy snorted in my head then went back to hissing. I looked at Lisa and started laughing. Immy had actually turned her hair blue, and she could NOT pull it off. Lisa put her fist back to punch me. I blocked her and punched her in the nose, breaking it. She screamed so loud the dead probably heard it. I winced, “Good lord, that’s an octave.” She snarled, “I’m pressing charges!” I told her, “There are cameras in this hallway. You went to punch me, and I defended myself. You’re also breaking a restraining order. I could actually kill you right now and get away with it. I’m just saying.” She scratched my arm and drew blood. I yelled, “What the hell?!” I dialed 9-1-1 in my pocket. Lisa hissed, “Stay away from him!” I said, “Look you psycho daisy may, stop telling me to stay away from MY boyfriend.” She sneered, “You’re so stupid you don’t even know. Keaton is dangerous. This world you bury your head in the sand about is dangerous. I made some new friends. Watch your back, Odette.” My eyes narrowed, “Who’s that?” She looked momentarily taken aback. She sneered, “Your real name! You’re lying to everyone. You leave him alone, or I’ll expose you.” I shrugged, “I have a license that says my name is Katie Karlton. You have no evidence my name is Odette. Do you?” Because I didn’t even have that. I was an at home birth. I didn’t even have a real birth certificate. My mom always had a fake one. The elevator opened with a guy chasing after two detectives. Lisa glared at me. She sighed, “I just have to do everything myself.” I had no idea what she was talking about. The guy said, “You can’t just come up here.” I asked, “Who are you?” They guy looked at Lisa and said, “I’m on duty today.” I asked, “For what?” The guy answered, “The building manager.” I asked, “Did something happen to Kenneth?” Lisa snorted, “He’s off work today.” I laughed, “So you came because he wasn’t here. Detectives, does that not sound like she’s stalking me? Even though I have a restraining order?” The detective said, “It does. Miss, you are under arrest for violating a restraining order. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.” Lisa told me, “This won’t stick. I have ways.” I shrugged, “I don’t care. School has been so great without you. By the way, I have my theories about who passed out word around that Immy wanted to role play a violent game. Care to guess who I think did that, Lisa?” The look in her eyes told me it was me. She threw my words back in my face, “You have no evidence.” She was right. I didn’t. I ran back to my computer. Caspian was still there. I said, “Oh, hey.” Tatum ran and jumped in my lap. She started licking my arm. I looked down and gasped, “Ok, I’ll call you later. My cut is turning green.” Caspian said, “Let your dog take care of it.” I said, “She’ll probably infect it more.” He told me, “She won’t, and SERIOUSLY?! A cute little yippee dog?! You couldn’t have been a Saint Bernard, Pitbull, or German shepherd!” I hugged her deafening, “Hey! She’s perfect.” Caspian sighed, “Sure. Just whoever you had arrested at your door…stay away from her. That shriek…she’s not someone to be around for you.” I snorted, “I’m trying. I have a restraining order and everything.” Caspian gritted his teeth, “Which is annoying enough, and I’m going to yell at people for later.” I asked, “Why?” Caspian smiled, “I’m sure you’ll figure it out. You’re quite smart.” We talked a little more then he asked, “Show me your arm where you were scratched.” I raised my arm. It wasn’t green anymore. Tatum was sleeping on my lap. He nodded, “Alright. I have to get going but call if you need anything.” I saluted him, “Sure thing mob boss big bro.” He laughed and signed off. I studied my arm. I’d never heard of a dog’s saliva helping an infection. I shrugged. I didn’t really know much about dogs. I stood and it hit me. Caspian was mad he couldn’t find me, and I had a restraining order out. Did Jarchi find out I filed and helped? Or was it mom? No, mom couldn’t know I had a restraining order. She’d call and yell at me. Could it be Luke? No, why would he hide that? I just didn’t know who hid it. Or how. Lux Vennox had a license to practice law. He was the only lawyer I knew. If I ever got in trouble, I’d probably have to call him. I carried Tatum into my room and laid down to take a nap. Tomorrow, I was going to get Keaton to have a chill Valentine’s Day, even if it killed me. Which at this point, it might. Lisa had wound my man tighter than a tick. I laughed to myself thinking about my starter kinky kit. I was positive that would get Keaton to relax. I held Tatum close to me and fell asleep. Note: Immy's mate!!! What do we think of Sean? Jag and Odette are bonding. What did Lisa do? Was it Immy who turned her hair blue or someone else? Brotherly bonding :) Now sexy fun times. She thinks Channing is a kinky role play ;) Any guesses on if Keaotn and Channing keep that goin?
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