Activating Pt. 1

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Keaton walked the guys up to Odette’s place. Bryce said, “I want to see Immy before I head off to get my date. Daddy Matt seems to think Immy got ready here to do something fairy about her dress that will get him a phone call about dress policy.” I laughed, “Fairies. What can you do?” Bryce said, “Hey I am a partial fairy too!” I snorted, “I’m sorry female fairies, what can you do?” Bryce asked, “Are we anywhere on what the heck your mate is?” I sighed, “She’s got a song in her head. That’s what I know.” Bryce said, “Oh, a song. Well, that answers that.” Keith asked, “It does?” Bryce yelled, “NO! We literally don’t know a single supernatural that sings in their head. Is she a good singer too?” I answered emphatically, “Yes.” Bryce teased, “Maybe she’s a siren.” I snorted, “Sure, and I’m a mermaid.” Bryce shrugged, “That’s all I got.” Keith said, “You’re so helpful.” Bryce smiled, “I made you smile.” He had. We walked into Odette’s apartment. Bryce linked me, “Thank god. This was the dress she said she was going to wear. I’ll have to let dad know.” Well, at least Matt wasn’t going to storm the dance about Immy’s dress. I was pretty sure Joanie wouldn’t let that happen. She was not afraid to go momma she wolf on Matt. My eyes landed on Odette. Damn. Channing growled, “MINE!” In my head. I snapped to attention when Bryce started yelling in our link, “SOMEONE IN OUR PACK TRIED TO FORCE MY SISTER TO GO TO A DANCE?! UNWANTED ATTENTIONS?! WHAT ARE THEY TALKING ABOUT IT?” I linked Malachi, “Are you aware some guys were making unwanted advances on Immy?” It was silent for several seconds. I asked Channing, “Did my link not go through?” Suddenly Malachi was yelling, “WHAT did you JUST say? What the f**k is wrong with high school these days? I’ll find out who the HELL that was, and they will regret it.” I linked him, “Well, Bryce is on a warpath.” Malachi snorted, “He can join the club. I have shithead kids to find.” I linked Emmett, “So, Malachi is mad.” Emmett groaned, “Why?” I told him, “Some guys have been going after Immy I guess.” Emmett linked, “Great. That’s just great. I’ll go find my beta who is probably terrorizing the pack.” Well, at least I warned him. Odette now had questions. Keith linked me, “Why did Bryce have to say Malachi would give them hell?” I sighed, “I don’t know.” Channing snorted, “She thinks her brothers are in the mob. She’s going to think we all are.” He wasn’t wrong, we quickly skirted that conversation and got the girls moving. Odette said she forgot to take her pill. Channing purred. Keith linked, “You dog!” I snorted. Immy rolled her eyes and linked us, “Do you really not know about her disease? She’s your mate!” I frowned, “She’s never mentioned it.” I followed her into her bathroom. I watched her take the pill. I took a deep inhale. It smelled like human medication. I linked Clara, “I need to know everything about a blood disorder called Leukopenia. Not tonight, just you know I’ll forget if I don’t tell you.” Clara snorted, “Yes, I know you’d forget. I’ll mentally put that on my list and get you everything.” I told her, “Thanks.” She answered, “You know I’ve always got you, Alpha bestie.” Keith linked me, “I googled that leuk…whatever I googled it. I’m not sure why she’d need medication.” I replied, “Clara is going to get all the details for me.” Keith sighed, “Thank god. My google search was not helpful. Google didn’t seem to think it was serious and google says you’re dying if you have a headache. Search engines man.” I snorted. He was right though. Clara would find out more. I’d look into myself too. I sent several pictures to my parents. My dad texted. Dad: Remember to be safe and use condoms ;) Me: DAD! Mom: She looks beautiful and you look handsome. Do practice safe s*x please. I don’t think you’d want to explain supernatural’s that way. We don’t know what she is and I ovulate like humans and so do witches. Have fun! I shivered, no I really didn’t want to explain it that way at all. I did want to mess with my parents though. Me: We should stop having this conversation. I already know how to use a condom…like mom ;) My phone was oddly silent after that. Arden linked me, “MY EYES!” I answered, “What’s wrong little bro?” He snarled, “I saw the text! You are why dad just threw mom onto the couch and ripped her clothes. I was coming to ask for a snack. Warn me next time.” I replied, “Dad gives me s**t, I give the old man some back.” Arden replied, “And you don’t think about the innocent bystanders.” I replied, “Next time, I’ll warn you.” Arden sighed, “That’s all I’m asking over here. I’m going back upstairs to my room where it’s safe.” I joked, “Probably a good plan.” Katie got visibly more excited the closer we got to the dance. Her excitement was contagious. I’d been to every school dance, but I’d never had any fun before. As I helped Katie out of the car Bryce linked, “Did anyone else see that creepy guy?” I asked, “What creepy guy?” I took a deep inhale but didn’t smell anything. Bryce sighed, “Maybe I imagined him.” I pushed that aside. I actually enjoyed myself. Odette was torturing me with her dress. Channing linked, “Let’s get out of here and have fun.” I liked the way he thought. It ended with us in a classroom. Channing asked, “Ask her to try role playing and call you me. I want to meet her.” I sighed, “Ok, but if she says no…” Channing huffed, “At least we tried.” Odette was into it, and I let Channing have time with her. I could feel how excited he was. He’d probably be walking on air for the foreseeable future. I was still contemplating not having to a use a condom when we had s*x now, so I was more than happy to give him time. We got back to the dance, and Odette was instantly making up a story about Immy and left. I frowned. Keith linked, “What’s up?” I said, “I didn’t bring her back that way. She wouldn’t have seen the bathrooms. Leave it to the partial fairy to get my mate in on what is probably a prank. Oh god, something is going to happen.” Keith snorted but also went on alert. I actually liked this. Normally, the fairy pranks caught me unaware. Now, I knew it was coming. Keith linked me, “That’s a big smile you have on your face.” I replied, “Channing came out and called her ours…She agreed.” Keith raised an eyebrow. I knew she didn’t know what it meant, but she said she was mine, and I was going to run with that. When Immy and Odette got back Bryce frowned, studying Immy. She was being evasive. I linked Keith, “A prank is totally coming, and we are prepared.” Keith replied, “For once. Thank god. Hopefully Immy keeps pulling Katie into her schemes. The heads up is so nice.” He wasn’t wrong. We snapped to attention when Immy said she was a hot commodity. Immy flirted but nothing serious. A few months ago, she had a boyfriend she thought her family didn’t know about, but she dumped him out of the blue recently. Clara thought for sure that Immy met her mate, but she didn’t introduce anyone to them. It’s hard to follow a fairy, but I was pretty sure Bryce had. Did the pack find out Immy’s secret boyfriend relationship was over and think she was into dating? I linked Bryce, “Have you found out if she’s seeing someone new?” Bryce replied, “I haven’t seen her with him. She’s been very secretive, but she’s happy. I’m certain she has a new secret boyfriend. She must have figured out we were onto her because none of us can get a bead on this guy.” Odd. Why would she change? I linked Emmett, “Does Malachi or Matt know about Immy’s new secret boyfriend.” Emmett snorted, “No. It’s driving Malachi crazy. He threatened the last secret boyfriend and would like to make sure this one stays in line. She’s being quite careful. Malachi is sullen that his little sister found her mate and won’t tell him. I couldn’t imagine not telling my siblings I had my mate. All my siblings would tell me about theirs. Right?” His voice was dripping with sarcasm. He continued, “Must be something with your generation. You are the secret keepers.” I replied, “You don’t know Immy is keeping her mate a secret.” Emmett replied, “So many secrets. Malachi is certain she is, so I am certain she is as well.” I snorted, “Who tries to keep a secret in a family of Beta’s?” Emmett retorted, “Who tries to keep their mate a secret when they have Alpha blood and go Alpha male about people? Teenagers. What can you do?” I flushed but changed the subject, “Immy punched someone in the pack.” Emmett snorted, “Great. I hope that guy knows what he’s in for. I swear the world has gone crazy. I’ve had to promise Malachi if he doesn’t get an answer about Immy’s mate by the end of the school year, we’ll ask the techy scary Luna for help.” Odette and Immy were going to the bathroom. I replied, “Or you could just let Immy tell you in your own time.” Emmett said, “Everyone else’s timing sucks.” I bristled, “You don’t know that.” Emmett said, “Patience has never been a virtue of mine, little brother. I’m at my max with other…situations.” Me. He meant me. This whole conversation was a veil about me and Odette. I nearly told him when he snarled, “Get in the hallway, Keaton. Get Keith, Bryce, and May.” I linked them, “We need to get in the hallway.” Fear gripped me. Immy and Odette. I surged past the three of them. Our pack went on alert. The pack link was wondering if something happened to Katie for me to be upset. Lisa snarled, “Hopefully.” May answered, “Shut the actual f**k up, Lisa! If something EVER happens to Katie then you’ll be who we look at. I’ll get you in the ring and f**k your s**t up.” The pack link was set ablaze again. Lisa now had nothing to say. Odette was protecting Immy. I could see the frustration on Immy’s face. She wanted to use her fairy powers or her hood speed on these guys, but with Odette there she was holding back. Then I heard a guy talking about Odette being under them. Channing roared, “MINE!” In our link. I roared out loud. Emmett sighed, “How VERY possessive you and your wolf are about your girlfriend, little brother.” I didn’t bother to answer him. He was being very testy about this tonight. Then they grabbed Odette and Immy. I saw red. They were around the corner out of sight. I told the guy, “Big mistake.” I ripped his heart out. His friends gaped at me. Keith yelled, “KEATON!” Malachi sighed, “I’ve already got people on this clean up. Motherfuckers don’t get to mess with my little sister.” He ripped another guys arms off. May was throwing the bodies into classrooms as we tore our way through. She linked me and Keith, “Keith Eric Daniels, I better be getting the best s*x ever tonight. I want to rip those jerks apart too!” I asked, “Why was I in on that link?” May snorted, “I have several pack members getting towels to clean up the blood so your girlfriend doesn’t see it. You get to know how my night ends. With amazing s*x. For the awesome job I’m doing right now, ignoring my instincts to kick some ass.” I replied, “Thank you May.” We rounded the corner. The only two left were the two with them. Odette demanded they leave them alone. They looked stunned then ran into us. Malachi snorted. Emmett linked me, “So…that’s odd.” I didn’t reply. I threw the guy that had Odette to Keith. I had her in my arms checking her over. Emmett linked snidely, “So very possessive you are.” I replied, “When did you even get here?” That shut him up quickly. I turned and studied him. I linked Keith, “Why was Emmett here?” Keith answered, “I have no idea.” Immy had linked them ,but they were already here. I linked Emmett, “Why were you here?” Emmett replied, “Oh come on! I wanted to see you two together. Malachi wondered if Immy’s mystery mate was hanging around. So…here we are.” I rolled my eyes, “You saw us on our date.” Emmett sighed, “On a video.” That really didn’t make sense to me, but whatever. I could see Emmett’s amusement as he spoke to Odette. She almost told him her name, and he commented on it. I linked him, “Stop it!” Emmett glanced at me, “You know.” I played dense, “Know what?” Keith me, “The f**k?! Her name isn’t Katie?!” Emmett leveled me with a look. He said, “You know Katie isn’t her name.” I shrugged. Keith linked, “Noooooo. It’s not her name, and you know that. Holy s**t f**k balls. What’s her name? Come on, I’m your twin.” I didn’t answer him. Odette made really good points about these guys coming up from Louisiana. There seemed to be some rumors going around about Immy. That was weird that anyone would believe them. Immy never dated anyone in our pack. Immy was upset she was going to be shadowed. She actually looked like her heart was broken. Bryce and Malachi winced and twitched towards her. I was officially onboard. Immy met her mate, and mine knew. How the hell did my mate get involved with so much supernatural stuff yet have now idea what she was dealing with? I led Odette out the side doors. No need to see if the blood was all gone. Emmett and Malachi had those two guys to question. Hopefully, the one who’d tried to take Odette from me was alive when I got home. I drove on autopilot to the pack. I saw Lisa when I pulling back out. She was smiling until she saw Odette in the passenger seat. She looked furious. Then she spotted Immy and she shrieked in anger before she took off. What was her deal? When we got to Odette’s place Ken linked me, “You are aware that dog, is not a dog. Right?” I told him, “Yes, but I don’t think it’s a shifter. I’ve told her to shift, and she doesn’t. I swear she understands me.” Ken said, “Oh the dog understands. I don’t know what is either, but I know it’s something supernatural.” I snorted, “I’ll add it to Clara’s growing list of questions.” Just not tonight. She was probably hanging out with her warrior date. When we got to her apartment, and she said Channing’s name, there was no holding him back. He was practically purring when she addressed him. He tried to get Immy’s secret out of her, but she didn’t tell us. He was proud of her for acting like a Luna already without knowing that’s what she was. She was just naturally doing it. Channing and I took turns taking Odette over and over. I could tell our newfound confidence was making its way to the bedroom. When we woke up, Odette informed me about Valentine’s Day plans. She wanted to cook. SHE wanted to cook for ME? No, that was a trap. Right? Channing linked, “I don’t think it is, but I am also confused.” I couldn't believe she didn’t want something fancy. Like even a little bit fancy. Valentine’s Day was huge, and she wanted some low key thing. She even wanted to have s*x. Actual s*x? Valentine’s Day was just supposed to be about her pleasure, not mine. When I got home, I threw my truck in park and went to the dungeons. I nodded to Kreed and Killion. I asked, “Is the guy from the dance down there?” Kreed said, “Both of them, yes. Why?” I charged down and grabbed the one who threw Odette over his shoulder. I slammed him into the silver bars. I told him, “Do you enjoy putting hands on what’s not yours?” He coughed, “Seriously? This is over an unmarked girl? The Beta’s daughter, fine. The hot chick? Come on!” I snarled and grabbed him by the throat and held him up. I said, “You had no right to touch her.” I threw him and grabbed a sword. I cut off his hands. He screamed bloody murder. I wiped off the blade and told Kreed, “You might want to get the pack doctor over here.” He stared at me. Killian snorted, “I already did.” Kreed looked at his brother. I saw his mark. I told him, “Nice mark, Kreed.” He smirked, “Thanks, Keaton.” I told him, “I’m really happy for you guys. You should’ve been with Annie all along.” Killion agreed, “No joke. That b***h didn’t deserve my big brother. I’d have killed her and buried the body if I had known she was his fated mate.” Kreed laughed, “Which is why I didn’t tell you, little brother.” Killion rolled his eyes, “Oh come on. A little tiny part of you was pissed the goddess paired you with that thing and didn’t want people to know. The second you knew Annie was yours, the whole pack knew.” Kreed sighed, “I didn’t want her as a mate. I agreed to give her a chance for Lady and Torque. Torque was really on the fence about it. You know he loves Annie, but he and Annie talked. He blocked me out, then he wanted to give Lady a chance.” Killion sighed, “God, my sister in law is such a good person.” Killion laughed, “She will officially be your sister in law soon.” Killion teased, “It’s about damn time. She’s always been like family. I told you to just take her as your chosen mate. Don’t you wish you had listened to your little brother?” Kreed admitted, “Yes.” I laughed and left the dungeons. My family all gave me looks throughout that day. I’m sure they heard I took off that guys hands. I ignored most of it. I was actually looking forward to my session with Leon. I needed his opinion. Odette kept insisting she was fine with our Valentine’s Day plans. I’d convince myself she was being sincere then question it all over again at night. Today, I’d overheard some of Lisa’s friends talking about my epic Valentine’s Day plans with Lisa last year. What if Odette heard that? Would she think I cared about Lisa more than her? I walked into Leon’s office and sat down bouncing my leg. He stared at me, “Keaton, what’s wrong?” I blurted out, “Valentine’s Day.” Leon frowned, “Ok, I’m going to need more than that.” I sighed, “I had to do all these extravagant things for Lisa, and….” Leon interrupted, “The whole pack knows about the somewhat insane Valentine’s Day things you did with Lisa. Taking her to Paris for a meal, we know.” I sighed, “She hated that.” Leon frowned, “No, she didn’t. She told everyone it was amazing.” I frowned, “Well, she told me she hated it. What’s new? It wasn’t good enough, but people are talking about that today.” Leon again said, “Ok…” I said, “Katie doesn’t want any of that. Literally nothing fancy. She wants to cook Me a meal, watch videos, and have sex.” Leon said, “Sounds like a nice Valentine’s Day.” I asked, “Does it? It’s totally wrong though. Valentine’s Day is about her pleasure, not mine.” Leon stared for a few seconds before he said, “That’s not true. Valentine’s Day is not about your partner’s pleasure over yours. It’s a made up holiday that has been turned into a giant day of spending. It’s about money at its core, but we will all keep doing it. My mate and I have a low key Valentine’s Day too. We make each other things instead of buying them. That’s us though. Some men like buying their partner flowers. Kincade Farmer buys Carry Farmer flowers every week. He just gets some ridiculously huge display on Valentine’s Day. Valentine’s Day is many people’s excuse to do over the top gestures and act like assholes the rest of the year until some other holiday comes around. Do you want to make plans and stress about whether they are good enough?” I sighed, “No.” Leon said, “Then maybe her taking control this Valentine’s Day to plan something for you both is for the best. You need time to get over that fear. Katie is not like Lisa, and only time can prove that to you. Lisa’s actions have essentially formed a muscle memory for you. Things will trigger those stressors for you, and this day sounds like it is one. I will say, I’m not the only person in the pack who took a quarter of your Valentine’s Day setups for Lisa over the years and did them for their mate.” I asked, “You did?” Leon nodded, “Yes. You are quite the romantic. Do what you’re comfortable with. What your instincts tell you to do, Keaton. When you second guess that, just know it’s a stressor. Trust your instincts and let Katie surprise you with her response.” I asked, “How do you know she’d surprise me?” Leon said, “I observe people. She’ll love anything you do. She’s in love with you. She looks at you like you’re the only person in the world. Lisa never looked at you like that, and you didn’t look at her like that. You look at Katie the same way she looks at you.” He gave me a look. I wasn’t going to confide in him about Odette being my mate. I told him honestly, “I have this block about my family and her.” Leon frowned, “Why?” I sighed, “What if they don’t like her? They hated Lisa.” Leon sat back, “Keith likes her. All your friends like her, and they did not like Lisa.” I ran a hand through my hair, “I just can’t have them not like her.” Leon pointed out, “You’re not giving them a chance.” I told him, “I feel like I just got them back in my life. It feels like there was this disconnected between us, that’s gone. I missed them. I missed how we were. I don’t remember why I let it get that far. I don’t remember ever really liking Lisa. I remember being with her, but not why I dealt with all of her bullshit. It’s still affecting me, and I actually do not understand why at all. Katie has never lied to me. Why do I have this worry in the back of my head that it’s a trick? She’s not like that.” Leon said, “Yes, an interesting situation. Your brother checked the surveillance at Katie’s apartment. She left and came back a few hours later, but no one can figure out where she went.” She left when I fell asleep? I wondered why. I couldn’t help but smile thinking of her sexy Deadpool outfit. I asked, “Why would Emmett tell you that?” Leon said, “My son pulled the feed for Ken. He does work there.” That was right. Leon’s son was quite techy. Leon said, “Trust Katie. You want to, and you should trust that feeling. I think you should seriously consider her being around your family. You yourself admit they had reasons to dislike Miss Kipner. She’s done herself no favors in our pack since she arrived. Justin’s siblings hate her. Her own siblings hate her. The warriors are furious about what she did to Kreed. I think she’d have more people’s respect if she’d rejected him so he could be with Annie. She didn’t want him anyway. The opinion is she’s lying that she agreed for her wolf. Everyone thinks she did it to hurt him and Torque and keep him away from Annie. They think she did it to hurt several people. I can’t say I disagree either.” I said, “Actually, that makes sense.” Leon laughed, “Keaton, a few months ago you’d have taken anyone’s head off for that assessment.” He wasn’t wrong. I said, “I feel nothing for her, honestly.” Leon smiled, “The Katie detox is everyone’s favorite term for that.” I snorted. He wasn’t going to say it how Keith did. The bell rang. I said, “Wow, I guess our time is up.” Leon told me, “My door is always open to you, Keaton. Let Katie surprise you. I think you’ll have a good Valentine’s Day. Maybe your first good one since you were fourteen.” If it was good, then it would be my first good Valentine’s Day since then. I left his office. I started working on my present for Katie at night. Clara came into the garage. She said, “Wow…that’s amazing, Keaton.” I smiled, “Thanks.” She said, “It’s been…not the point. I did research on Katie’s disease. I’m not sure they’ve diagnosed her right, honestly. Once she knows about us, we should have our pack doctor run a panel. I couldn’t find a case where someone required daily medication.” I frowned, “Thanks for doing this.” Clara smiled, “Of course.” I read through it. I was also concerned they hadn’t diagnosed her properly. I just didn’t know how to bring up something this sensitive with Odette. I don’t know if she’d be offended, there was clearly a lot to this story that I didn’t know yet.
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