Making Connections Pt. 2

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Immy, May, and I were laughing as he left. I asked, “What does Malachi do?” They looked at each other before Keaton answered, “He works with my brother. He’s basically Emmett’s right hand.” Ok. Everyone was getting ready to leave. I grabbed my purse. I remembered I hadn’t taken my pill today. I took them religiously in the morning, but I’d forgotten today. I said, “Oh shoot! I forgot to take my pill. I’ll be right back.” Keaton raised an eyebrow. Keith snorted. Immy said, “Get your mind out of the gutter. Not that pill.” I flushed. I was going to surprise Keaton. I had an appointment a few days ago. I decided on the shot. So, we could forgo condoms if we wanted to. If he was clean, I was. I’d just gotten all my bloodwork and tests back. I walked into my bathroom. I took my pill quickly. When I turned around, Keaton was standing there. I told him, “It’s for a blood disorder I have. Dad’s side of the family. I have a pretty intense case of leukopenia.” Keaton said, “I don’t know anything about it.” I laughed, “Well, the only really nice thing my mom did for me was take me to a bunch of doctors until someone could help me. I take them every morning. He studied them then nodded. I was sure I’d get a new package of them soon. My mom always made sure they showed up. I never had to worry about it. I hugged him and nipped his ear. His hands immediately went to my ass. I whispered, “My brothers vetoed the dress.” Keaton laughed, “I see that went well for them. I can’t say I’m upset. You look beautiful.” I giggled and led him out of the bathroom. I told him, “You look pretty handsome yourself.” He threw his phone at Keith and pulled me to him for several pictures. Keaton took some of May and Keith. I made them take a bunch of me and Immy. May joined us for a couple too. We met Bryce and his date by the car. He seemed to have calmed down. In fact, he seemed pretty pleased with himself. Keaton drove us to the dance. My excitement couldn’t be contained. I was going to a dance. Keaton told me, “Wait right there.” I laughed. He wanted to open my door. I looked out the window. I saw an older gentleman staring at me. I’d seen him somewhere before. Where had I seen him? Before I could figure it out, Keaton opened my door and helped me down. When I looked for the man again, he was gone. He must have been a figment of my imagination. I shook myself as Keaton walked me inside. They were taking pictures here too. We waited in line and took our picture, then went into the gym. It was like a movie. The gym was decorated so nicely. I giggled and led Keaton to the dance floor. May and Keith joined us with Bryce. I winked at Immy. I knew she was going to meet up with Sean. Keaton started to look over to the doors Immy was sneaking out of. I pulled him in for a kiss. When I pulled back, I turned around and started grinding on him. He put his hands on both my hips. I could feel how hard he was through his pants. After an hour, he whispered in my ear, “I can’t take this anymore.” He grabbed my hand and led me out of the school doors. There were plenty of s*x noises in the hallway. Weren’t teachers supposed to make sure this didn’t happen? Did I care? Nope. Keaton took me to my locker. My eyes widened. I asked, “What are we doing?” Keaton leaned down and kissed me. His hands were all over my body and he backed me into my locker. I breathlessly asked again, “What are we doing?” Keaton nipped my neck. He told me, “What I wanted to do the moment I first saw you.” My eyes widened, “We can’t have s*x in a hallway! Someone could walk by at any second.” He traced his fingers on my inner thigh. He told me, “It’s part of the thrill.” I shivered in his arms. He traced the inner part of my thong and groaned, “You’re so wet for me, my song.” Were we really doing this? Sassy was humming loudly. Keaton started sucking on my neck, and I couldn’t help but start humming. His fingers entered me so quickly I gasped. His mouth was on mine drowning out my moans as I quickly came. He turned his head to the side and grabbed my hand. We took off running. I shook myself and heard footsteps coming our way. We ducked into a classroom. We were both out of breath but hid and watched as another couple walked by. I snorted, “That was close.” Keaton eyed me like he was a tiger and I was a steak. He stalked over to me. I smiled and backed up until I hit a wall. He caged me between his arms. He told me, “I took your advice.” I smiled, “As you should, I’m very smart. What about?” He smirked, “I have a condom in my wallet.” I blushed, “If you’re clean, we don’t need it. I got the shot in my arm, and I got all my tests back today. I’m clean.” He blinked several times then growled. He pushed up my dress then spanked me. Before I could comprehend his moves his d**k was against my thigh. I moaned, “Key…” He chuckled, “My sneaky song, the things I’m going to do to you when we get home.” My song was now at a crescendo. He’d called my place home. I jumped on him, wrapping my legs around him. He snapped my thong with his fingers then threw it away as if it offended him. He slid into me. I moaned, “Keaton….” He growled. I looked into his eyes as he said, “Do you want to role play?” At this exact moment, I would’ve done anything he asked. I said, “Sure.” He nipped my neck again and said, “Call me Channing.” Um, ok? I whispered, “Well, have your wicked way with me, Channing.” The growl that came out of Keaton had me soaking wet. I needed to talk to someone about this growling fetish I’d developed. He slammed into me. I clutched his shirt and bit his neck. He lost it and was on a whole other level. My legs were shaking, and tears came out of my eyes by the fourth time I’d come. He growled, “You’re so beautiful and MINE!” I moaned, “Yours, Channing. You’re so deep and god…that feels good.” He practically roared, “MINE!” As he came. We were both breathing hard. I teased, “We should leave. There’s no way the gym speakers drowned that out. Keaton kissed me gently on my neck. He asked, “Was that ok?” I asked incredulously, “Ok? That was amazing. I think you were trying to get to that ten times goal I think you sneakily still have, sir. Five times. Jeez. No wonder so many girls glare at me because I’m with you. You’re like a s*x god or something.” It also clicked in my head that my boyfriend must think I have a crush on an actor. He thought I named my dog Tatum for the actor, so he role played himself as him. That was so sweet, he just was wrong. I named her Tatum for the voice in my head. It was still sweet all the same. I pulled my dress back down, and we went back to the dance. May asked, “Where did Immy run off to?” I quickly said, “I think I saw her heading towards the bathroom when we were walking back in. I’ll go see if she’s there.” I left before anyone could say anything else. I ran to the bathroom and texted Immy. She walked in a second later. I said, “Wow, I just texted you. You have amazing timing!” Immy winked, “I’m always a pop away.” She was wearing a different dress. She quickly changed into the dress she was wearing and put the other in a bag. We stopped by her locker and walked back into the gym. We hadn’t even been gone for five minutes. I gestured, “Look who I found.” Bryce asked her, “Where have you been?” Immy smiled, “Around, big brother. I did have to fight off the flirty intentions of a few classmates. I’m such a hot commodity these days. I just don’t know why.” Keith and Keaton growled. Bryce asked, “What does that mean?” Immy shrugged, “Some guys in my grade are just being super aggressive. I might even have a bruise from where he shoved me into a locker. I should probably let Malachi know that I gave someone a black eye.” Bryce asked, “Who?” Immy shrugged, “It’s fine. I handled it, and I’ll tell Daddy Ted and Matt. Plus, Malachi.” I didn’t think Bryce was going to let this go. Immy chugged several glasses of water. She sighed, “Man, now I need to pee.” Bryce said, “I’ll go with you.” I snorted, “Uh, May and I can go. You aren’t exactly allowed in the girl’s restroom.” May said, “I’ll catch up. I need to talk to that girl. I keep missing her.” She pointed out someone I’d never seen. I nodded, “Sure.” I kissed Keaton and walked out with Immy. It was pretty undramatic until we left the bathroom. Sassy started hissing in my head. Panic gripped me. I started looking around. Immy asked, “What’s wrong?” I whispered, “We are being watched.” Just as I said that we were grabbed and dragged into a classroom. Immy hissed, “Are you insane?” I asked, “Better question. WHO are you?” The guys stepped forward. I asked Immy, “Do you know them?” Immy grimaced, “Yes. They don’t go to school here though.” I asked, “And they are?” One guy said, “Someone who can smell you got seriously frisky. I don’t mind sharing.” Sassy hissed in my head. I snorted, “I mind. I was with my boyfriend. Also let’s focus on what you just said for one second. You smell me?! How weird are you? That’s so inappropriate!” One guy shrugged, “We are from Louisiana.” I frowned, “That doesn’t mean you get a pass on being inappropriate. I lived in Louisiana for a while. The boys weren’t weirdos. Are you visiting Riley?” One guy snorted, “No.” I asked Immy, “How do you know them?” She crossed her arms, “My siblings like to know things. So, I know the people from the place that tried to stop my dad’s from getting married.” What? I asked, “Why would anyone from Louisiana care if your dad’s got married?” Was everyone in some sort of mob? Even Keaton and my friends? One guy grabbed my arm so I kneed him in the balls. I yelled, “Run, Immy!” She snorted and punched the other guy in the face. We ran into the hall, but now we were surrounded. Immy groaned, “Oh come on! What is this?” One guy said, “We heard you were open to fun times, Immy.” I asked, “So you drove from LOUISIANA?! WHAT is wrong with you people?! Did you forget there are girls in your zip code?” Immy asked, “Heard from who? Also, I’m not.” One guy said, “Maybe we don’t care, and it’s time to teach your dad’s a lesson through you.” I put Immy behind me. Sassy hissed out loud. Several of them stepped away. I said, “Over my dead body.” One sneered, “What about your seriously fine ass slapping into mine instead of dying. I think you need a good punishment.” A roar shook the windows. It should’ve scared me, but I found myself smiling for some reason. The guys around us however froze. Keith, Keaton, Bryce, Emmett, and another man stood there. I was positive Keaton had roared. Keaton growled, “What the f**k did you just say to her?” I said, “Nothing worth repeating.” One guy yelled, “Grab them!” Keaton ran for us. One guy grabbed Immy. She headbutted him in the face. One guy threw me over his shoulder then another had Immy. I scratched at his back. Dear god, please don’t let me be flashing my boyfriend’s older brother whom I hadn't actually met. That would be so embarrassing. I kicked him in the stomach and he went down. I grabbed Immy. The guy whirled around. I looked them both in the eyes. I yelled, “ENOUGH! LEAVE US ALONE! GO AWAY!” They both startled back then to my astonishment, they ran away. I asked, “That’s all I had to say?! REALLY?!” Immy said, “Uhh that was awesome.” Emmett said, “That’s a word to use, Immy.” Keaton grabbed me and gripped me tightly. He asked, “Are you ok?” I pulled my dress down. I said, “I’m fine, Key.” Bryce and the other guy were checking on Immy. I asked, “Who is that guy?” He answered, “I’m Malachi Miller.” I smiled, “I’ve heard a lot about you.” He smiled, “Likewise.” Immy asked, “Did Annie bring you here? You guys got here fast. I only umm contacted you a few minutes ago.” She was the best stealthy texter of all time. The FBI should absolutely hire her. Emmett and Malachi shared a look. Malachi said, “If we could NOT share Emmett and I were here with…well everyone that would be great.” I snorted, “That’s such a Daniels line. Maybe it’s a Miller and Daniels line.” Emmett asked, “What does that mean?” Oops. I couldn’t tell them Chase said it to me. I winked, “Figure it out. Everyone around here says you know all the things.” Thankfully, they all laughed. Emmett said, “I’m Emmett Daniels by the way. Keaton and Keith’s older brother. Nice to meet you.” May came up to Keith. She said, “Ok, new plan. There is no meeting up later. I’m just coming with you two. I missed this scene.” I shook Emmett’s outstretched hand. I said, “I’m Od…Katie Karlton.” He raised an eyebrow. STOP ALMOST TELLING THEM YOUR REAL NAME! UGH! Malachi said, “We did know your name.” I laughed, “I figured.” May asked, “What are you guys doing here?” Emmett said, “We aren’t actually here, officially.” May snorted, “Right. My eyes deceive me.” I snickered. Keaton growled, “Emmett.” Emmett said, “We don’t know why they were here.” Malachi added, “Or how they got in.” I said, “Someone told them Immy was up for a fun time. Why that means they should come up from LOUISIANA I still do not understand. Surely, there are girls willing to have s*x in Louisiana. One does not make that drive because a girl MIGHT be down for a good time. Guys live here. Why wouldn’t she just have fun with one here? That is the STRANGEST teenage boy p***s logic of all time.” Everyone stared at me. I asked, “What? It is. They had a better shot with literally any girl in Louisiana than they did coming up here like they did coming at Immy like that. Is that what’s going on with the guys in our grade too? The school needs to have a serious conversation about consent and rumors. Like so what if someone is gossiping about Immy. That doesn’t mean it’s true. They should ask. Why are they taking some random information, not from Immy, as gospel? That’s weird.” Immy said, “It is.” Malachi growled, “I’m sorry….someone is spreading it around that my sister is into a good time?! That’s what’s going on?” I was thinking about it. I mused, “Wait…what if it’s more than that?” Immy asked, “Huh?” Malachi now snarled and I sank back into Keaton. I whispered, “I’m sorry that’s….” Emmett said, “No, whatever you think is going on that response means Malachi thinks it has some merit. Which is what, Malachi?” Malachi’s eyes were pitch black. I HAD to see an ophthalmologist about this problem I was having. Malachi said, “She thinks someone circulated that Immy likes it rough. Maybe even a role play where she pretends not to want them.” I whispered, “I mean…that’s what I was thinking yes.” Immy sighed, “How annoying.” I said, “I have some mace I carry around. It’s even pink. I have extras, you can have one.” Emmett said, “That’s very nice of you, OdKatie.” Keaton growled at him as I paled. Malachi said, “It couldn’t hurt. Bryce will be sticking with you until we figure it out, Immy.” Her face fell. She whispered, “I am not a child.” Malachi frowned, “We don’t think you’re a child.” I pulled out of Keaton’s grip to hug her. This was about Sean. She didn’t want Bryce to see Sean. I squeezed her trying to convey that we would figure it out. She smiled up at me sadly. Emmett said, “Malachi and I need to get back before our mate’s figure out we are here. NO ONE will EVER tell anyone in my family that I met Katie.” I asked, “Umm why?” Emmett snorted, “Because my mom will kill us all. She wants to meet you first.” So, Chase was going to be in trouble. That’s why we kept all our meetings between us. The Daniel’s men were just something else. Immy teased them, “And why were you here?” Neither man answered. Immy snickered. Keaton rolled his eyes. May and Keith acted like they knew too. What was going on? Emmett and Malachi left, but not with their heads hung low. Like they’d been caught at something. They still somehow had swagger. They literally got caught spying on a school dance by a bunch of teenagers and they still had swagger. Their wives must have a handful to deal with. This seemed to be a pattern with Daniels men. I observed Bryce. It was probably the Millers too. I couldn’t help but smile as we walked out to the truck. Keaton dropped May, Keith, and Immy off before driving me, Bryce, and his date back. I felt bad I hadn’t really talked to her. When we got back Keaton nodded to Ken. Who smirked at me. What? Ken said, “I took Tatum out. I believe she’s sleeping.” I smiled, “Thanks, Ken!” He observed, “That’s a very smart dog, you have.” I nodded, “She definitely is.” Somewhat vicious too apparently. She’d still taken apart that wolf. Tiny but dangerous definitely applied when it came to my dog. When we got into my apartment, I quickly checked on Tatum who was asleep. When I turned around Keaton was right behind me. Sassy was content and singing her song happily. I whispered, “Keaton….” He growled and backed me up against the wall. I asked, “Are we doing a reply of the classroom? Do you want me to call you Channing?” His eyes flickered black and he chuckled. It wasn’t his normal chuckle. He was really leaning into this role plaything. He whispered, “You are keeping secrets.” I asked, “Huh?” Keaton said, “You didn’t see Immy going into the bathroom. What are you two up to?” I tapped his nose, “You’ve got to have your friend's backs. My friends from Nashville taught me that.” Keaton teased, “Won’t you tell me, little mate?” I snorted, “Channing Tatum isn’t Australian. I’m your girlfriend not your mate. I guess you could have a different role play in your head though…I still can’t tell you.” Keaton nuzzled my neck, “Hmm…you are my mate. I think I could persuade you, but if you say my name again I could let it go.” I teased, “Keaton…” He nipped my neck. I gasped, “Channing…” He chuckled, “Fine. Have your secrets.” After several minutes of making out with my neck Keaton asked, “Have I told you how much I like this dress?” I teasingly thought about it tapping my chin with my index finger, “Hmm…I think you might have mentioned it a few times.” He told me, “If you don’t want me to rip it off you; you should take it off.” I gasped and pulled back to study him. I whispered, “You’re serious.” He smirked, “Yes, I am. You have thirty seconds.” My eyes went wide, but I really loved this. I kind of wanted to see if he could rip it off. I would have to test that theory later because I really liked this dress. I quickly unzipped the back. I shimmied out of it. His eyes were darkening, but this time with lust. I squealed and ran towards my bedroom. He chuckled and caught me in a second. I really thought I was a little faster than that. He was very animalistic in bed this time. I loved it. I’d never played around in bed before, but I kind of wanted to with Keaton. It seemed like we were both into it. He was definitely getting more confident in the bedroom, and I was too. His dominance was really hot. The next morning, I told him, “I’m making you dinner for Valentine’s Day.” He didn’t say anything for several minutes. I jumped up, “Oh god, did you already make plans? I didn’t buy anything yet, I just wanted…” His lips cut me off and he was buried inside me in the next second. I moaned, “Key…” He made love to me slowly this time. He built us to a slow but definitely satisfying orgasm. He nuzzled my ear, “You don’t want me to take you to a fancy restaurant?” I shook my head. One of my fondest memories with Lux was making food together. I’d really like Keaton to come over, but I also wanted to help Immy and Sean. So, I would make his food. Lux did that for me all the time, and I wanted to do it for Keaton. I told him, “Nope. If you don’t like what I make, I do expect you to tell me. I’ll order us pizza. Immy is going to come over and help me. If you want to plan something after dinner, I’m fine with that. Or we can just watch a movie on the couch.” Keaton wiggled his eyebrows, “Is that code for s*x?” I snorted, “Valentine’s Day as a whole is code for s*x. Immy’s helping me…she’ll probably plan my outfit.” Maybe Jag could help me get some sexy stuff. He was a guy friend, and he had to know what guys would like. Right? That had some logic to it. I guess I could ask Caspian or Trit. Ok, no I couldn’t ask any of my brothers that was a terrible idea. They freaked out over the dress. I wish I knew Serenity better. I could’ve asked her. Keaton seemed stunned still by our Valentine’s Day plans. He asked every day that followed if I was sure. I was ready to hunt Lisa down and throttle her. It was like he thought it was a test or something. Finally, I asked Keith, “Please tell me how to convince your twin that I REALLY want to cook him dinner and watch a movie. PLEASE!” Keith laughed really hard for several minutes. I sighed, “I’m serious.” Keith said, “I’ll take care of it.” I asked, “Did Lisa really make him jump through that many hoops? I swear, me telling Key I wanted something like this has made him more paranoid. Maybe I should’ve just…let him plan something. I feel like I’m giving him anxiety when I really just wanted to do something nice. I have a lot of fond memories cooking with my brother. Ok, I was that helpful because I was so little, but he made me feel like I was. I stood on a chair and handed him ingredients. I loved just sitting down for a meal just us and talking. I had my brother’s full attention. As if he cared about the care bears episodes I watched or the imaginary sleepover I had with friends. I just…” I started to tear up. Keith said, “Hey, I got this. That sounds like a good memory with your brother. As far as mine, yes. Lisa did make him this crazy. Many times, he would set up something super romantic and she hated it. She wanted five star hotels, chocolates from Belgium, flowers from the most expensive shop, and the finest jewelry. Keaton has issues, but they are earned. She made him crazy and paranoid. I’ll make sure my little brother knows you're serious.” I snorted, “Ok, but I really haven’t been able to hit that point home.” Keith squeezed my shoulder, “Trust me. I’ll get through to Keaton.”
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