Stronger With Me Pt.2

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Odette joked about her friend holding Luna Melanie hostage. Thankfully, her friend was not behind this since I really didn’t want to tell her ‘oh hey so supernatural’s exist, and your friend got her head exploded because Alexander does that to people when he’s mad. Melanie is his mate and he loves her. Oh, and uhhh you’re my mate. Sorry about your friend, but she messed with the supernatural world. Don’t panic.’ I was certain that would not go over well. I didn’t want to leave her. Ken linked me, “She’s safe.” I replied, “You’re coming, aren’t you?” Ken said, “I’ll be there tomorrow. It sounds like the battle will be then. I’ll stay with her until I can’t.” I nodded. The thrill of gearing up for a fight began to hum in my veins like it never had before. By the time I pulled up to the house I was more than ready for whatever fight Luna Melanie was bringing to us. The ring had long since gone unchecked. We were due for this war. My grandpa grabbed me. He said, “The meeting is in the gym.” I nodded and walked that way. Emmett was briefing everyone, “We are going to Missouri. Luna Melanie is laying a trap for the ring. We already have word that several covens, vampires, and demons the Axe had under surveillance have started to gather in Missouri. Warriors be ready. We will be leaving as soon as we get work from Alpha EJ. The ring has sat back in the shadows for too long now. We are going to strike at them and bring our allies Luna home. Look alive, the techy Luna has made a lot of friends. Keep your eyes and ears open. I want people to know we are an ally they can count on. A lot of new Alpha’s will be there. I want their packs to trust us and our word. That starts with me and my family, but I want you to have their back as well.” Everyone nodded and we dispersed. Once it was just family Emmett said, “It appears there were several times this event could’ve taken place. Beta Toby sent a memo, but I think it’s missing some things.” I asked, “What do you mean?” Emmett sighed, “Melanie stopped a bunch of plans from happening to people related to Alexander. I just think the Alpha’s let it go too soon with her friends.” Malachi coughed, “I did.” I snorted. I should’ve known the Miller’s hung back. Emmett laughed, “True. Malachi thinks…” I interrupted, “Which means the Beta’s of Black Mountain also think what he does.” Malachi admitted, “I’m sure they do. It just doesn’t track that only attempts for Conners family were made. We know that the ring wanted Lexi…” My dad, me, and all my brothers snarled. Malachi sighed, continuing, “And Emma…” I growled, “Emmett where is she?” Emmett said, “Finn is on alert. The memo he sent is….interesting with a touch of rage.” I surmised, “So all the beta’s know that this is wider than Red Run and Black Mountain. Because she would’ve protected Red Run too.” Emmett pointed out, “She has a serum to help us. She saved Emma’s life from mintor poisoning. She’s not just watching them. She’s been watching us all from afar.” I felt a pang in my heart for her. She was supposed to be part of us, and she felt like she was on the outside. In some ways, I could probably relate to her more than anyone else here. I was a part of this group my whole life, but since Lisa came into my life; I didn’t feel like I belonged with them. I felt like I was on the outside. I was never tortured or abused, but I knew what it felt like to protect this group in the shadows. She just did it on a much larger, more impressive scale. She could help me find Odette’s dad. I knew she would. The second Odette was ready, I would ask her for her help. Channing linked, “We need to get her back first.” I snorted, “I have no doubt that she has a plan, and we will get her back.” Channing replied, “Of course she does. Plus, she has Freya. Freya will be victorious.” He sounded very proud. I felt bad for Alexander though. He just got her. She’s got this whole tortured soul thing going on. She also didn’t quite have the training we all did to be a leader. It was just thrust on her. She was basically ruling as an Alpha with no Beta. That she listened to anyway. Sierra was her Beta, but Melanie didn’t listen to her council like Emmett would Malachi. My dad asked, “What are you thinking so hard about?” I shook myself, “Sorry. Did I miss something?” Emmett said, “No, but you study people. What are you thinking?” I sighed, “I’m just thinking Melanie was thrust into a role at fourteen she wasn’t supposed to be in yet. She was supposed to be here with us. She should’ve met Alexander. She would’ve been prepared by multiple Luna’s. The Hackura would’ve had her observing their royalty and how they run things. Aiden would’ve done the same with the fairies. Instead, she was in a pack where she had all of it thrust on her. She was sheltered in Red Run, but she saw how Alpha Peter listened to her dad, and vice versa with Luna Chelsea and her mom.” Emmett sighed, “She did. So, I don't understand why she doesn’t listen to Sierra Kern. Or any of them really.” I shook my head, “That’s the thing. She does listen. They’ve stopped her from contacting us a lot. Which is probably not helpful in any of these situations now. They were operating under what they thought was best. Melanie ignored her instincts. She’s highly intelligent. She blames herself for listening. I’m sure all the little moments that could’ve changed everything play in her mind a lot. I’m sure she berates herself mentally.” My mom asked, “What do you mean?” I said, “All the people I’ve studied, even if they aren’t smart; all the abused ones berate themselves over their errors. Most people do actually. Women in particular stay awake at night thinking over some miniscule mistake they made.” Malachi snorted, “Damn. How in depth do his reports go?” Emmett proudly answered, “Very.” I continued, “Melanie, from all the scenarios we know about, reacted, and listened to her gut to save those she loved. If she’d hung around a minute or two longer, if she’d ever gone out when Alexander was out, her life would’ve changed. If she’d told Cayden the truth everything changes. All of those are things her friends discouraged.” Alexandria asked, “Do you think she blames them? I talked to her at the summit. She loves her friends. They are family to her.” I shook my head, “No, she doesn’t blame them. She blames herself. Not unlike Aunt Haley is blaming herself for their situation.” I shot my mom a look. The look on her face told me I was right, but I knew that already. I felt really bad for Haley. It wasn’t her fault, but she always carried the weight of the world on her shoulders, and she was a serious internalizer about issues. Everyone says she used to be worse, which made me feel really bad for her. I shook myself and kept going, “Melanie, had a different time than we did. Emmett and Malachi were raised together. They had good mentors. Malachi has always had sound advice. Sierra didn’t know the same life that Melanie did. She had to train them all. Their advice is colored by their past and Melanie’s training. She must feel that’s another failure on her head. That’s a big burden though. At fourteen years old, she had to train a future Alpha who had no training. She could probably train Dax better because she lived in a Beta household. Then she was taking others under her wing. She amassed this whole network in the dark. She didn’t have the training to do this, and she managed to do it anyway. It comes back to the fact that she’s had herself to rely on. She loves and considers those around her family, but the burden always came back to her. She was in charge of these people. Responsible because she knew how life was supposed to be, and they didn’t. She feels it’s all on her. The safety of Alexander, his family, and even us. She’s been watching from the outside so long, I’m not sure she knows how to integrate.” Emmett nodded. After a while Lexi said, “That’s pretty on par with the analysis I’ve heard.” Which meant Aunt Haley thought I was right. I couldn’t help but smile. My dad said, “Are you considering a psychology degree, son?” I said, “I honestly haven’t thought about it.” I hadn’t. Lisa told me I wasn’t smart enough for college, but I did enjoy studying people. I’ve looked up to my aunt Haley my whole life. Her and Eric may not be family by blood, but they were family to me. I looked up to them both. I walked outside locked in my thoughts. Channing took over and caught a rock. I snarled and looked back up. Lisa was hanging outside her window. I raised an eyebrow. Oh really? I said, “Unless you want me to break your window when I throw this back at you; I wouldn’t throw things at me.” Lisa hissed, “You can’t go tomorrow!” I snorted, “I’m walking away.” Lisa hissed, “They will be vulnerable with you there.” I growled, “They will be vulnerable without me.” Lisa reprimanded me, “You know that’s not true. You haven’t been training as much as they do.” I growled, “Yes, I have.” Lisa frowned, “No, you spent time with me instead.” I said, “I spent my nights training.” Lisa smirked, “Alone. The warriors had no idea you could fight them.” I growled. She said, “You don’t have the stamina they do. You couldn’t keep up in a fight….” She was cut off by a furious snarl. To my surprise, Isaac Miller’s wolf came forward. He shifted back. He said, “You vicious little viper! Shut the damn window, and don’t be surprised when it’s nailed shut tomorrow.” Lisa glared at me as if it was my fault. Isaac growled, “If you link him one single word, I’ll see you put down in your place in front of the whole pack.” My jaw dropped. Lisa gasped, “Keaton would never let you do that!” Isaac laughed, “Are you under the impression that Keaton is my boss? He’s not. Haven’t you heard? Us older folks have a do what we want and get away with it card. You are the stain this pack can’t get rid of no matter how much bleach we use. I’m the former Beta with a beloved family line. I’m positive I’d get away with firmly putting you in your place. I might even get a cake from my wife. I’d definitely get you’re a sexy man s*x from my mate.” I winced. Lisa hissed, “Ew.” She slammed her window shut. Isaac turned to me. He said, “I wanted to tell you how proud everyone was back there for that assessment.” I frowned, “I give those all the time.” Isaac disagreed, “You’ve never verbally given your assessments. You hand a report to Emmett, and you never even stay for him to read them. You’re stepping up in big ways, and we all see it. That vicious viper up there, she doesn’t know s**t. She’s never ran a pack. I’ve never blown smoke up anyone’s ass about anything. I’m proud of you. I’m proud of the man you’ve become since you met not Katie. Not to say I wasn’t before, I was. I just wanted you to be who I’ve known you could be your whole life. You lost yourself with that girl, and I’m started to see why. I mean, I figured it was her, but I never suspected the depths she sunk to. You are an asset to this family. You are a strong Alpha, and your Hood blood enhances that. You are faster than my kids. You received two different styles of training. You have advantages that she didn’t want you to see. Use them.” I nodded. He gave me a hug and left. I checked the reports from the guys on Odette. Satisfied I made myself get some sleep. I woke up and went downstairs. My dad smiled, “Beta Dylan is living his best life. I guess Melanie knows supernatural groups we don’t.” I couldn’t help myself. I hoped I met someone who was like Odette. Maybe her brothers would be there. I’m not sure how we would explain it, but if I could give her the connections she wants; I’d give it to her. Except the brother that left her behind. He could rot for all I cared. He was going to meet the end of my fist one day. Emmett was talking to Joe in hushed tones. I asked, “What’s up with them?” My dad said, “Some of those gathered were partial hood members.” I whispered, “Damn.” My dad nodded, “Yup. Joe went to talk to some, but he felt they would respond better to Jasmine. They are a little skittish with men in charge. Melanie told them all they could come talk to Joe. They all had his number. Which both amuses and annoys him. It’s his work number, and he doesn’t know how Melanie got it.” I snorted, “Of course. She probably hacked him.” My dad laughed, “That’s the conclusion he’s come to.” I asked, “How many have come to assist us for Luna Melanie?” Emmett answered, “Five thousand.” I yelled, “Did you say five THOUSAND?! As in three zero’s?” Emmett nodded, “Yes, she’s a terrifying techy Luna with a freaking army. HOW, dear god HOW, did all these people just go unnoticed by us? What else are we missing? What else is she just going to casually drop in our laps?” I shrugged. Emmett added, “And might I add, she’s not even here to watch our brain’s implode.” I pointed out, “She has to know. Her friends definitely do. The Conners have cameras. She could replay our shock should she so choose.” Emmett grumbled, “Scary techy Luna.” I laughed, “Big brother, are you scared of her?” Emmett snorted, “I have a healthy respect for the fact that she’s smarter than I am. Along with the fact that she has hacked into everything I own. Even if I hire someone to find it, they probably won’t. I’m just going to live with the fact she’s in my files. At least she likes me. If she didn’t…..I would live in fear. My anxiety would have anxiety.” I laughed. He had a point though. I saw Malachi outside and joined him. I asked, “Is Beta T ok?” Malachi snorted, “No, Beta T is rip roaring pissed off. I’ve taken him on a few runs angry. The Beta’s are rotating. Former Beta’s are rotating with Beta Drake. They got to take a break because Beta Drake went to talk to Alexander.” I asked, “Why?” Malachi laughed, “Because if you want someone to listen to you, who do you go to? Especially if they are notoriously bad at listening to you?” I laughed, “Their mate.” Malachi clicked his tongue at me, “We have a winner. I feel bad for T. I can’t imagine having that kind of rift between me and my sisters.” I laughed, “Are you saying Immy isn’t pissed at you?” Malachi laughed, “Being pissed at me is different than thinking I died protecting her, and those left behind blamed her. Or that I blamed her for Bryce or TJ’s death because they saved her. That I left her to be abused and treated like dirt. That’s a layer our relationship will never have because I am now paranoid. I have a system. The beta’s implemented for one for all pack members.” I laughed, “Of course you did.” Malachi shivered, “Can you imagine what that feels like?” I thought about Emma or Allison living the life Melanie had. I answered, “No, and I don’t want to.” I walked away before I could picture it more. Emma was always off with Finn. Allison spent a lot of time with TJ Conners. She could’ve been just like Melanie if TJ hadn’t met her. Thank god he did when mom was pregnant with her and Arden. I walked back inside, “Where’s mom?” My dad gritted his teeth, “With Haley in Missouri working on fairy stuff while the witches and warlocks.” I asked, “Suited up?” My dad laughed, “Of course.” Channing growled, “Don’t even think about it.” I sighed. It wouldn’t be fair to Channing to get into Silver Blade gear. I groaned, “Fine.” Channing went back to being happy. Malachi whispered, “Oh, boy. Someone get a bucket. We have Beta’s to douse because they will be on fire angry.” I asked, ‘Why?” He showed me his tablet. Melanie McAlister was on the floor of cell bleeding from a head wound unconscious.” Emmett said, “She’s dedicated. You have to give her that.” Malachi snorted, “If you were her brother….” Emmett said, “Yeah, I like her. I respect her, but I am glad she’s not my sibling. I have enough trouble with mine. No need to add being worried about all the things she could know that I don’t. I’ve got a headache thinking about it.” I snorted. Emmett muttered, “I have enough to worry about.” I stuck my tongue out at him. He rolled his eyes, “Very mature, Keaton.” My dad laughed, “Alright, Annie is popping us to the party.” Annie popped in with Kreed. Then we were popped to our warriors who were waiting. We watched Melanie wake up. She met a new warlock friend. Emmett snorted, “Does she just know everyone? Seriously? She’s just like oh I know you….because I know everyone.” I laughed because it was really looking like he was right. Beta Dylan skipped by passing out cards with a website on it. He skipped away calling over his shoulder, “My blog. You’ll want to watch it for entries about the supernatural’s I’ve met today. I’m looking at you Keaton Daniels with your unidentified supernatural girlfriend. If only I had more time in my day to swing on over and see her myself. That’s a lie. I have time, I just don’t have time for another mystery. My son is in fits over how she reminds him of someone. I’m far too fun to have that plaguing my day.” I snorted as he went off. I slipped back and flashed around. I didn’t feel anyone who felt like what Odette was. Great. Keith linked me when I got back, “Anything?” I replied, “Not one.” I smelled a scent I didn’t want to. I snarled. The guy raised his hands, “I mean you and your family no harm.” I said, “You nearly killed my sister. You should not have come here.” He sighed, “The people I came with today had nothing to do with what happened to your sister. We are here for Luna Melanie. We are here to assist.” Emmett growled, “Assist by another pack, or I’ll forget you’re here to help. Go near my sister, and you’re dead. Any of you. Do I make myself clear?” He sighed, “Crystal.” Freaking werebengels. He shifted and ran away. Keith linked me, “He better stay gone.” May was holding him back. I focused back on the tablet. I linked Malachi, “Is it me, or is Luna Melanie intentionally baiting a bunch of vampires?” He replied, “No, it’s not you. She absolutely is.” Oh, that was going to go so well. I was stunned we didn’t hear Alexander growling yet. I saw someone on the corner of the screen. I asked out loud, “Emmett, isn’t that…” He answered, “Slade Carter.” I’d done a threat assessment on him when we’d been given his name. I thought there was easily more to him. He had too low of a profile. Almost too squeaky clean. We all heard Alexander when Melanie was smacked. Emmett winced, “Oh boy. Heads are going to explode.” I thought he was underselling that. A lot of heads were going to explode. I was certain if Melanie could explode heads, he’d be dead since he was acting like he had no idea who she was. There was no way he didn’t. The man I studied was meticulous. He had to know. I laughed out loud when Melanie insulted the vampire’s slap. I said, “She’s got brass ones, man.” Emmett agreed, “She really does. There is no fear in that woman.” Alexandria said, “I like it.” I looked around and spotted Alpha Allister and their pack. I asked, “Where’s Scarlett?” Alexandria laughed, “She had an exam her teacher wouldn’t let her reschedule. She’s pretty annoyed she’s missing all this, but these classes are important to her.” I nodded. She was studying to be a marine biologist. I wasn’t sure where she was going to put that to use in Tennessee, but I was sure Allister or Teke would build her an aquarium to run here if she wanted. Malachi choked and spat out his water. I asked, “What?” He said, “She just said SOME vampires could tell the king how her blood tastes.” Emmett said, “Right, Charles.” Malachi said, “That is ONE vampire she said SOME.” I winced, “She said she had an owner. What is she talking about?” Emmett joked, “Herself.” I asked, “Who is Kayda?” No one had that answer, or if they did; they weren’t sharing. A song began to play. Malachi said, “That’s the signal.” Of course, it was. She loved dancing. Why wouldn’t a song be the signal? Melanie killed the vampire king in a very dramatic fashion. Malachi said, “I mean, he had that coming for the chairs alone.” He was right. We didn’t have silver chairs hanging around. What stunned me was Melanie debating going after Slade. I flashed to Emmett’s tablet. I asked, “What’s she doing? Killing this guy has been her driving focus. What could be so important…?” She went after a sword. I frowned. Why would she do that? For years, she’s wanted that guy. She had him and she was giving him up. She got it, but it still didn’t work. She was injured getting it. She threw it to a girl with purple hair. Malachi muttered, “Don’t you just bet, that’s the crown prince’s mate.” I asked, “Why?” Malachi said, “Because she’s in there, his mate is in there, his favorite color is purple, and her hair is purple.” It was as solid logic as any. We watched in awe as the sword came to life in the woman’s hand. It had a flame coming out the other side. I said, “Well, I don’t know why it works for her, but that’s seriously cool. Sword with a flame. Maybe there’s a charm that will do that.” I wanted the silver blade’s sword to have a fire blade that had its own thoughts. I was pretty sure I’d know by now if it did though. Melanie finally went after Slade. Emmett gasped, “Oh, shit.” Yeah, this was not the best moment. The building was going to blow, and she jumped on the helicopter. Holy s**t this chick was crazy. Awesome but crazy. The helicopter went down, but we had a clear view of Melanie and Slade landing in the pond. The ring people were running around like chickens with their heads cut off. They clearly didn’t know what to do. They were running for their lives. Some of them were clearly in on the exit plan, but others weren’t. They had no idea what to do. I linked Emmett, “Why would only some of them have the exit plan? Why not give it to everyone?” Emmett replied, “Because you’re thinking like an Alpha who cares about his people. They don’t care enough about everyone involved in their organization. Everyone is expendable to them.” That was just a sad way to live. Emmett said, “Oh good. The Holloran’s are having the worst family reunion of all time.” I snorted, “I mean most of them sucked that we know about so…Is it really surprising they would be involved?” My dad answered, “Not really. It always stings though.” That was true. I couldn’t imagine being betrayed how they constantly were. Their mom was Satan incarnate. Fabian was horrible and depraved beyond measure. Psychotic and sick didn’t begin to describe him. Arion was….complicated. Now, they had worse family members. Finally, the barrier came down. I shifted into Channing. I was fighting beside Keith and May. Arrows were flying all around until they weren’t. That didn’t sit well with me. I linked Keith, “I’m going to find mom.” He nodded. I found her surrounded and fighting. I snarled and jumped on several wolves. I linked dad, “They’ve pinned mom down a mile back from the main fight.” He heard him snarl. Soon, other wolves joined me. My mom in her BA gear spoke, “A helping hand is always appreciated, but I had this under control. Thank you, Keaton Daniels.” I walked over to her and let her pet me. My dad linked, “Good job, son.” Channing linked, “Mom could’ve gotten hurt if we weren’t here.” I replied, “Mom is capable.” Channing replied, “Yes, and she would’ve won. It was twenty-five on one. Your instincts brought you over here. We are an Alpha. We are more than capable, and we are an asset to this family.” If I’d been in human form I might have shed a tear from my wolf’s words. He was right. The only reason our family was vulnerable over the years was all the times I’d flaked on them. I’d taken something away from them; myself. The guilt that came with that realization was immense. I threw myself back into the fight. I ended up helping Justin of all people. We fought well together. The allies won the battle. Something told me, we were at the beginning of the battles that would be fought. Melanie’s army quickly pulled back except the wolves. Probably a good thing Dylan had met so many of them. Channing linked, “We could go talk to them.” I answered, “I don’t think someone with Alpha blood is the solution to that. They have probably been taught to fear men in charge. That’s what this group we just fought wanted. These are groups that have hidden from everyone. They showed up for Melanie and got on people’s radar. That is the type of leader I want to be. She may have her scars and her misguided notions, but that woman is one hell of a uniter. Now that she’s with us she’s going to have the guidance she should. Maybe then we can meet all the groups she has. We don’t need to push their trust right now.” Channing replied, “I am very proud to have you as my human, Keaton. You are already a good Alpha.” My wolf was just trying to get me to cry.
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