I Have Love Pt. 3

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Drake whispered, “Melanie….” She shrugged, “Just don’t make her feel that way. She doesn’t deserve it, and neither does he.” Her Xander held her tightly. My dad sighed, “Odette…what do you want?” I told him, “Honestly, this is all really confusing. I don’t know how my living situation is going to work out. I want to get to know everyone, but I understand Keaton has responsibilities. I still want to live in all three places at times. While that is confusing and messed up, and my mom robbed us all of this time; I know that I want Keaton. I want him to mark me. I’ve asked him when I didn’t know that’s what I was asking for. I think it’s already been hard enough on him. I think you should thank him because he could’ve marked me after I marked him. I wouldn’t be mad at him right now. I know he’s it for me. He did it out of respect for me not knowing about the supernatural. I know you’ve known him his whole life. I hate that I’m coming between whatever relationship you have. I know this is weird for all of us; I really do, but our relationship is not up for discussion. No aspect of it. This is not a group discussion. It’s between Keaton and I. End of story.” Keaton came and stood beside me. He told my dad, “I’m sorry if you’ll hate me for this, Nathan. It will hurt me because I do love you, but I won’t make her feel like I’m rejecting her. I love her.” My dad let out a big breath. He nodded, “No, you’re right. Everyone is. I just…god I feel like I have a foot permanently in my mouth. I’m messing everything up. Haley and I had this talk. I was prepared to say nothing, then you said it and my fur raised. I’m sorry. I don’t know how to be her dad and….I could never hate you, Keaton. Ever.” I took my dad’s hand, “You are my dad. I guess that’s how you do it. We are all new to this.” My dad smiled at me, “You’re wise for your age.” I shrugged. I didn’t say that I had to be. I raised myself. I was pretty sure that would hurt him. Melanie had been furiously typing on her phone. She smirked, “Alright. Suit up honorary resistance member and Malachi.” Emmett asked, “Say what now?” Melanie said, “Oh, right. I’ll have to give Malachi an outfit…” Haley snapped her fingers and Keaton; Malachi and Melanie were in all black with masks pulled over their heads. Keaton asked, “Uhh where am I going?” Melanie smiled, “Well, it only seemed fair that the honorary member went with us. Since you’re going to get in trouble for being an honorary member, you might as well go out on a mission with me. All newbies go with me first.” Emmett asked, “Where exactly are my beta and brother going?” Matt said, “Ditto.” Malachi said, “Have some faith. I volunteered to go.” Melanie’s Xander growled, “Why can’t I come?” Melanie kissed him, “We will be in and out. Val is shimmering us in. We’ll be back in ten minutes. Twenty tops. I really think it will be ten though. Easy peasy.” Aiden laughed, “Of course you will.” Valentina shimmered in. She waved at me then shimmered out before Alexander could say anything. He growled, “Where did they go, Uncle Aiden?” He smiled, “To retrieve a fairy and a wolf.” Eric growled, “What wolf?” I whispered, “One I saw in my vision.” Matt asked, “Who?” Caspian cut in, “Since he will be saved and brought back…Let’s talk about what you saw at the Wedell’s.” I spat her name out, “Lily was there.” Eric asked, “Who is Lilly?” I hissed, “My sucky grandma.” Caspian nodded. I frowned “But you knew that’s where she was.” Caspian said, “Yes, you told Serenity which place you saw her at.” I frowned, “Why did she make it seem like they were worse than the Merrick’s? They seemed way nicer than them.” Caspian sighed, “They are stronger too. They are the second largest clan in the seas.” I frowned, “Why didn’t mom go to them then?” Caspian sighed, “For the same reason you’ve stated. They are nicer. King Wymore would never have plans to kill you. He’d immediately tell me he had you. He wouldn’t let me storm in with armies. You would’ve liked Prince Delmar. He’s charming. You might have even wanted to stay with him.” Keith growled, “No way!” Caspian said, “If she hadn’t met her song boy it could work. Prince Delmar is quite nice and charming. Other clans would not have joined my cause to get you back. The Merrick’s would’ve mistreated you and many clans would’ve come to aid me to rescue my sister. If we went to war with King Wymore we would have big losses on both sides. I wouldn’t have left you with them, but I might have been more diplomatic.” Cython snorted, “Uh huh. You don’t like them.” Caspian smirked, “I like them more than the Merricks, but no. They are still dark sirens. We kicked them out for a reason. They just are not the worst of the worst.” Cython rolled his eyes, “Everyone hates the Merrick’s the most.” Caspian added, “And you aren’t related to him.” I shrugged, “Lily gave me to them. Why do people keep giving me to people? I’m a person not a thing to be given.” Caspian gritted his teeth, “She officially offered you to them? What were her exact words?” I shrugged, “It seemed like it was a done deal. She said mom was useless and she couldn't contact her. She thought I was back in Nashville further away from my dad, and that Keaton and I were in a long distance relationship. Since I knew we were related they needed to give me to someone other than her plan. When she left they laughed at her not knowing Prince Delmar was the one they intended me to be with all along. The other man said he would never have s*x with his cousin. Prince Delmar planned to be nice to me. It sounded like the opposite of Luke’s plan.” Haley spoke, “It wouldn’t have worked, Odette.” I looked up. She smiled at me, “You’re worried you would’ve fallen for their plan for your life with Prince Delmar because he was nice. Caspian would’ve come though. If you’d been told he was your brother, wouldn’t you have wanted to go meet your other brothers?” I nodded, “Yes.” Haley continued, “Then when he didn’t let you leave with your brother, would you see him as some nice knight shining armor he wants to portray?” I shook my head. Haley continued, “Exactly. You would’ve called him on being controlling. I’m sure he has some control and patience. Clearly, since he’s capable of planning to be nice to you more than Luke. People like that aren’t always bad, but you’re a supernatural and you sense things. Family is important to supernatural’s. Caspian wouldn’t stand for them keeping you from him. Just as you would not have stood for it. You would’ve questioned why you couldn’t go visit your brother. Because reasonable people would let you. Then begin the questions you would’ve raised. Your blood does not allow you to feel like someone controls you. You have dominant Alpha and Siren genes. You would’ve rebelled against being controlled.” Honestly, I loved my sister in law. She always knew what to say. I felt a lot better. Since I’d been there I was worried my life would’ve taken that path. That I would’ve just settled for someone being nice to me and missed out on all this. Before anyone could say anything else the air started to shimmer. I asked, “What’s that?” Aiden answered, “Melanie on her ten minute time frame. She’s good.” I already knew that. Keaton, Melanie, Malachi, and Ashton stood there with another man. Several people gasped. Matt stood, “Ashton?” He smiled, “Hey Matt. Heard you finally came out of the closet. I’m damn sad I missed that day. I hope it’s filmed. Our boy here is something. You did a great job with him. I can’t wait to meet the rest of them.” Matt ran over and hugged him. Chase came over too. He asked, “How?” Ashton snorted, “Magic. How’s my girl?” I heard a pop then Immy said, “Ok, mom. I popped you to the border. Wait…where are you going?” She didn’t answer. Immy yelled, “MOM! Where are you going?” The back door flew open. Joanie was there breathing heavily. She looked around the room frantically. Her eyes landed on Ashton. She gasped and hit her knees. She whispered, “Ashton.” He smiled, “Hey, Cupcake. God, I missed you.” She started sobbing. He ran to her. She cried, “What…? I just….Ash?” He held her, “It doesn’t matter. We are here now. I’ll never leave you again.” Immy came in. She gasped asking, “Is that…..?” I handed the picture back to Joanie. She smiled at me through her tears. She whispered, “I don’t know how you did this, but thank you.” I said, “They did it.” I pointed to Malachi, Melanie, and Keaton. Joanie clung to Ashton. She seemed worried if she let go, he wouldn’t be real. Which seemed to work since he didn’t plan to let her go either. Matt asked, “What in the ever loving hell is going on?” I answered, “I saw him in the past. Talking to…that guy.” I pointed to the other man that returned with them. He was staring at Olivia and she was staring back. Ok? I said, “I saw Ashton’s picture in Joanie’s room, and I showed it to Malachi. I figured he had to know who it was since she’s his mom. Then there was the whole we are going to save them planning phase. That was really short. Melanie, I think you could literally run the world.” The man I didn’t know went over to Olivia. He touched her face. Maverick growled. He smiled, “What’s your name, daughter of mine?” Haley sighed, “Goddamn this day.” No joke. It wasn’t even noon yet. Olivia answered, “I’m Olivia.” He smiled, “You look like your mother. What happened to her?” Olivia shrugged, “I was dropped off at a firehouse. Then I was kidnapped into the ring. Melanie saved me.” The house began to tremble. Aiden put his hand on his shoulder, “Melphor. She’s safe now. She’s mated to my nephew. They are very happy.” Melphor closed his eyes. The ground stopped trembling. He held out his hand, “I am Prince Melphor O’Roarke, and I would very much like to get to you know, Olivia. You are Duchess to the earth fairies, and I want you to have your birthright. My brother is the reigning prince so his children have the title of prince and princess, but you are truly a duchess. I am very sorry that you have suffered. I would’ve never wanted that. I would’ve given you the world and spoiled you.” She nodded, “Ok, we could get to know each other. It doesn’t seem like you’ve had it the best being imprisoned too and all.” Maverick had her wrapped up in his arms. Emmett groaned, “We have an issue that’s being brought to us. We caught an unknown fairy on our borders.” Immy stiffened. Oh, no. Don’t let it be Sean. Keaton linked me, “Are you ok?” I asked, “What will happen to the fairy?” Keaton answered, “It depends. Aiden or Haley might know them.” I asked, “If they don't?” Keaton shrugged, “We get answers, and decide based on those answers. Do you know who it is?” Before I could answer, Kreed, Annie popped in with Sean. Aiden yelled, “He’s on O’Toole!” Kreed yanked Annie away from him. People snarled and it suddenly felt like the room was thick with magic. Immy screamed, “NO!” She popped in front of Sean. Haley popped in between them with her hands up. Matt growled, “Immy, get away from him!” I broke free from Keaton’s grasp and ran over and blocked Sean from view of them. Keaton growled, “Odette!” My dad said, “Sweetie, you don’t understand, but there’s serious bad blood here. Just go back over to Keaton.” Immy cried, “Please….try to understand….” Aiden asked, “Haley, what are you doing? Why are you standing that close and protecting him?” Haley said, “Everyone calm down. Wolves, shift back. We will discuss this calmly. There is no danger here.” I realized my family had shifted. Everyone but my dad, which was probably because he wanted me clear of the area. Eric’s wolf was zeroed in on every move Haley made. I noticed plenty of men had weapons drawn and their eyes had turned gold. Aiden asked, “How the hell would you know that Haley?” Immy was crying. I squeezed her hand. I moved her behind me so she could hug Sean. He whispered, “I’m so sorry. You weren’t in our spot, and I was worried something happened to you. Your sister found me, and…she’s your sister. I didn’t want to fight her.” Keaton growled, “Odette, get away from him.” I said, “No, stop this. Stop growling! Sean is a good guy.” Matt growled, “SEAN?! You two know him?” I frowned, “Oh come on. You have great hearing. You heard her talking to him. They clearly know each other. I know him too. I think that’s clear. Are you in shock? That seems to be the general mood here.” Immy whispered, “He’s mine, daddy.” That made the whole room go quiet. Ted asked, “Immy?” She cried, “I couldn’t tell you. His last name….and all of you just….I couldn’t tell you. So….I told the one person that would help me. The one person that would fight for us and try to understand. He just wants to be with me. He doesn’t want this fight with the Holloran’s. He doesn’t.” I teased, “Aww, you picked me to help you and I didn’t even know you two were fairy mortal enemies. I totally pegged you guys and Romeo and Juliet though. I so called that. There was probably a better choice than me helping you sneak off to see each other.” Sean winked, “With a happier more mischievous ending.” It made Immy laugh. I squeezed her hand. She said, “You did help us but I mean…” I told her, “I know who you meant. I’m just teasing.” She wiped some tears from her eyes. Haley spoke, “She came to me.” I was certain everyone knew that at this point too. Chase muttered, “God help us all.” A man appeared out of nowhere. He literally just appeared in the middle of the room beside Aiden. No pop or anything just materializing. He looked a lot like Aiden too. He yelled, “Do NOT tell me you met an O’Toole alone, little sister.” Haley said, “I was not alone, brother.” Uh what? They had another brother? Aiden joined in, “Hello, brother. Good of you to appear. Haley, tell us who you met him with. Your wolf and your Hackura brothers seem to be shocked. Does this mean Blade went with you?” Another man came out of what appeared to be the wall. He said, “Blade no go.” Eric snarled, “You met an O’Toole alone?” I asked, “Quick question for those of us not caught up…Why is that so bad? She’s magical with powers. Plus, I’ve been around Sean for months now. He’s totally fine.” Keaton growled, “Months?!” Yeesh he was not going to take the news about Jag well. Aiden said, “Sean O’Toole. Melanie, how many siblings does Sean O’Toole have?” Melanie was picking at her sleeve. She said, “Umm…you know now that I think about it…I might not have read about him…or his brothers….or…well he has a sister too…” I laughed, “Mel, you just made it clear you do know him.” She groaned, “ok so I might know them through a series of events..but only possibly…well…yeah….” Alexander kissed her. Then he growled, “You met with an O’Toole, Lovebug?” Sean chimed in, “Several.” Melanie gave him a look. Alexander snarled, “Explain!” Melanie said, “Well, I was trying to find Odette and he was too….for Immy. We talked…and…he helped with some things. He told me he Knew Haley, and I well….yeah…” Aiden sounded angry,, “But you knew he was before then because you’ve read the book of O’Toole’s. So how many brothers does he have that would’ve met with my sister?” Haley sounded annoyed, “Don’t do that to her, brother.” Aiden demanded, “Then you answer me.” She answered without preamble, “He has six brothers and a sister.” Eric snarled, “And you walked in there to meet them ALONE?!” She said, “I didn’t walk, no.” That answer made several people annoyed. Caspian winked at me. Trit looked like he was watching a tennis match. I asked, “Ok, I’m seriously confused over here. She’s like a princess, right?” Melanie spoke, “Of two races. Fairies and the Hackura. The Hackura are the protectors of the realm.” I snorted, “And you guys are mad she went in alone? Why? Isn’t she like the most qualified deadly person beside the kings themselves? Ok princes too….Or am I misunderstanding something here?” Eric growled, “The O’Toole’s want her dead.” Sean said, “Point of reference, I do not want her dead. Nor do my siblings. We can’t help our last name. We fled and wanted nothing to do with them or their causes.” Haley said, “I’ve spoken to all of them. They are scared kids, Aiden. They just want to live in peace. They don’t want war. They don’t want to be used by their family, and they don’t want to be punished for their last name. I just got their new documentation I was going to give to all of them today. They are no longer O’Toole’s. I gave them their mother’s last name.” Sean whispered, “I never met her. They never let us see her, but I know she’s dead.” Haley turned, “Your new last name is Ceallaigh. A very strong earth clan. I’m sure that’s why they used her to have so many children.” She turned back to the majority of the room, “We cannot be held responsible for the choices of our last name. The only reason I held onto the Holloran name was because you stripped it from Fabian. I did that for you. Masium and Hexxus’ children do not bear the weight of their father’s decisions. Nor do yours, brother.” She looked at Arion. She told the room, “I will walk through the pits of hell itself before we put the actions of others onto innocent people. I don’t give a damn what his last name is. Immy came to me and said his aura was pure. I met him, and his siblings. Immy was with me. I was not alone, but without any of you because that’s how they were comfortable meeting. They are children who have been running. They were taught to fear anyone with the Holloran name or aligned with us. They’ve been told we will kill them on sight and ask questions later. I put them up in a safehouse, and I was bringing them to you tomorrow, Aiden. I’m on your damn schedule and everything.” Eric growled, “And me?” She said, “Of course I was bringing you with me. I had Caleb clear your morning. Immy is family to us. She’s happy with him, but she’s scared everyone will make her give him up. Over his last damn name. Which is now not a problem because he has a different one.” Arion yelled, “Have you LOST your mind? Good lord, what will I do with you two bleeding heart siblings?! Running off to secret clandestine meetings WITH O’TOOLES! HALEY MELODY HOLLORAN CAMBRIDGE CONNERS! At least take the man with few words. My god. You’re going to make me go BALD in the afterlife.” I gasped, “Afterlife? He’s dead? How is he here?” Melanie said, “Uhh, that’s a long complicated explanation.” Eric growled and pulled Haley against him. Matt said, “Immy….” She pleaded, “He wanted to come meet you. Don’t be mad at him, please. He said he’d come see you and Daddy Ted, but I didn’t….I thought Haley could help me.” Annie asked, “Why didn’t you tell me?” Immy shrugged, “I just…” Joanie cut in asking, “This is the boy you’ve been telling me about?” She turned with tears in her eyes and nodded. Joanie said, “He’s done some very sweet things for her. I didn’t realize they were mates. Immy, you should’ve told us.” She was still wrapped up with Ashton, but she’d gotten off the floor. She looked ready to defend Immy from anyone if need be. She was a mom. It hit me hard that I didn’t have that. Joanie was ready to fight whoever for Immy. Whether it was Sean, or the Millers. She was ready to protect her child. Why couldn’t I have that? Sassy hummed sadly. Tatum said, “Look at our dad.” I turned back and saw my dad had been edging closer to me. His expression mirrored Joanie’s. He was ready to defend me. I saw my Siren brothers had edged forward too. My wolf brothers were coming my way too. Eric had one eye on Haley and the other on me. I tried to subtly wipe my tears away. Tatum linked, “You missed one.” I looked at the back door and saw Lux. He was clearly ready to break into a run to get to me. Now, I was just wiping tears away not subtly. Keaton linked, “My song?” I replied, “They are ready to jump in for me. They love me.” He told me, “They really do.” Everyone seemed confused by my tears except Haley. She squeezed my hand, “It takes some getting used to, but they all love you. They’d fight whoever they had to for you.” Understanding lit in my families faces. I smiled at all of them. Sean boldly proclaimed, “I love her, Mr. Miller’s. I’m not really sure what to call you. Immy talks about all of you so much I feel like I know you. I would never hurt her. I want nothing to do with the war between the Holloran’s and O’Toole’s. If I have to pick a side, I’ll pick the Holloran’s. My siblings and I want nothing to do with them. We ran away and hid for a reason. Not everyone with an O’Toole name wants to kill and be bad. My sister is a partial fairy. My oldest brother got the courage to run with all of us for her. That’s when they killed our mom. They paired her with a human, killed him, then when she gave birth to Zarina they slit her throat. Then they beat a baby. I shielded her and we left. We’ve been running ever since.” Haley told them, “He’s telling the truth.” Aiden said, “I’ll need them to come to Faerie.” Haley nodded, “I know. Hence the appointment I made with you to introduce them. They will be there tomorrow, as will Eric, Immy, and I. You can question them as I have. They are good kids.” Aiden sighed, “I wish you would’ve taken me with you.” She sighed, “I needed to talk with them. I’m a mother, and they were scared kids. They would only meet with me and me alone. That was after Immy convinced them I wouldn’t hurt them.” Aiden looked annoyed but nodded. Arion yelled, “That’s it?! Wolf of my sisters, be my vessel! These two and their bleeding hearts! For the LOVE OF GOD! Man of few words. Say few words. ANGRY words. Come on. Come through for me. Hackura princes with your golden eyes get in there! Make your directive King Bjourn. She listens to you and your decrees. DECREE THINGS! Off the top of my head NO MEETING O’TOOLES ALONE! That’s just me and I’m CLEARLY the smart one!” Matt spoke, “That sounds like a family conversation. We need to have some of our own with our youngest apparently. Ashton, it’s so good to see you man.” Chase said, “I am so sorry…I felt your pack link break and…” Ashton said, “I know. I was forced to break ties with the pack. They had witches ready and they did kill the rest of the patrol I with. The tossed a body down and used some witch magic to make it look like me. It was freaky. They had me join their strange pack so I could stay sane for their torture and questionings.” Frank asked, “Why would you break with our pack?” Ashton pulled Joanie close to him, “They said they had Joanie, and that they’d kill her if I didn’t comply and break my tie. I had to. She’s my mate.” Chase looked at Lexi. He admitted, “I understand.” He turned and said, “Keaton, we need to discuss some things.” Keaton pulled me over to him and kissed me. When he pulled back he said, “I’ll come back when we are done. We can decide where we want to spend the night afterwards” That was perfect. I had someone I needed to go see. I watched Keaton leave. I looked around as the group left behind started in on Haley and going to see O’Toole’s. I slowly moved towards the back door. Everyone was so drawn in; I was certain they didn’t notice me. I slipped out the back door. There was one more person out there that we needed to make things right for. I had to do that for him. Keaton has gone on his first OFFICAL resitance mission. Will he go on more now? Or is he just going to be the Silver Blade? The Daniel's and Kipner's are purged of Lisa's influence. Did anyone feel for poor Justin? Arion has APPEARED and he had THINGS to say! Haley makes great points though! Odette did too. We all know Haley's a BA! Did Odette slip off as she thought? Or was she noticed? What do we think?
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