I Have Love Pt. 2

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I wanted to make sure they weren’t mad at my dad. I was certain that would upset him, and ultimately be my fault since I told Melanie about this. I didn’t want to blow up his life more than I already had. Frank assured me he didn’t care. I sighed in relief. I got a little more backstory on Cassandra. I didn’t think I would’ve liked her from what I heard. She sounded like someone who could’ve been my mom’s friend. I shivered at the thought. When the men left to go talk to my dad and brothers everyone sat in silence. I shot a look at Melanie. I knew she hated silence. I could see it on her face that she wanted to say something. I was certain it was hurting her brain not to, but she didn’t say a single word. When Isaac spoke, I think she thought about giving him a high five. I looked over and saw Drake trying to hide a smile. He knew too. He glanced at me and I winked at him. He shot me a soft smile. The Daniels were all hugging each other. Melanie squeezed my hand. I linked her, “Your dad seems nice. Just like in your stories.” She answered, “He’s the best.” I held her hand tightly, “You don’t have to live on your island anymore.” She looked away then told me, “I’m not the girl they used to know. I don’t know if they’d like everything about island Melanie.” I snorted, “Your dad loves you. You are still that girl. You are my literal savior. I’m getting the sense you are for a lot of people. You gathered all this information, at the detriment to your own sleep, so they could be happy. You’re the girl he raised. He’s proud of you. I can tell.” She blushed and shot a look at her dad who was looking at us curiously. Melanie talked a little more about Sirens. Man, I needed her to write this down for me. Then she looked at her phone. I saw my brother's name flash across the screen. I wanted to laugh. Melanie just had a way with people. Caspian already liked her. He was ready for everyone. Keaton’s mom wanted a family moment. Then I gulped realizing it was a family moment to meet me. Oh, god. Tatum linked, “We’re fine. Even the siren agrees.” I told her, “I call her Sassy.” Tatum huffed, “Fine. Sassy agrees.” I asked, “Can sassy talk to you?” Tatum replied, “I feel her feelings as you do. She’s you in Siren form.” Ok? That didn’t really answer but whatever. Melanie linked me, “They will love you. They already do. I mean seriously, I hate her already but the shrieking harpy did you a favor. The bar for Keaton’s mate is low, and you’re so high above it.” I managed a laugh before she left. The Daniels men came back in and Keaton cleared his throat. He said, “Mom, dad, grandpa, grandma, Emmett…” Emmett snorted, “For the love of god, just say everybody. We’ve been waiting so damn long for this moment. Let’s not drag it out.” I laughed. Keaton smirked, “Everybody, this is Odette.” He pulled me into him then kissed the top of my head adding, “My mate.” Isaac coughed, “Worst kept secret ever.” Several people snickered. Keaton’s mom reached out a hand. I took it tentatively. She said, “I’m Lexi. You feel free to call me whatever you want including mom. All my girls and the boys call me that, but I want you to be comfortable with it. I have been waiting for quite some time to meet you.” Chase held out his hand. I smiled and shook it. Lexi smirked, “Aren’t you going to say how long you’ve been waiting, Chase?” She knew. Chase sighed, “I might have met her already.” Keaton asked, “Huh?” Lexi clapped, “AH HA! Finally! Jeez. You too Emmett. I know you met her too.” Their Aunt Reagan was laughing along with Nadine. Emmett sighed, “Of course you know. I went to her birthday.” Lexi stared at him. He sighed, “Ok, I met her before then.” Lexi crossed her arms, “I know. You were stalking the dance to see her.” That’s why they were there? Emmett asked, “How did you know?” It clicked and I said, “You were there! In a tree…right?” Lexi smirked, “I was.” Everyone stared at her. She said, “I left after seeing them, but I knew Emmett wasn’t going to. Chase went to see her after the whole Lisa punching Keaton fiasco. He was even with her when she got her not dog.” Tatum huffed in my head, “Where do we stand on changing the protector's name?” I snorted, “She’s a palico and I like her name.” Tatum grumbled, “It was my name first.” I laughed. Everyone looked at me. I sobered, “Sorry…my wolf…” Lexi told me, “Trust me we are used to that around these here parts.” Frank came over and gave me a hug. Nadine smiled at me. I waved to Alexandria. I met his uncle and aunt. I said, “I saw you that day we picked up Allison and Arden from school.” His uncle laughed, “What good eyesight you have. Was that not a hint, Keaton?” Keaton snorted at him, “Plenty of supernatural’s have good eyesight.” I asked, “Were you trying to figure out what I was?” Keaton nodded. Matt said, “My whole family has been working at figuring that out. Clara started research, but then you had your vision of the past. Which I think we need to all discuss.” I nodded, “Yeah, we probably do.” Lexi said, “That can wait until that awful girl's blood is out of all of you. Then I’ll TRY my damndest not to say I told you so. She would be missing where fairies can’t get to her. She’s probably with the dark sirens.” I commented, “No, she’s not with the Merrick’s. They have no idea what’s going on.” Everyone looked at me. I blushed. Keaton asked, “How do you know that?” I said, “So when we are sleeping together…not like…oh god. I mean…ok starting over. When we are SLEEPING side by side, like actually sleeping…” Several of the men snickered. This must be what Melanie feels like twenty-four seven. I continued, “My dreams take me to the siren realm. It was usually just to Caspian and the Sargasso kingdom. I can go to the other one’s related to me apparently. I saw the Merrick’s last night. They haven’t been able to get ahold of the source in your pack. Which is obviously Lisa. Are her parents here? I just don't see Isla as evil. Honestly, they don’t look alike.” Keaton tensed. Emmett said, “Haley and Eric brought them here. Haley said they have no harpy blood.” I snorted, “So she’s adopted.” Emmett winced, “She’s not supposed to be. I’m worried their actual pup was killed.” I winced then asked, “Pup? They had a puppy? Who is surprised she’d kill a dog? Not me.” Lexi snorted, “They call babies pups. Wolves. What can you do? I’ve tried to change it, but they just keep saying pup.” Chase laughed and circled his arms around her. Frank said, “Alright, we’ve officially met Keaton’s mate. Let’s get the harpy blood out of all of you because I’m not Lexi and I won’t try not to say I told you so. I will say it. Loudly.” Nadine snickered. Isaac smirked. Matt groaned. Malachi ran into the room. He said, “God, this has been a day. Dad explained everything over link. Are you guys ok?” They nodded. Cameron said, “We have to avenge our mom, but Melanie saying Nadine was always on dad’s path really helped. We never got to kill the rogues that we thought killed our mom. They were dead when we got back. This feels like some much needed closure. We just need to find them.” Frank put his hands on Chase and Cameron. Nadine said, “We will get them. They will pay for what they did.” The three of them hugged. It was honestly really beautiful. Keaton led me out of the room. We ended up in a big office. It was lit with candles. I saw Caspian and squealed. I ran over and gave him a hug. He squeezed me tightly. I whispered, “I saw things last night.” Caspian pulled back, “Song walking or from the past?” I answered, “Song walking.” He nodded, “We will get to that.” I asked, “Do you know Prince Delmar? He didn’t seem great but not that bad. Actually, the Wedell’s seemed a lot better than the Merrick’s.” Caspian said, “I do know Prince Delmar. We will talk about your song walking after this.” Keaton growled, “Who is Prince Delmar?” I made a face, “Not my actual cousin of any kind. He seems to be an adopted cousin but no blood relation to me.” Caspian answered, “That would be correct.” Keaton asked, “Why do we care about him?” Caspian said, “We can discuss that later.” I asked, “Did you song walk too?” Caspian said, “No, but I can guess why you asked.” I nodded. Keaton grabbed me and yanked me against him. His eyes were black. Caspian smiled, “Sirens are possessive too, song boy.” He growled, “Whatever you say, mob boss.” They both smirked at each other. I was getting the sense these nicknames were permanent. I kind of liked them. I asked, “Do you have to kiss them like I did with Key?” Keith said, “Oh, god please no.” May growled. Caspian laughed, “No, we don’t. The princess got buckets for them. Instead of you going to the pond to release it; they have to.” Chase groaned, “That doesn’t sound fun.” Caspian smirked, “It’s not.” Keaton said, “Uhh from what I remember it was nice. I even had a false memory about what happened.” Caspian laughed, “Yes, well you had a siren do it for you. A powerful one at that. You saw what she had planned for your evening, which I don’t want to discuss ever. She was the one in the pond getting out all the blood, but that didn’t hurt her.” I frowned, asking, “It’s going to hurt them?” Caspian said, “They have to throw it up. It’s disconcerting since it will be blood; it’s just not theirs.” Lexi looked upset. Frank cleared his throat, “They are all going to throw up blood?” I noticed more people standing with Keaton’s Uncle Cameron. Those must be his sons. Caspian said, “They will, but it’s not theirs. The ones that will take the most are her…parents.” There was a couple I hadn’t noticed. The man yelled, “How dare you say Lisa isn’t my daughter! We love her!” Caspian said, “I told you she wasn’t your biological daughter, not that she wasn’t your daughter. You did raise her. Kind of. I would imagine she’s been in contact with her biological parents this whole time.” Isla said, “Thank god.” Her mom yelled at her, “How could you say that? Lisa is your sister!” Isla looked furious and was about to respond. I jumped in, “How about no one says anymore things you can’t take back until we do the ritual. If it doesn’t work then you’re right. If it does then I’ll imagine you’re going to feel pretty bad about speaking to your daughter that way. Probably him too…I’m so sorry, we haven’t met.” He smiled, “I’m Stephen. I’ve seen you around school.” I must have my eyes laser focused on Keaton because I hadn’t seen him. Caspian winked at me. I noticed the Daniels all giving me a prideful gaze. I spotted my dad who looked proud as well. Haley winked at me. I linked her, “Why is everyone looking at me like that?” Haley replied, “That was a very Luna/Alpha thing to do.” I nodded. Caspian nodded and Haley snapped her fingers. Everyone had a bucket. Caspian stood and I noticed my other brothers joined him. They all began to hum a song. I found myself humming along once I caught onto it. On the second round, I faltered when Chase Daniels dropped to a knee and began to vomit blood. Keaton growled. I muttered, “I preferred the shiny blue balls I spit up.” Everyone began to vomit blood. Even Alexandria and Reagan. Actually, the only ones not throwing up blood were Frank and Lexi. They looked really worried. The Daniels stopped throwing up, but the Kipner’s didn’t. They needed new buckets. Isla was helping Justin who was still throwing up too. Stephen looked stunned. He had a dribble of blood running down his mouth, but that was it. Lexi went to Chase and rubbed his back. He told her, “I’m good.” I screamed when the blood started leaking from the Kipner’s eyes. Cython turned and grabbed my hand. He said, “They are ok.” I whispered angrily, “People who are fine don’t have blood leaking from their eyeballs.” Poor Justin finally stopped throwing up. Now he was crying. I pointed, “See? He’s crying.” Cython said, “He’s probably crying thinking about the things he did under the influence. I’m going to bet the parents are going to….be unhappy as well.” It took three hours and I stopped counting after ten buckets to purge the Kipner’s of harpy blood. Lisa’s mom fell to the ground sobbing. Lexi went over to her with Alexandria and rubbed her back. Isla whispered, “Justin….” He cried, “I never liked her. I always liked you, but she twisted everything and I….God, how can you look at me? Keith was my best friend and I…god. She sent me to spy on Katie. I went god…” Keaton snarled, “YOU WHAT?!” I grabbed his hand, “He did nothing. I talked to him in the park on Christmas. I pointed out that he should be with his family. He fought her influence. That’s how we met and became friends.” Caspian asked, “I’m sorry. Did you just say you became friends with a guy who was spying on you?” I flushed, “Well, he wasn’t doing it willingly. I get being in a bad relationship, and I understand doing things you wouldn’t normally do. At least they were under magical control. I’m just an idiot.” Several people hissed and growled. Caspian came over to me. He tilted up my chin, “It was magic, Odette. You were in Luke’s thrall. We all have it. You fought him though. You didn’t just give in because you are strong. If that young wolf became your friend instead of spying on you; then he fought too.” I nodded. That actually helped but pissed me off. He used his thrall on me. Sassy hissed. I asked, “Could he use a thrall if I had Sassy?” Caspian said, “Yes, but Sassy would know he was. She could fight it easier. Without your siren, you had no way of fighting; yet you did. We are very proud of you.” Mrs. Kipner asked, “My pup….did they kill my pup?” Melanie answered, “No.” Everyone turned to her. Caspian chuckled, “Your she wolf friend is very interesting, Odette.” I smiled, “She’s great.” Mr. Kipner asked, “Where is she? Has she been raised alone all this time? Does she wonder where we are? Did they hurt her?” Melanie answered, “When the power went out at the hospital, they switched your pup out for Lisa. From what I’ve found, they put the pup in a Cryokinesis state. Your pup is a still a pup.” I asked, “They use Cryokinesis? Is that a power of theirs? I would think that’s something with a water element power.” Melanie said, “Supernaturals are advanced in many things humans are not. It’s not a power they have, just a technology they developed.” Her watch beeped. She smiled. Mrs. Kipner asked, “How do we get our pup?” Melanie said, “She’ll be here in five minutes. I sent people to get her last night.” The Kipner’s started bawling and ran to Melanie. She looked stunned when they hugged her. She said, “Umm, ok….” They cried, “Thank you!” They turned to face their other children. Shame filled their features. Mrs. Kipner said, “Isla….Stephen….” Isla said, “Lots of things have been said, but it was under the influence. We just watched you vomit buckets of blood. You had no choice. Let’s start small. We will have family dinners.” Mr. Kipner asked, “Will you move back in, Isla?” She shook her head, “Not right away.” I stood, “I need to check her room. I saw where she hid her secret phone.” Immy popped in, “Enter Immy! I want to give you a tour. They can talk about boring things.” I said, “Well…” She grabbed my hand and popped me away. I said, “Wow…” We were in Lisa’s room. I hit her desk like I saw. Her phone popped out. Immy said, “Wow.” I grabbed it. Immy said, “I’ll perform a charm.” She sat down and spoke in a language I’d heard a few times now. I ducked when a binder flew past me with some files. Immy stood and conjured it away. She grabbed me, “Come meet my mom then I’ll pop you back.” I nodded, “Sure.” She popped me into a house. She yelled, “MOM! Where are you?” I heard a woman say, “I’m upstairs, Immy.” She popped me upstairs. She smiled at me, “You must be Odette. Immy has talked so much about you.” I smiled “She’s told me about you too. I’m very honored to meet you. Immy is amazing.” She hugged Immy and said, “You can call me Joanie.” I nodded. She said, “Let’s get out of my bedroom.” I asked, “Can I use the restroom?” Joanie nodded, “Sure, use that one. Matt is linking me that Keaton wants you back so I’ll just tell him you’ll be back soon.” Immy groaned, “They ruin all my fun. I was going to give her a whole tour, mom. She got the most important point in and that’s meeting you.” I smiled at them as they left. I ran into the bathroom and peed. I washed my hands and rushed out. I bumped the nightstand with my leg. I winced. I’d knocked the door open. I gasped and grabbed the picture of the man inside it. I knew this man. I quickly put the picture in my pocket. I ran down and found Immy. I couldn’t even look at her mom. I looked down, “It was nice to meet you, Joanie.” She sounded confused when she replied, “It was nice to meet you too, Odette.” Immy grabbed my hand and popped me back. Keaton grabbed me and inhaled my scent. I noticed the Kipner’s and Justin were gone. They must be meeting their actual sister. My dad said, “Let’s all go talk in…” I said “Sure, can I talk to Malachi first though?” Everyone looked at me oddly. Haley said, “Of course. We will wait for you guys in the living room.” Keaton asked, “My song?” I whispered, “I just need to talk to him.” He nodded and shot Malachi a look. Once everyone was gone. Malachi said, “I’m surprised you want to talk to me. For the life of me I have no idea why.” I pulled out the picture. He frowned, “This is Ashton. My mom’s mate. They never got to mark each other. He died on her eighteenth birthday. He’d had this whole plan for the evening to mark her. I’m actually named after him. My name is Malachi Ashton Miller. Daddy Ted insisted.” I whispered, “He’s not dead. I saw him.” Malachi’s eyes shot to mine. I told him, “He was talking to another man in my dream. I think he knows about you and your siblings. He was happy for her, that she got to have kids. He’s in some prison. They faked his death trying to get information on your pack.” Malachi asked, “All this time? He’s been imprisoned?” I nodded, “Yes, I..maybe if I describe the place to Melanie she’d know where it was.” He went and opened the door. He yelled, “Scary techy Luna! Get back in here!” He slammed the door shut. He began to pace. Melanie ran in. She asked, “Uhh what happened?” I said, “In the past, I saw two men. One was the man in that picture. He’s alive.” Melanie said, “Ashton is alive?” Malachi said, “That’s why Luna Emmaline has always said that Ashton is my mom’s mate. We’ve asked her to give her a second chance mate, but mom refuses. She said even Selene knows Ashton was it for her. She never got one because he’s not dead. GOD f*****g DAMN IT!” Melanie frowned, “How can I help?” I said, “If I described where he was….would you know where it is?” Melanie thought about it, “Maybe but…” She took out her phone and called someone. She spoke in that language Immy did. I asked, “You know that language?” She hung up, “I do. It’s called Fealish. I know Latin too. Xander speaks both.” I smiled, “Could you teach me?” She nodded, “Of course. Your dad could teach you too.” I smiled, “Really?” She nodded, “He learned for his grandpups.” Another pop sounded. Aiden spoke, “I’m Aiden Holloran. I don’t think we officially met in the Siren realm.” I nodded, “I know. I saw you in the past and in my brother’s realm.” He smiled, “How intriguing. Melanie thought I might know the facility you were speaking of. She’s of course going to help if I do.” I described what I saw. He asked, “The other man…is this him?” He showed me a picture. I nodded, “Yes, that’s him!” Aiden nodded, “I see. The harpies have Prince Jarchi’s brother. I do know where this facility is. I think the resistance would be the right people to send in. I haven’t been able to get in. There’s magic I’ll just bet Melanie can get around. We can even plan it all out so my nephew doesn’t explode anyone’s head.” Umm what? Alexander could explode heads?! That was a real thing? Fairies were the literal best. I’d fight anyone who said otherwise. Tatum huffed. I told her, “Still love you Tatum. Shifting is awesome.” Sassy huffed. I’d figure out her form too. Malachi said, “I have to go.” Melanie frowned. Malachi said, “I don’t have pups yet, and I can wear black. This is my mom’s mate. I need to be there. I have to go in with you.” Melanie sighed, “Alright. You and I will go….and…” A knock sounded on the door. Melanie opened it. Olivia said, “Odette should probably come be a part of this chat that’s happening.” Melanie said, “Ok, let’s go. I’ll plot while we have…what’s going on?” Olivia sighed, “They are arguing with Keaton about marking her.” I growled, “What?!” I ran out of the room. They had no right! Tatum said, “It’s a tradition to wait, but since your siren knows…I know. I think it’s just hard for them.” I entered the room and growled, “WHAT is going on?” My dad turned, “We were just discussing waiting until you were eighteen to be marked.” I growled, “Sure. Why would you have this conversation with me? It’s only my body. I notice Haley is missing too.” A pop sounded. Haley sighed, “Nathan….” He threw his hands in the air, “She’s my pup.” Chase growled, “And he’s mine. WATCH it.” Caspian winked at me. I said, “I already marked him.” My dad nodded, “He’s eighteen. I just want to give you some time to…” I shook my head, “That’s not your call.” He frowned. Eric and Jackson weren’t saying anything. I asked, “Why do they wait?” Eric answered, “Wolves don’t know until they are eighteen.” I frowned, “But I know he’s my mate.” Eric nodded, “I agree. My children know their whole lives. Cassie was marked when she was seventeen, dad. Max was at sixteen.” I turned to my dad asking, “Why? What’s going on here?” He said, “It’s just….your wolf won’t feel the bond until you're eighteen.” Tatum took over, “I feel the bond. I believe Odette calls her Sassy; she knows so I do know.” Haley cut in, “We discussed this would be an Odette and Keaton decision. Their relationship is theirs. Why did this come up?” Keaton said, “I didn’t want him to be surprised. I want to plan something special.” Haley smiled at him, “Of course you do. That’s very sweet of you. Your momma raised you right.” Keaton smiled at her. Haley said, “So, this is not our decision. Odette can decide when she wants to be marked. It could be tonight, tomorrow or in a year. That’s just not up to us.” My dad went to speak. Melanie cut in, “You have no idea what you’re asking here, Nathan.” Everyone turned to her. Melanie continued, “You have no idea the rejection you and your wolf feel when you want to be marked and your mate doesn’t do it. There’s little cracks that begin in your heart even when you know there’s a reason. It would kill Keaton because he could see it. It would make Odette feel like he didn’t want her, even if she knew it wasn’t true. You can have the most valid reason for not marking each other, but it hurts. It…just…she shouldn’t have to feel like he’s rejecting her when he’s not. He shouldn’t have to hold himself back from doing what is natural to an Alpha with his mate…just…” I frowned. She was marked. What was going on here?
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