Confusion Pt. 1

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Keaton waited until everyone was ready. Odette’s heartbeat was pounding as I introduced her. They said it was the worst kept secret. I shrugged. I didn’t really care. My mom teased my dad about already meeting Odette. I linked him, “Dad?” He admitted out loud it was true. My grandpa linked me, “He will never live this down. I will never let it go. This is my moment. I can’t wait for them to sit you kids down and explain everything.” I replied, “Huh?” He just winked at me. Was everyone determined to not make sense? My mom being at the courtwarming dance was honestly expected. I can’t believe I didn’t look around for her. Odette’s got a trance look on her face we all did when we were linking. Channing linked, “Tatum the wolf wants Tatum the Palicoes name changed.” I asked, “Is Odette going to do it?” Channing snorted, “Nope.” I see. Hopefully, her wolf got used to that. Odette seemed happy meeting them, and I couldn’t keep the smile off my face. Ted linked me, “How could you think we wouldn’t love this gem of a young woman? She’s amazing.” I replied, “You all hated Lisa.” Ted scoffed, “Don’t compare a gem to an annoying cockroach. That’s just insulting.” I smirked at him. Lisa being gone just pissed me off. My mom theorized she went to the sirens. Odette disagreed, but she knew it was true. What? Channing linked, “Tatum said it’s a thing they do as Siren’s. Odette has been to the siren realm. Not physically, but she can see and hear things when she’s asleep and we are with her.” No wonder she was so well informed. Odette explained the same thing. Lisa not being her parents biological daughter made sense. She literally didn’t have one thing in common with them. I can’t believe we didn’t see that. Keith linked me, “I knew that the blackout at the hospital when she was born was strange.” I asked, “But where is their actual pup?” Keith winced, “I don’t know.” That made me very sad for the Kipner’s. They were used to getting at our family. Grandpa was ready to get the harpy blood out of them. I didn’t know if anyone else was. I had a sexy evening with Odette in my mind. They’d probably be knocked on their ass and sleep with pretty visions. Everyone digested the news about Grandma Emma pretty well. It was if it gave them a purpose with her death. Odette ran to Caspian when she saw him. She told him she saw things song walking. He wanted to get this done, but she asked if he knew some prince. I didn’t like this. Was there someone else after my mate? Channing growled, “Mark her.” I replied, “I’m going to.” I didn’t like the explanation my mind was forming. Based on Odette and Caspian’s reaction I was certain I was right too. Great. Just great. I linked Malachi, “Am I on the crazy train, or are they saying yet another siren has now decided my mate is his.” Malachi replied, “It does sound that way, yes.” Perfect. Great. Loving this. I didn’t like that this sounded like getting the harpy blood out of my family was going to hurt them; unlike me. Emmett linked me, “We will be fine.” I replied, “It didn’t hurt me though. I thought we had s*x. A lot of sex.” Emmett snorted, “Well, this will be fine. Yours definitely sounds better. I could do with visions of me and Alexandria.” He winked at me. I retorted, “Or it could be you and Caspian.” He growled, “Nope. Just Alexandria.” I winked at him. My cousins were popped in. This was really going to our whole family. Just great. I couldn’t. Lisa's parents were irate. Her siblings looked hopeful. Justin looked like he was going to be sick before they started. I was with him. How I acted after Odette purged me was nothing how I acted with her. Even now, I couldn’t understand my actions. I hugged Odette tightly. I was beyond grateful for what she’d done for me. I couldn’t be prouder when Odette jumped in to cut the arguing down. She was going to be an amazing Luna. My dad linked me, “That was very well handled.” I proudly replied, “I know. She’s astounding.” My dad told me, “I still don’t know why you didn’t tell us.” I snorted, “I can’t believe you skulked around and met her.” My dad winced, “Well, I was curious. She’s very nice. We talked. She confirmed for me she was your mate twice. She said she had a song in her head that sang around you. Then she said that she shocked you every time you touched. So, without meaning to, she confirmed everything for me.” I shrugged. It didn’t matter. I replied, “You could’ve told me that.” He snorted, “You’d have been pissed I met her.” Probably. It might have felt like a relief to talk to him like it was Uncle Heath though. That wasn’t on him, it was on me. Caspian started humming. Keith linked me, “Of course it involves humming. They are the Disney characters of the supernatural world. They just burst into song. Dylan will never leave them alone. He will want them in every situation so that they are singing their so…” He trailed off when our dad started puking up blood. I couldn’t stop my growl. I didn’t like seeing my dad like this. My mom was rubbing his back with tears streaming down her face. I’d failed my family. I’d let Lisa in, and she did this. Channing linked, “No, she’d have to have started when dad was the Alpha. She should’ve gotten in more trouble for all the things she did. Even before we started dating.” He had a point. Haley’s eyes were full of compassion. I knew this had to be hard for her as a healer. Melanie was rubbing Alexander’s back. He looked angry. I linked, “Are you ok?” He replied, “I hate that girl. I never met her, but Preston feels terrible. Lisa is going to get a lot of people’s version of justice. Preston never liked her, but he never suspected this of her.” I assured him, “I’ll link him.” I reached out, “P?” He answered, “Hey, Keaton.” I told him, “This harpy stuff isn’t your fault. You hadn’t met a harpy.” Preston snorted, “I can hear them all throwing up. I should’ve done something because I hated her. I felt there was something off about her, and let it go because you are my friend. I chalked that up to why I hated her for how awful she was to you. I should know better.” I replied, “So did I, but I still had s*x with her, dated her, and fought my family over her. I still don’t know why. Well, I do not. It was the blood, but my head is like she sucked. Why did I do that? It’s not your fault though. It’s getting fixed.” Preston replied, “You’re right. Thanks, Keaton.” I replied, “Anytime.” I wished he had his mate to comfort him. I decided he needed someone. I was about to link them when Alexander told me, “I already sent Willian and Julian to him.” I nodded. Now, that I didn’t have a mission or anything to distract me I just had to watch my family suffer. Grandpa Frank wiped a tear away. I linked Grandpa Frank, “So, Lisa is a b***h for this, but her uber b***h ways know no bounds. The only person not throwing up anything is Isla. Stephen has some blood trailing out of his mouth, but Isla doesn’t have anything. She not only stole Isla’s older sister. She turned everyone against Isla and left her out not feeding her blood to feel any sympathy for Lisa. Leaving Isla to feel like an unloved and unwanted child.” My grandpa winced, “You’re right.” I knew I was. I looked over and noticed Haley’s eyes resting on Isla as well. She noticed too. Maybe a psychology degree was something I could do. I might be good at it. I liked observing people. Odette’s scream drew my attention back to her. I followed her gaze. My family was slowly wrapping up, but Kara and Hank Kipner were now bleeding from their eyes and ears. My family had all stopped throwing up and were gaping at the Kipner’s. Justin burst into tears. I linked him, “I understand exactly how you feel.” He replied, “I’m so damn sorry, Keaton. I never…” I replied, “I know. Trust me. More than anyone else, I know.” He cried, “I hurt Isla. I think she is my mate, and she has every right to hate and reject me.” I told him, “You’ve been fighting all that blood in your system that you threw up for her. Now, it’s gone and you see what you did. It all feels like some play you watched but didn’t do.” He nodded, “That's exactly how it feels. Like an out of body experience.” I sympathized, “I know. No one will hold this against you. Every member of my family except my mom and grandpa had blood in their system.” He nodded, but I knew he still felt awful. I couldn’t help him. I felt like s**t about it too. Only time would make it better. I was grateful I met Odette after my eighteenth birthday. If I’d been younger then I might have been in Justin’s shoes. I could’ve hurt her over and over with Lisa. Channing probably would’ve been upset with me all the time. I would’ve been miserable, and bringing Odette into that mix sounded like an actual nightmare. I felt bad enough when she misunderstood the attack that happened at school. Holy s**t! I linked Keith, “Lisa set up that rogue attack at school! She was punishing Justin and she wanted Isla to die. I bet they had orders not to kill Justin too. She wanted me to be reminded of her attack…” Channing was growling in my head. Keith agreed, “That tracks. I am going to get this f*****g bitch.” Not if I found her first, and unfortunately Justin and I knew her best. I linked him again, “We can find her.” He looked up, “You’re right. Together we know her best. I’ll bet if anyone can find her it’s us and the muffin Luna.” That was true. Melanie was already looking between me and Justin. That girl had no poker face. Which had caught the attention of her mate. I still thought Justin and I could get to her first. Maybe not by much, but we had a jump they didn’t. We knew her moves like the back of our hand. Justin started listing the things he’d done. The one that got me was spying on Odette. Excuse me?! Odette explained. Great. She befriended someone sent to spy on her that was perfect. Caspian wasn’t any happier than I was about that fact. Caspian brought Odette from her spiral of thinking she just fell for Luke because she was alone. Melanie linked me, “It’s also because it’s literally in her nature. Siren’s are very social creatures. It’s why they isolated her. If she wasn’t isolated it would be harder from Luke to convince her to be around him. When he was the only person paying attention to her she had to fight herself. Because even if they sedated her wolf, wolves are social pack creatures too.” She was right. She was trying to fight his thrall, whatever that was, and her own nature. I was proud of her for fighting back. I’m sure it shocked the socks off those assholes. Kara Kipner asked about their pup. I was not even kind of surprised Melanie already had that handled. Emmett linked me, “We should get her on world hunger. It would be solved by noon.” I snorted, “More like ten thirty.” Emmett’s lips twitched. The Kipner’s remorse hit the room like a ton of bricks. Isla and Stephen handled it as best they could. They didn’t want to move back in, but they did want to try and repair everything. Immy popped in and left with Odette. I growled. Malachi said, “I told Immy to give her a quick tour.” Haley spoke, “I think she needs a second. She’s handling everything supernatural really well, but what she just witnessed was hard for us seasoned supernatural people. She can get the secret phone and have a sense of accomplishment that she’s helping. This was helping and it’s tangible, but the phone will feel like more help than watching people throwing up blood.” She had a point. A shimmer started. The girl with purple hair, Valentina, and Sierra had taken their masks off. The purple haired girl said, “Melanie, you give me such interesting tasks. Here is the baby that is no longer frozen. I think she’s hungry. Sierra fed her the formula you told us to bring just in case, but she just stopped crying.” Kara ran to them, “Oh my pup.” She held the pup tightly, “Mommy is so sorry, baby. Is her whole life messed up? She was supposed to be eighteen. What about her mate?” Freya came forward, “I granted her mate his second chance, and gave her a new one. It was the request of her wolf. She’s been waiting for your pup for a long time. She wanted to keep waiting because she thinks they will be a good match.” Melanie took back over. She shrugged, “I guess my wolf can do stuff like that. In special cases. We can’t do it all the time.” Alexander hugged her. He whispered, “We understand. We are all learning as we go with my Love bug.” She blushed. The Kipner’s and Justin left together walking slowly out the back door. Haley snapped them a diaper bag. My mom said, “The warriors will point you to your new home. Alexandria thought that would be best for a fresh start. Annie and Oscar decorated the house, but you can change anything you want. They would be more than happy to change it. The baby's room is all set up.” Kara smiled softly, “Thank you Luna Lexi and Luna Alexandria.” Both nodded to them. My mom put her arms around Alexandria and declared, “My daughter in law is an amazing Luna. She cares for her people, and it was her first move once she stopped throwing up blood.” Alexandria blushed. Emmett kissed her, “My perfect Luna.” The way they looked at each other was finally what I had with Odette. It was what I wanted all along. I felt Odette’s astonishment pretty hard in my chest. I wondered if she was surprised she found the phone. I told Matt, “Tell Immy to bring Odette back.” Matt snorted, “Sure. You Daniel's boys.” I countered, “Mated men in general.” Haley snorted, “Afuckingmen, Keaton. Let’s explain with examples.” I snorted. This would be good. She pointed at my dad, “Kept the fact that your wolf told you your mate was around a secret making your friends, family, and mine think you had lost your damn mind, found her, and told no one. More people thought you lost your mind.” She pointed at my grandpa Frank, “Found your second chance mate, went insane about her security that you are now touting over people because you learned there’s a harpy threat. You could’ve been less crazy about it and been fine. We all know this. You kept your daughter a secret from everyone, even your own pack for five years.” She turned to Eric, “You hid the fact that you sought information out about me before we met. You used a war to arrange for my hand in marriage because you felt possessive of me. Jackson, you tried to keep Molly out of training because she was pregnant. ALL you guys do that as if pregnancy is an injury. It’s not. We are always fine. You still get jittery about it. Chase, you have ALL of Lexi’s supernatural events guarded as if she’s not a bad ass who can handle her s**t. Eric, Aiden, and my Hackura family send guards to my events.” She wasn’t done yet, “My lion kept the fact he found Emmaline under wraps. He even asked a psychotic werebitch if she was a fairy instead of calling me because popping over was just too hard for little old me apparently. I could go on. Does anyone want me to? Or would you like to stop giving my godson s**t for doing the same DAMN thing you all do?” Emmett was desperately trying not to laugh. She said, “Uh huh. I see you over there Emmett. You nearly took a young man’s head off for giving Alexandria a jellybean when she was sixteen. You have no room to talk.” My dad said, “We get it. No giving Keaton s**t for doing what we would have.” I asked, “Is anyone going to explain all the stuff she said about you and mom?” Haley asked, “Huh?” Lexi laughed, “We haven’t told them all the details. We will.” Haley shrugged, “I get that. I try not to tell my kids about my childhood until they are sixteen, but fairies keep having to be assholes.” Yeah. Mom told us when we were sixteen. Poor Max. To find out about your mom the way he did was rough. I felt bad for Haley too because it was her story to tell. No one should force her to do it. Immy popped back in. I grabbed Odette and yanked her against me. One of Odette’s brothers huffed under his breath, “Harish will kill me for not bringing him. They are so dramatic he’d never leave.” I’d forgotten they were still here. Odette’s request to Malachi confused us all. Keith linked me, “Huh?” Emmett linked, “Oh, good. That sounds good. I’m not worried at all.” Him and I both. I linked Malachi, “If she needs me, I’ll come back.” Malachi snorted, “I can protect her even if we weren’t in allied territory. Go on. Also, nice mark. I can’t believe you put makeup on your mark. You little weirdo.” It was nice not having to cover it up. We walked into the living room. Haley said, “I’m going to check on the kids. I’ll be right back.” She kissed Eric then popped away. She should’ve stayed. We were in a weird silence now. I couldn’t believe the scary techy Luna wasn’t breaking. She must be hiding behind Alexander. I didn’t see her. The Conners were looking at the Sargasso’s. Caspian and Eric seemed to be evaluating each other. My dad spoke, “Thank you, Caspian. My family and I appreciate you getting rid of the harpy blood in us.” Caspian nodded, “Of course. You are family after all.” Nathan choked a little. He’d thought of us as family for a long time though. I hoped that didn’t change. Malachi yelled for Melanie to come back. I heard her footsteps, but they weren’t coming from this room. That’s why she didn’t break the awkward silence. I asked, “Why isn’t she in this room? Where did she go?” Emmett snorted, “She’s plotting to rule the world somewhere.” Probably. Or she was researching something. I changed the subject, “Nathan, I want to do this right.” One of Odette’s brothers laughed, “He’s going to get you in more trouble, Cython. It’s about to get interesting again.” Nathan tensed. I told him, “I’ve looked up to you my whole life. I would hate to disappoint you, but Odette asked me to mark her. I’m planning something special for this weekend, but I wanted you to know.” Nathan growled, “No.” My dad uncrossed his arms, “Nathan, stop.” Eric spoke, “Dad, you talked about this with us and Haley. You knew it was coming.” Nathan argued, “She’s seventeen.” Eric stared at him, “We know that. We all agreed it was up to her. You can’t decide this for her. I know it’s hard, dad I really do. You know my pups feel their mates their whole lives. They weren’t all marked at the wolf appropriate age, and I know some of them will follow that. It’s hard for us, but they have other natures just like Odette. You agreed just last night.” I could tell Nathan was fighting himself. I said, “I love and respect her.” Nathan muttered, “I know that. I just think this should wait. She just got her wolf, and she’s not eighteen.” My mom said, “It’s not your call or ours. I’ll also add that some fairies don’t get their wolves until they are marked. Should Maverick have waited and kept Olivia’s wolf from her?” Nathan frowned, “They are both over eighteen!” Lexi shrugged, “So if they met before he should've waited? No, it’s about Odette’s gender.” Nathan snorted, “You think I would be happy about my seventeen year old male pup marking someone if we’d just met him? I would not be.” Lexi smiled, “Good. It’s still not our call.” Odette came out in a fury. She had every right to be mad. Channing growled, “You make sure mate knows this is not something we were ever considering. We take her feelings into account over his.” I replied, “We will make sure.” Someone must have linked Haley because she popped back in. Odette pointed out she’d marked me. Several people looked at my mark now. My mom linked, “I CANNOT believe you didn’t bring her to meet me after she marked you. I can’t believe I didn’t notice you had makeup on your neck until your dad told me.” I sheepishly replied, “Would it make you feel better if I said he didn’t really notice until Clara threw me some concealer when I thought Odette was missing.” She gasped, “That turd! He didn’t say that. I thought I was slipping.” The old man was in trouble. Tatum came forward saying she felt the bond because of Sassy. It was the same with fairies who had wolves. EJ and Brutus knew Elise was theirs. He only waited because she was a full blooded werewolf. Haley got everyone to agree it was up to me and Odette which was good because I was not asking for approval here. I was relieved Eric had been on my side the whole time. Nathan even backed down pretty quick. I knew he was just struggling. They all were. Odette being his daughter was a bomb none of us saw coming. Melanie had joined us and told us how not being marked felt to her. Alexander’s face twisted up in pain. That girl just couldn’t catch a break. Channing snarled, “I will NOT make mate feel that way. Plan something for tomorrow. The weekend is too far away. She’s been neglected and rejected enough in her life. I don’t want her feeling that from us. She’s already asked us to mark her before she knew about her nature. I’m done waiting.” I reasoned, “Alright. I hadn’t heard Melanie explain how she felt before I started planning. I don’t want Odette to feel that way either. Emmett linked me, “You changed your marking plans, didn’t you?” I asked, “How could I make her feel that way? That’s terrible.” Emmett nodded, “Good. I’d have hit you in the back of the head if you didn’t. I’d prefer if you stayed in our territory, but the Conners is acceptable. I’m sure Caspian would let you go there too. Just somewhere that we have guards. This threat is still on the loose, and they are after the two of you.” I nodded my agreement. I didn’t want to get ambushed marking Odette. That was the worst marking story to tell our pups one day. Odette brought up good points about our living situation. We could manage though. I could be popped in and out places and I was fast. I wanted her to have her time with her family. She and I could discuss it, but maybe our territory could be the main base of operations once I have my alpha ceremony. I’d do whatever she wanted though. Odette and I stated where we stood on markings. I’d hate it if Nathan disliked me, but I had to do what was best for my mate. Nathan apologized. I did feel bad for him. Everyone did. We all know he would’ve been the best dad. He’d have doted on Odette and spoiled her rotten. Melanie decided her, me, and Malachi were going somewhere. What? Emmett linked me, “Don’t you even THINK about it!” I snorted, “You want to tell the scary techy muffin Luna no? I think she’d make me go anyway.” He growled at me, “f**k your point.” I winked at him. We were snapped into all black with masks. I already felt a rush. I knew that wearing a mask was one though because I was the Silver Blade. Malachi clearly knew what we were doing. My eyes landed on my mate. It was about something she saw. She told him about it when they hung back. Valentina shimmered in and we were gone. We were in a building. I asked, “Where are we?” Melanie answered, “A resistance facility in Kitchener, Canada.” Malachi snorted, “Not Ontario?” Melanie frowned, “Kitchener is a city in Ontario.” I elbowed him, “Yeah, don’t you know that?” Malachi rolled his eyes. Melanie said, “Ok, Valentina couldn’t get in, but I bet I can so you guys will have to hold my hands. Malachi, you, and Keaton get the prisoners. I’ll be the distraction.” Valentina snorted, “Of course. Your Xander will hate everything about that plan.” Melanie smiled, “But it’s so fun.” I asked, “What are you going to do?” Malachi added, “Because Luna Valentina is right. Alexander will not like that.” Melanie smiled, “It will be fine. Xander won’t care. I’m going to create an explosion. If I had more time I’d do something that hurts them physiologically like I did to Dante when I saved Everly and Julianna.”
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