Headaches Pt.2

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My grandpa sighed and sat down defeated, “You’re right. It’s not her fault, and she shouldn’t be with the Merrick’s. It’s just….she’s my little girl. She was such a happy child. I failed her, and I keep failing her. I don’t know how to fix it.” The woman rubbed his shoulders then asked, “Caspian, what did you mean Odette can’t tell you where she is. I thought you were trying to get her to trust you and open up.” Trit answered, “She does trust us. Whenever we ask and she’s about to tell us she can’t. She’s pulled from here or something interrupts her. Cordelius is looking into countering that, but it’s slow progress.” The woman nodded, “Of course. Let us know if we can help.” Trit nodded. My mind was reeling. My head was starting to pound again. Before I could say anything, I was pulled away. I screamed because my head hurt being yanked back. Several people looked towards me. Astonishment lit in all my brothers eyes. My grandpa though, sorrow and fear flashed in his. He ran after me, “Odette, please wait. Let me explain I….” I was gone before he could. I didn’t think I wanted to go back the rest of the weekend. I spent all my time with Keaton. I avoided my email and my phone. Which had blown up with notifications. I knew it was my brothers. I just didn’t know what to say. Caspian would never understand how much his words meant to me, and I didn’t know how to express that. He wasn’t doing the easy thing for himself, his mob connections, or the people he knew. He was standing by me. It was a new feeling. I had to find the right words to thank him. My grandpa was another story. Sorrow filled me when I thought of him. I’d always watched enviously on grandparents day in my schools when everyone’s grandparents came. I always wanted that, but no one was ever there for me. The teacher usually did all the activities with me. Now, I guess I had one and he was willing to give me up for my mom’s life. On one hand, I understood that. He didn’t know me. No one wanted me, why would he? I shook those thoughts away. School passed by as thoughts filled me. Sassy was a little somber too. Keaton was what kept us grounded from this depression I was spiraling in. I didn't understand my reaction. My brothers and Noxus wanted me. Why did the fact that my grandpa didn’t care if I was miserable my entire life mean anything? I didn’t know him. I was used to people not wanting me. Sassy was really sad about it too. I was in a fog. Immy looked worried a few times when we weren’t with Keaton. I was totally unprepared for Lisa to be at school. Sassy was hissing in my head. What was with this girl and her tears? Sassy totally lost it. She ripped off Keaton’s shirt which made Lisa really mad. Well, Keaton’s shirt wasn’t her personal tissue. That was weird. She reached for Keaton, and Sassy made me grab her hand. I squeezed tightly and she looked into my eyes. She shrieked loudly. That was not a normal sound. She needed to get a grip. We stared at each other. Sassy was hissing and clearly warning this girl. For some reason, I was certain that Lisa knew what I was doing. I knew one thing; I wasn’t leaving the snot smearer with Keaton. She had an agenda. She was an abuser and she didn’t like that Keaton wasn’t under her control anymore. I should know, I had one of my own. Actually, I had more than one. My mom and Luke. I decided to show her exactly who Keaton's girlfriend is. It wasn’t the most mature move, but I still kissed him making sure she knew. Lisa just wasn’t going to let it go. When she said that Keaton and I didn’t know each other our whole lives like they did, an intense anger filled me. I slammed the truck door shut, but not before I saw the look of smugness on Lisa’s face. Well, she could shove it. I wasn’t upset that I didn’t know every detail about Keaton’s life at this point. I was pissed that she knew him longer than me. I looked out and window and whispered, “I should’ve known him this whole time.” I knew that thought didn’t make sense and wasn’t rational. My head was pounding again, but everything in me believed I should’ve known Keaton longer than she did. It annoyed me that she was there when I wasn’t. I could’ve played with him when we were children. I could’ve been there, and then she never would've been in the picture. I winced as my head began to feel like a spike was going through it. I needed to take my mind off it. I wanted to do a driving lesson. Life would’ve been so different if I met Keaton before I moved from Tennessee the first time. We wouldn’t have our toxic ex’s. We wouldn’t have this drama and baggage around us. Keaton didn’t understand, but I didn’t expect him to. I knew it sounded crazy. I was upset that we should've known each other. I couldn’t explain why I felt that way, and I might throw up from this headache if I tried. I was wiping tears away while Keaton talked to his Uncle. His uncle was pissed. Keaton ended up wanting to plan spring break. Sassy happily hummed in my head. I just wanted to make sure planning a trip didn’t stress Keaton out as much as Valentine’s Day had. I wasn’t like Lisa. I wanted to leave Keaton on a better note. Other girls in my old school’s talked about quickies. We could do that. This was a thing. Sassy was laughing her song. How one could laugh while singing, I wasn’t sure but she was. I wanted Keaton and I to be connected. I wanted him. I wanted to be like those other couples I’d seen all over the country. I didn’t want to be with Luke in any capacity. I just wanted Keaton. I felt this energy between us, and I never wanted it to change. I wanted the tingles. I wanted us forever and always. When we kissed I felt as if he somehow invaded my very soul. Sassy was not laughing now. She was singing her song beautifully and more content than she ever had. The quickie didn’t happen. It couldn’t. We were both so happy. I could swear that I felt Keaton’s lust and elation as if they were my own. When he dropped me off I ran past a smirking Ken to my place. I got inside and looked at Tatum. I said, “Weird things keep happening, Tatum.” She yipped happily then I went into my office space. I opened up my laptop at the same time I was getting a video call. I answered, “Hi Caspian….” I trailed off realizing all my brothers were there. I added, “And everyone. You’re all here.” They were all relieved. Cython groaned, “I did not need to see her with I just had s*x hair.” I blushed and quickly threw my hair into a ponytail. Caspian spoke, “You haven’t been answering us.” I blushed, “Umm…I was a little busy this weekend…” I heard several people snicker off camera. A man yelled, “She means getting busy!” Cython yelled, “Harish!” I asked, “Who is Harish? Is he one of my nephews I didn’t know I had?” Caspian snorted, “So you heard a lot of that conversation then?” I crossed my arms, “Maybe.” Cython answered, “Harish is my song, and he’s a s**t starter.” I said, “He seems funny.” Harish yelled, “I’m hilarious! They are testy. They thought you were mad at them.” I winced, “No, I’m not mad…I actually….I don’t know how to express this and I’ve been trying to think of a way…It’s just everyone leaves me, but Caspian refused. He stood up for me without knowing I was there. He refused to leave me behind, and I could see it on your faces you agreed.” Tears filled my eyes and I tried to subtly wipe them. I whispered, “You weren’t going to abandon me and do what was easy. It just…it means everything to me. I love you guys, and I miss you. I’ve been kind of depressed about the fact that my grandpa doesn’t care about me. I don’t know why it even matters, but even sassy is sad. We’ve been in a funk because he doesn’t accept us. I don’t even know why I care. Other than that, I've always been jealous of people with grandparents. Mine doesn’t even want me, but that’s not surprising. No one has wanted me, even mom.” I took a deep breath, “I just…I’ve been sad and happy and now…” Now I felt Keaton struggling with something. How did I know it was Keaton? No clue. How could I feel it? Also, no idea. I shook myself, “Anyway, I just thank you guys. For not abandoning me and if you want to visit I’m in….” I started to choke. I jumped up to go get some water. I came back when I stopped coughing and choking. That was weird. I walked back into the room. Caspian said, “Odette, I know this doesn't make sense to you but you’re not going to be able to tell us where you are. We are working on it.” I rubbed my head because the pounding came back. Trit asked, “What’s wrong?” I whispered, “My head has been hurting a lot. This weird lady that keeps appearing in my dreams said it’s because I’m trying to get around her magic. My subconscious is weird like that now.” Caspian said, “Well, let’s just talk about other things and see if that helps your head, ok?” I nodded my agreement. Caspian said, “I want you to know that I will not ever abandon you. That goes for us all. You are our sister, and we will NEVER hand you over to or leave you with the Merrick’s.” I snorted, “But grandpa would.” It hurt more than it should. Cordelius spoke, “He really wouldn’t. He’s going through a rough time, and he said things he didn’t mean. We’ve all been arguing for a while, as I’m sure you could tell all our tempers with him were quite short. He’s been beside himself since you left and weren’t answering us. He thinks he’s ruined everything between us and for himself.” I said, “Well, it’s not like he and I have a relationship to ruin. I definitely won’t trust him any time soon….” trailed off when an intense burst of happiness hit me. Trit asked, “What was that?” I sighed, “It’s crazy, let’s not talk about it.” Caspian snorted, “Now, we are definitely talking about it.” I sighed, “Fine. I’m pretty sure I can feel my song boy’s emotions and he’s really happy right now. It’s very intense.” Cython yelled, “Nope! Nope! I’m out. I’m so beyond out of this conversation. I’m happy you're not mad at us, little sister. I love you.” He left as several people laughed. All my brothers were red faced. I asked, “What?” Trit asked, “ “Uhh…well….have…did….your lips turn blue?” I frowned, “I don’t really get cold.” Someone snorted they were laughing so hard. Caspian opened his mouth several times then said, “Let’s just move on as you said.” I pouted, “Hey! That’s not fair! You made me talk about it. You seem to know something. What is it?” Caspian groaned, “I’m not talking to my little sister about this. It makes me even more upset with Morgana. She should tell you these things.” Serenity snorted, “Caspian! Help her understand.” Caspian turned around, “She’s my little sister. Come on! I cannot have this conversation with my little sister. We have all boys. The conversation was easier with them.” Serenity rolled her eyes, “Alright, all of you…out. It’s girl time.” All my brothers left after mumbling bye. I bit my lip and said, “You’ll have to teach me your ways. They all listen to you.” Serenity laughed, “Oh, they were raised right.” I snorted, “Maybe by Noxus.” Serenity looked sad, “The Morgana you and I know are very different. Until she betrayed Caspian, I was quite close with her. She was a great mother in law until she wasn’t.” She looked away then turned back, “Anyway.” I studied her then asked, “Would you kill my mother if you saw her again?” I don’t know why I asked. Without hesitation Serenity answered, “Yes. She hurt my song deeply. She could’ve gotten him killed. He showed her mercy because she was hurting and she acted rashly. Then she ripped his heart out leaving, and now this. She keeps hurting him and it needs to stop. My children don’t know her and they never will.” I asked, “How many kids do you have?” She smiled, “I have four beautiful boys.” I told her, “I’d like to meet them.” She assured me, “You will.” I hissed as anger hit me like lightning. Serenity laughed, “Oh boy. Let’s explain this in an interesting way so you don’t get a headache. Alright. Creativity. I can do that. Do you believe in soul mates?” I answered, “Yes.” Serenity smiled, “Good. Did you feel this strong sense to be untied in every way possible with your song boy while being intimate?” I nodded. She said, “Well, you formed a bond with your song boy. It’s more intense right now because it’s new. It will be normal where you feel him, but not as your own one day. There’s always a bond between soul mates. There are people whose bonds are even more intense, but we are not one of them. He will always be there within your soul. There’s another piece to that, but we will see if it gets there before we find you.” I asked, “Why can’t I tell you where I am?” Serenity sighed, “Ok…How to creatively get around this….I believe you know what hypnotherapy is?” I nodded. Serenity said, “Well, you’re under something like that. Until it’s reversed you can’t tell us, but that’s ok. We understand you want to.” I asked, “So if Luke takes me…Or if my mom or grandpa hands me over to them, I’ll never meet you guys for real?” Serenity turned her head when we both heard things breaking. Serenity turned back to me saying, “If you end up here, nothing can keep Caspian from you because he knows about you. Even if you’d never gone to see Lux Vennox, he’d find out about you once you were here. You could’ve never been here very long without him finding out. Then they couldn’t keep him from you. Alon would never hand you over. He’s lashing out, but that doesn’t excuse his behavior. If I were you I would not trust him either. The men around here don’t seem to understand the end game here even though I clearly see it.” I thought about what I knew. I asked, “Do you think my mom set this up so Caspian would come for me? Then she’d get the war she always wanted? That way she gets everything.” Serenity sighed, “You do know her well, I see. Yes, I think she’s manipulating pieces around her. I think she’s being a manipulative abusive b***h to you now so she doesn't grow a conscious. She knows Caspian will hear about you, and I’m sure she’d make sure he did. She knows the man she raised. He would come for you. Then she has what she always wanted. She can build a relationship with you, repair the ones with her boys and Noxus.” I snorted, “She and I will never have a relationship.” Serenity said, “I believe you, but Morgana wouldn’t see it that way.” I shrugged, “There was once a time I would care about that. I wanted her to like me. To be different with me, but I haven’t cared for a long time.” Serenity said, “I wouldn’t in your case either. Be safe, Odette. We will find you; I promise.” Remembering the man’s words from my dreams I whispered as I shut the computer, “Or maybe I’ll find you.” I sat there chewing on a pen on the desk. I sighed and put it down. Why couldn’t I tell them where I was? I dropped to my knees in pain. Tatum ran to me yipping. I shook my head. I said, “Come on, let’s take you on a walk.” I grabbed her leash and ended up where my rabies wolf usually was. I took a muffin out of my purse and left it. I called, “I hope you’re doing ok!” I turned and left with Tatum. The next day Keaton picked me up. He told me, “I’m actually having a good time making plans for our trip.” I smiled, “Good. I don’t want there to be any stress or pressure. I’ll be happy with whatever.” He laughed, telling me, “I have plans with my brother after dinner.” I kissed his cheek and we went to school. Immy commented, “You seem better today.” She was right. Maybe I just needed to talk to my brothers all along. Who knows? Probably them but I didn’t think they would tell me right now. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to know. I asked Immy, “Have you ever seen a white wolf?” She choked on her drink. Several people looked at me. I frowned. She asked, “Have you? Seen a white wolf around?” I said, “No, but I know someone who seems scared of them.” Immy said, “White wolves aren’t scary.” I snorted, “Well, I’d like to scare this person so if you see one….send me a picture.” Immy laughed, “Uhhh well….” The bell rang before she could answer. Keaton took me home. We hung out at my apartment until I had to go to work. He dropped me off then went home. Immy was there she pointed to a customer. I approached, “Hello, can I help you?” The girl smiled, “Sure! I was looking for a good fantasy book.” I nodded, “Ok, you’re in the wrong section.” I led her over and gestured, “Here you are.” She studied me. I asked, “Are you ok?” She nodded, “Yes. Are you new around here? I’ve been friends with Rya Daniels for a long time, but I’ve never seen you.” I answered, “I was born around here, but I just came back recently.” She continued, “Sure. What do you think about witches?” I snorted, “I think I dream about one.” I clapped a hand over my mouth. The girl’s eyes went wide. Oh, god. They were going to lock me up. Hopefully, Keaton wouldn’t let them. I quickly said, “I’m joking. It’s just a dream. Witches aren’t my favorite in the books I’ve read, but they seem cool.” She asked, “What’s the dream about?” I shrugged. She laughed, “I had a dream that there was pumpkin trying to eat me.” I laughed, “She just tells me I can’t get around her magic. She calls me a child a lot. She thinks I’m interesting.” She winced, “Oh.” I snorted, “Yeah. Now, I get headaches. She also finds that fun. She’s a barrel of laughs.” The girl looked worried. I told her, “It’s ok. It’s just a dream.” She smiled sadly, “Of course.” She seemed to be hanging around. She was in the corner reading a book. Several other people joined her. They whispered and all came over to meet me. When they left I told Immy, “They were interesting. I felt like I was their pet project or something.” She uncharacteristically had nothing to say. She looked worriedly at me. I told her, “I was kind of kidding.” She just jumped on me, hugging me. Sean walked in and she instantly brightened. She walked over to him. I couldn’t help but smile. I told her, “Go, I’ll cover.” She said, “Our shift is over anyway.” I laughed, “I know. I meant I’ll close up.” She nodded and left with Sean out the back. I closed out the cash register and locked up. I went to the bank quickly. I bumped into someone on my way out. Sassy hissed in my head. I began to run without even looking up or saying sorry. I heard someone following me. I ran into the woods where I normally saw my rabies wolf. Jag hung out here sometimes too. Maybe one of them was around to help. The further I got I could tell no one was following me. I turned around and took a deep breath. Things were crazy around here all the time. I was about to keep going when I heard a fight going on. Oh no! What if Jag was in trouble again? I ran as fast as I could only to stop in pure disbelief. A woman in an all black outfit with a lot of arrows in a quiver was fighting some chick with really long nails. The nail chick kept trying to scratch the woman in all back. I needed to help her. The overwhelming sense to help this woman was making me somewhat frantic. Where was her bow? I looked around, nearly groaning because I didn't see it. A glimmer caught my eye. It was in the pond. I dove without a second thought. I swam down to the bottom and grabbed it. I came back up to see much of the same happening in their fight, but the long nail chick was losing. I wasn’t sure why she was even fighting. She should run away. She was getting her ass kicked. I swam to the edge of the pond. A man in a hood flashed by me, grabbing the bow from me. I yelled, “HEY!” He was crazy fast. I rubbed my head. He yelled, “BA!” She caught the bow on reflex. She loaded it so fast I could barely register it; she sank three arrows into the long nailed chick. My jaw dropped. The guy in the hood and the woman turned towards me. I took in her whole look as I climbed out of the pond. She had on a long black trench coat with a black bodysuit. I loved her boots. Her mask was black too which made her blonde hair stand out. I asked, “Are you ok? She had like insanely long nails. I can’t believe a nail technician let her get nails that long because obviously she had to get them done. I have a first aid kit at my apartment. I could go get it…” The woman smiled, “I’m fine. Thank you for getting my bow.” I shrugged, “Umm, no problem.” The man in the hood commented, “Yes, what great lung capacity you have to get all the way to the bottom and back up.” The woman shoved him in the arm. Lux and I used to be like that. I wondered if they were brother and sister. The guy asked, “What? I’m just saying. How strange it was.” I laughed. I clapped a hand over my mouth, “I’m sorry. You just remind me of my brother. I miss him.” The hood guy asked, “Where is he?” I shrugged, “I don’t know. I haven’t seen him in a really long time.” They both titled their heads. They then ignored my presence. The hood guy crossed his arms, “You weren’t supposed to be in this area, BA. I can only think of one reason why you were.” He turned to face me. I asked, “ME?! No, you can’t mean me. That would be crazy. Is there like a Robin Hood society here?” The guys laughed. The woman shoved him again. I asked, “What? She’s clearly the female Robin Hood. You’ve got a hood and a mask…” The woman asked, “How did you know I was the good guy?” I said, “I’ve seen posters from the hero movies. They are the ones in costumes. Also, I just…knew I had to help you. For some reason…I’m not really sure why. Lately, if I think about things too much I get a headache. So, I’m not going to focus on that because it feels like a spike being driven into my brain. So, I had to help you and I accept that.” The guy in the hood seemed amused. The girl flashed in front of me. I blinked several times. She said, “Thank you for helping, Katie.” I asked, “You know my name?” She winked at me asking, “Is it your name?” I answered honestly, “Yes and no.” The guy in the hood laughed. She waved her hand, “Don’t mind him. He’s keeping secrets. Can I tell you one?” I snorted, “Sure.” She said, “Men think they are so good at keeping their secrets, but we just let them think they are. I know all the secrets the men in my house keep.” I laughed, “You should talk to Key’s mom then.” Now the guy in the Hood hunched over laughing. The woman said, “Call me BA. Why should I talk to Key’s mom?” I said, “A lot of people in her family tell me to keep secrets. Daniels men…I guess.” They both laughed. BA said, “Yes, well I’m positive they aren’t as good at keeping their secrets as well as they think. Maybe they walk around the house smiling and whispering, forgetting who they are dealing with.” I shrugged, “Yeah, she seemed pretty all over things when I saw her.” The hood guys asked, “When did you see her?” I admitted, “They all came to the school when my boyfriend’s toxic ex punched him.” BA’s fist clenched. The hood said, “I heard it was because he was looking at you.” I gasped, “Me? Well, I was there…I think she’s just crazy. She keeps trying to use my boyfriend as a Kleenex. She has a screw loose. Or several.” Both laughed.
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