Cinnamon Rolls Pt. 2

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She whirled and smiled, “Hello Keaton. Why that little sneak! That means Keith is here too. I’ll go see him.” She kissed my forehead, “We really miss you around here. I’m so glad you boys are coming home soon. I’m beginning to think this is Karma for making Heath live like this when I couldn’t be in the shroud anymore.” She flashed away. Sally looked behind me. I could smell my dad standing there. Sally spoke mostly to herself, “Everything’s just being kept warm. I’ll give you two a minute.” I was going to tell her it was fine, but my dad said, “Thank you, Sally.” I turned, “Hey old man.” I gave him a hug. He sighed, “Only you kids. I’m not old.” I smiled, “You’re older than us.” My dad snorted, “I’m your father. Of course I’m older than you. What kind of logic is that? That’s not the point.” I sighed. I didn’t bother to ask what his point was. I already knew. He asked, “What’s going on, Keaton? Your grandpa has had a very firm policy of not interfering with relationships for over twenty years. Now, he’s running out the door to make sure you don’t talk to your ex alone. What’s going on?” I said, “Apparently, none of you like Lisa.” My dad’s jaw dropped. He growled, “Apparently?! Son, no. That was not a secret. Your mom and I let you kids make your own choices, but you certainly knew how we felt about you with that girl. So, try again. This time we could try the truth.” I sighed asking, “What if we take a rain check?” My dad frowned. Eventually he agreed, “Fine. I want an answer soon though.” I nodded and managed not to wince. I really wanted everyone to drop this, but clearly they weren’t going to. I’d hidden Lisa’s s*x reports for two years. Now everyone wanted to know about them. Channing linked, “Everyone will say what I did. They are wrong.” I linked, “They are my family, of course they will.” Channing retorted, “Fine. Ask the girl we are giving driving lessons to.” I asked, “Are you out of your mind?! We aren’t asking another girl that.” Channing grumbled. I asked, “What is your deal with this girl?” Channing thought about it. Eventually he admitted, “I don’t know. Maybe I’m just excited about someone new. Immy likes her. Maybe she’s bubbly like Immy. We just need someone who is not a downer. I swear Lisa sucked the life out of both of us.” I asked, “What does Lady say?” Channing sighed, “She’s sad. She feels like she’s out of touch with Lisa. She’s tried, but they are really different. Lady didn’t like her reports. She didn’t like how she treated us. She likes me and you.” I was really beginning to think that Lisa didn’t like me, and that was the problem. Thinking about it, I was pretty sure I didn’t like her. Christmas was over before I knew it. This time when Keith and I left, my heart felt heavy. It felt like I was leaving somewhere I called home again. Not somewhere I wanted to avoid. When we made it back Keith asked, “You ok?” I nodded, “Yup. Just ready to be home. I miss everyone.” Keith said, “You finally looked like you were having fun again. I feel like it’s been a few years since you looked like you were having fun.” I sighed, “I get it. You all didn’t like her. Everyone is thrilled we aren’t together. I wasn’t myself. I feel like myself again though.” Keith shoved me, “Good.” We spend our time training and in the gym. On New Year Eve we decided to stay in Gray Stone. We were going to head home right before school. We all stood around as midnight came closer. My eyes were on the newly made Gamma. He was tense. When he stiffened and walked away. I followed. I knew Keith was following too. I followed the Gamma to his Alpha Mike McDermont. Gamma Jared lamented, “I knew I should’ve told her not to go without me.” I looked at Keith. Gamma Jared’s mate was a partial fairy. Alpha Mike said, “She’ll be ok.” His Beta, Larson, said, “She will be Jared.” Jared yelled, “The f*****g O’Toole’s got into Faerie. Goblins attacked….that’s not the definition of ok.” I asked, “Is Haley ok? Is Preston?” Alpha Mike answered without looking at us, “Everyone is fine. Luna Melanie figured out the plot. You’ll need to talk to your brother about the memo about that. She….tapped into the extra part of her wolf.” The white wolf had powers. That must mean Melanie had activated her powers. Channing howled happily in my head. The wolves were all excited about Freya. Gamma Jared’s mate popped back in. She winked at me and Keith. Gamma Jared had her in his arms in a second his lips were possessively on hers. I turned around with Keith and walked back to the party. As the midnight count began one of the warriors I had been working with came over. She asked, “Wanna be my New Year's midnight kiss?” I smiled, “Sure.” I saw Keith’s jaw drop. I simply raised an eyebrow at who was coming up behind him. It was May. He wasn’t surprised to see her either. Good. I was happy for them. The female warrior asked, “Do you know my name?” I laughed, “Liza Greens. We are the same age, and I think you could be the lead warrior of this pack one day here soon when we graduate.” Liza laughed, “Are you trying to get lucky? Because…you might.” I snorted, “I wasn’t trying. I’m simply telling you the facts. You’re good. Good enough to challenge for the female lead warrior position and win. You could even take a lot of the men…” She grabbed the back of my neck and kissed me hard. I pulled her against me and ran my hands down her side. When she gasped I slid my tongue into her mouth. Everyone yelled, “HAPPY NEW YEAR!” I pulled back and winked, “Happy New Year, Liza.” She blinked several times. She said, “Damn Keaton Daniels. You’re one hell of a kisser.” She walked away and muttered, “How did someone like Lisa Kipner get a guy who not only looks like him, but kisses like him. Damn. How do the mean girls always get the good ones?” I snorted. Keith and May came over to me. May said, “Happy New Year Keaton!” I smiled, “Happy New Year, May.” Keith said, “Uh huh…Dude! You kissed someone!” I said, “I had my first kiss about four years ago, Keith.” Keith said, “And since then you’ve only ever kissed those same lips.” May slapped his chest playfully. He laughed and kissed her lips. She melted into him. I said, “It was a New Year’s Eve kiss.” May teased, “That was apparently good. That’s going to go around, Keaton. People have been curious. Girls in our pack have spied on you and Lisa making out. The going theory is that you’re very good…at stuff.” Her face flamed red. Keith growled, “Why are you paying attention to rumors about my twin?” May laughed, “Oh calm down. All the girls talk about it. I already know you’re good at things.” Keith paled. May winked at me then said, “I’ve been told I am too.” She took off running. I busted out laughing. Keith growled and took off after May. Alpha Mike said, “I swear being around the partial fairies has made all the women more mischievous than they already were.” I nodded to him, “Probably.” Alpha Mike said, “My warriors caught someone from your pack who was charging over the border.” I asked, “Who?” Alpha Mike laughed, “She claims she’s your girlfriend. See, I myself know she’s your ex-girlfriend because your brother told me why you and Keith were coming to train this whole time instead of on the weekends and over your breaks.” I asked, “Why was Lisa coming here?” Alpha Mike raised an eyebrow at me. He said, “Shockingly it’s only about fifteen minutes past midnight and she already knows you kissed someone who was not her at midnight.” I asked, “How?” Alpha Mike shrugged, “I’m sure someone around here texted her. I have people who like her in the pack and don’t. I could see both telling her. Plus, I had an Omega that was making extra money reporting back to her everything you did. I told your brother who told Lisa in no uncertain terms to stop spying on you. I’m shocked she didn’t listen to him. Your border patrol was taking her to him after mine gave her back. Something tells me your brother won’t be happy to be pulled away from his Luna on New Year’s Eve over this.” I said, “He can deal with it tomorrow.” Alpha Mike laughed, “The things we do for our siblings. If one of my brother’s ex’s was crazy, I’d deal with it right away too. If it were one of my sisters, well….He would be having a very bad day. Thank god my sister is mated to Theo Conners. I know she’s going to be taken care of.” I nodded. I felt the same way about Allison and TJ. The rest of the party went smoothly. I made my way to my room. I had one hundred missed calls from Lisa. A few texts from her dad, but nothing from my family. So I ignored them. The next day Emmett called me. I answered, “Hey Emmett.” He replied, “Hi Keaton. Random Question for you.” I bit my lip so I wouldn’t laugh. He didn’t know that Alpha Mike told me about Lisa. I said, “Sure, what’s up?” Emmett asked, “Did you ask Lisa to meet you for New Years?” I honestly answered, “Nope. I haven’t texted or talked to her on the phone since I left. She texted me the other night, but I didn’t read any of the messages.” Emmett growled, “Good to know.” He hung up. I laughed, “Touchy.” We hung up. The next few days flew by. I waved to Liza when we left. She blew me a kiss. I smiled at her and caught it. Why not? Keith and I ran home in human form. There was a ridiculous amount of patrols out. I linked Keith, “What the hell?” Keith said, “I actually have no idea.” When we made it home we saw our parents first. I asked, “What’s with all the patrols?” My dad said, “Emmett was making sure his order was followed.” Keith asked, “What order?” Emmett answered, “That Lisa is not allowed to speak to Keaton until school starts since he doesn’t want to talk to her. She crossed a border and was caught. She screamed and tried to fight several of our own border patrol bringing her to me. She threatened them with you. For his piss poor attempt at fighting she was demoted to Omega. She can work up to being a warrior if she wants. I don’t think she does since she hasn’t signed up for a single class. She lied to her alpha by telling me you asked her to come over the border. I called Alpha Mike when I found out that wasn’t the case. He talked to some of the girls in his pack. It seems someone let her know you were over her and kissing someone else…” My mom clapped, “You did?” My dad nudged her. She couldn’t keep the smile off her face. I answered, “Yes. It was midnight on New Year’s Eve. We aren’t dating mom.” She shrugged, “Moving on is moving on, Keaton Daniels. I’ll take it.” Emmett said, “Anyway, she was crossing because she was pissed at you and would’ve caused a scene. She’s been demoted and punished. I wasn’t about to let her ambush you before I talked to you about it myself. Since that seems to be what happened last time according to grandpa and Keith.” Keith said, “Umm I did not say ambush.” Emmett said, “You said she was lying in wait outside out of view of our home for our brother to show up. Grandpa said she wasn’t being nice about what transpired between her and myself. Now, you two will be Alpha’s most likely next year, and you help me out with pack things. That does not mean members can run to you both about what transpires between them and myself.” I said, “Emmett, we know that. You’ll be the lead Alpha. What you say goes.” Emmett hugged me and Keith. He said, “Welcome home, little brothers. We missed you around here.” I hugged him tightly. My mom said, “I got all your notebooks and everything off your back to school lists.” I hugged her, “Thanks mom.” Keith said, “Yeah, thanks mom.” I avoided everyone the rest of the night. I didn’t want to talk about Lisa, her s*x reports, or kissing a warrior at midnight on New Year’s Eve. The longer the night went on the more restless I became. I couldn’t sleep at all. Finally, I got up and went to the one place I knew I wouldn’t see Lisa, the gym. I’d been there for about an hour when I heard a yawn. Keith’s voice floated to me, “I can’t handle having a twin who turns into Alexander Conners. EJ is much more levelheaded than me. You can’t do this to me, man.” I laughed, “I’m just edgy. Channing is on edge too. I guess it’s the first day of school being back edginess.” Channing snorted. I guess he did not agree. Keith shrugged and started to lift weights with me. We moved on to sparring. Finally I said, “Let’s just shower and go to school early. I don’t want to run into anyone and have Lisa jump in my truck for a ride this morning.” Keith laughed, “Alright. Let’s go.” We ran back to the house and met downstairs fifteen minutes later. May was resting with her head on the table. She groaned, “I hate you, Keaton.” I laughed, “You didn’t have to come with us this early.” May stuck her tongue out at me and gave us both breakfast burritos from her from her mom. We both grabbed them, and piled into my truck. We got to school and went to see the basketball coach. He smiled at me and Keith, “Glad you boys are back.” He was also a werewolf in our pack. We talked to him about the season when Channing started to perk up. I asked, “Do you guys smell that?” Our coach laughed, “Yeah, I can’t really tell the principal I should have an office outside the guys locker room because I’m too sensitive to the stench that comes with pads, equipment, clothes, and quite possibly dead animals left in there.” I frowned. It didn’t smell bad. I could smell cinnamon rolls. I said, “Come on Keith. I think the cafeteria is selling cinnamon rolls for breakfast. They smell amazing.” Keith frowned, “Huh? I don’t smell cinnamon rolls.” I tugged him out of his seat. I said, “Well, I want one.” Keith shrugged, “May has coffee for us in the gym.” I didn’t care. Channing was practically doing backflips in my head. May said, “Here’s your….” I blew past her ignoring the coffee. Keith said, “Stay here. I’ll go figure that out.” May said, “Ok. That was weird though…right?” I didn’t care. I burst out the gym doors. The cinnamon roll smell was leading away from the cafeteria. That was weird, but i didn’t care. My mouth was watering. I ran through the halls. Keith yelled, “Keaton!” I still didn’t stop. I rounded the corner and saw the most beautiful girl at her locker. Her eyes snapped to mine. I growled, “MINE!” Channing howled in my head, “MATE!” The girl was staring at me. I was trying to remember who she was, but I swore I’d never seen this girl before. Was she a transfer student? God, please be a transfer student or I’d be the world’s biggest ass for not knowing who this girl was I’d been at school with for almost four years. I definitely would’ve noticed her full pouty lips and beautiful eyes. I was staring at her lips. Keith whispered, “No way.” His voice made the girl stop staring at me. I growled at my brother who raised his eyebrow. The girl finally spoke, “The lady at the front office told me this was my locker. The combination worked so….I’m not sure how it could be your locker too.” I asked, “Wait, what?” She didn’t know what I was talking about? She reiterated, “You said mine, but this locker is the one the lady at the front told me was mine.” I linked Keith, “But…she’s not human.” Keith linked, “I don’t think she knows that.” Maybe she did and she was playing coy. I walked over to her. Her breath hitched. I admitted, “I didn’t mean the locker.” She asked, “Then what on earth could you have possibly meant?” I studied her face. I asked, “Do you really not know?” She frowned, “No….” I asked, “What are you?” She frowned, “A transfer student….and you are?” I stuck my hand out, “Keaton. Keaton Daniels.” She said, “Nice to meet you Key. I’m Od..Katie.” Keith said, “OdKatie is a strange name.” I glared at him. She laughed nervously and said, “Katie. Just Katie. Karlton…my last name is Karlton.” She took my hand then gasped. The tingles everyone talked about were incredibly pleasant. She jumped back and said, “Gosh, I guess we got zapped.” Keith laughed. I linked him, “Not a single word to anyone.” Keith zipped his lips. I asked, “Can I see your schedule?” She frowned. Channing said, “Say more words. She thinks we are weird!” I told her, “I can show you around the school.” She smiled, “Oh, my friend Immy said she’d show me around, but thanks for the offer Key.” Keith interjected, “Keaton. His name is Keaton.” She smiled. I don't think she meant for it to be seductive but it was. She winked, “I’m going to call him Key.” I asked, “Why?” She laughed, “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.” Keith muttered, “Oh, he would.” I laughed, “Try me.” Her phone buzzed. She took it out, and smiled. She said, “Well, I guess I’ll see you after school at driving lessons, Key.” She turned to my brother, “I’m so sorry I didn’t get your name.” Keith said, “That’s understandable. I’m Keith Daniels.” She nodded to him. Her gaze lingered on me. Her eyes traveled down me. She came back up to my eyes and blushed bright red, squeaked and took off. I didn’t seem to be in control of my feet. They simply followed her. Channing linked, “At least hide. Don’t look like a stalker when she doesn’t understand the mate bond.” It wasn’t hard to hide. I was fast and no one was here. Keith was silently by my side. We say Ted, Matt, and Immy waiting for her at the front of the school. Matt eyebrows furrowed. He asked her, “Do I know you?” Katie shook her head, “Nope.” Matt frowned, “Something about you…looks…familiar.” Immy said, “Dad! Don’t be weird. This is Katie, my new friend.” Ted laughed, “Hello Katie. I hope to see you around. Immy has had nothing but good things to say about you. Along with Lee.” Ted bumped Matt who looked deep in thought. He said, “I hope to see you around too. Immy has been talking a lot about you.” Katie smiled, “Thank you! I already found my locker. I’m pretty sure it might be someone else’s so I need to get it changed.” Immy asked, “Did the code open it?” Katie said, “Yeah…” Immy said, “Then it’s yours. Bye dad’s!” They both waved at her. Matt was staring in our direction, but he couldn’t see us. Channing linked, “He can smell us.” I’m sure he could. He didn’t link us though. Immy said, “Gimme your schedule!” Katie laughed and handed it to her. I watched her every move. I linked Keith, “She’s perfect.” Keith said, “She is pretty. May is perfect to me though. For you though, she does seem to be perfect.” Yeah, yeah. When May turned eighteen that would be all settled. Immy squealed, “We have several classes together! You have some with Keaton and Keith tomorrow on your B days. Gosh, you’re like really smart, aren’t you? They are seniors and you have classes with them. Honors classes. Nerd! I love it!” Katie said, “I actually met them.” Immy groaned “Keaton would ruin the meet cute I had all planned out!” I linked Immy, “What time are driving lessons?” Immy linked back, “Good morning spoilsport. The lesson is thirty minutes after school.” She paused then asked, “You like her don’t you? She’s hot!” I replied, “She’s beautiful.” Immy squealed out loud. Katie asked, “What was that?” Immy said, “I’m the best matchmaker of all time. Who needs soul searchers? Not this area.” Katie laughed, “Soul searchers? You really take this whole reading people’s auras seriously.” Immy said, “Oh, I do. It’s serious business, and I am never wrong about good people. In all seriousness, I love the soul searchers, but what can you do with people who want things to be a secret? Enter me. I’m the aura matcher.” She linked me, “I’m Never wrong. Lisa’s aura is awful, but Katie’s is bright and perfect.” She was perfect. Immy asked Katie, “So….What did you think of them?” I leaned forward. Katie blushed, “Umm…” She looked around. Immy said, “oh please. You wanted to get here so early. No one is here. Except my siblings because I wanted to be here for your first day, and apparently Keith and Keeton.” Katie blushed. She said, “Key is really hot.” Immy squealed, “YOU CALL HIM KEY?! You’re at the nickname stage already…Wait…did he say anything about you giving him a nickname?” Katie shook her head no. Immy led her away jumping up and down. She linked me, “Is she your mate? You didn’t say anything about her giving you a nickname. YOU! I’m so good! I’ve never aura matched mates before. THIS IS SO EXCITING!” I linked her, “We aren’t saying anything about that.” Immy linked, “WHAT?! But….but this is so exciting.” I told her, “We’ll talk about it later little hood, fairy. It’s a secret.” Immy grumbled, “Fine. I AURA MATCHED MATES! Man, I’m good. I deserve a cookie.” Out loud she said, “Come on Katie. Let’s go grab some breakfast. I’m getting a cookie.” Keith muttered, “We look like stalkers.” Bryce Miller walked up to us. He asked, “Why are we watching my little sister with her new…friend. What is that girl? Other than pretty. Wow. She’s going to be popular. Look at her.” I growled at him. Bryce looked wide eyed at Keith. He gulped, “Um ok. So Keaton has traded WAY up in the who he likes department. Look at how normal she looks. No crazy eyes on her.” Keith cleared his throat. Bryce asked, “What? We can all admit Lisa has crazy eyes now, can’t we? They broke up, and he’s mooning over the new girl…He even growled. At me. He’s never growled at my fairy, hood self…HOLY s**t!” I grabbed them both and pulled them into a classroom. I stared at both of them, “Not a word. To anyone.” Keith frowned. Bryce threw his hands up, “Oh HELL NO! Keaton Frank Daniels! You are NOT rejecting that absolute pristine perfect girl who my sister says has a pure aura out in those halls for Lisa Kipner. There is crazy and then there is secret underground labyrinth of crazy. Keith, talk sense into him!” I growled, “I’m not rejecting her. She is MINE! She doesn’t know what I am.” Bryce said, “So tell her you're a werewolf. Big whoop. It’s not like she’s human. What is she by the way?” I sighed, “We don’t know. She didn’t act like she knew about supernaturals or mates.” Keith added, “She’s calling him Key by the way.” Bryce cackled, “The man who despises nicknames….has one now. Oh, that’s too good.” I cut them off, “I like it, so let it go. Ok?” Bryce smiled, “Of course you do. GOD! I so want to tell Tony about this.” I said, “No.” Keith said, “It’s not the same situation, Keaton. The family didn’t like Lisa, but this is not the same. Katie is yours.” I told him, “I want to try and figure out what she is, and move at whatever pace she wants. If she’s under the impression she’s human this is going to be complicated. I don’t want to introduce her to the whole family and overwhelm her.” Even though currently, I wanted to have her move into my room. Bryce sighed, “Well, she is Immy’s age, but she does live alone so…” I frowned “What do you mean she lives alone?” Bryce said, “In one of our grandpa’s apartment complexes. She’s got security, a doorman, and everything. She just…her mom and her mom’s new boyfriend are traveling.” I frowned, “The holidays just ended.” Bryce looked at the ceiling. Keith muttered, “Crap.” I asked, “What are you saying Bryce? Are you saying my mate was alone throughout the holidays?” Bryce said, “Ken did say that he delivered presents and she was alone. He heard her mutter that it was her mom’s boyfriend who sent the presents. He wasn’t under the impression she'd gotten a Christmas present in a long time before she and Immy exchanged gifts.” I growled “Why the hell not?!” Bryce said, “None of us have that information. Well, maybe Immy does. Or Lee. Immy took him over to meet her….with May.” I looked at Keith. He rolled his eyes at me. A few minutes later May walked in. She asked, “What’s going on?” I asked, “What can you tell me about Katie?” May said, “Oh, she’s great! I don’t know what she is though. To be fair, unless she’s super good at hiding it she doesn’t know about us either. She did say we are like other people she’s met. She was supposed to have Thanksgiving with them but…” She trailed off looking at Keith. I pressed, “But what?” May said, “Umm…you seem pretty invested in this, Keaton.” Bryce said, “Worst kept secret ever.” I glared at him. He said, “What? When my beta siblings figure this out, and I’ll give you a whole twenty-four hours before they have it figured out. Secretly, I’ll bet they know by the end of the school day; but when they figure it out their Beta blood will demand they find out what she is. Then we will have answers. GOD. Living with them has made me so damn curious. WHAT IS SHE?! It’s killing me. I’m going to become her bestie and see if I can figure it out.”
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