Chapter 29: I'm Going to Be a Good Man

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Chapter 29: I'm Going to Be a Good ManOf course, Selina Miller didn't go. She wouldn't be so stupid as to send herself into the fire pit and serve him together with another woman... She wasn't crazy. From the private room to the entrance of the club, Selina Miller had been absent-minded for a long time. Albert Davis noticed it and asked, "Is there something on your mind?" Selina Miller came back to her senses and shook her head. "No." Albert Davis didn't ask any more questions. Instead, he reached out to Selina Miller. Selina Miller didn't understand what he meant. A hint of doubt flashed across her beautiful eyes. "Why?" Albert Davis's lips curled into a smile. "You have to put on an act. Since we've decided to do it step by step, let's start with holding hands." Selina Miller hesitated and clenched her fists nervously. Her heart was beating like a drum in an instant. Although it was just a show, she was still very shy. She stretched out her small hands and rubbed them against his hand bit by bit... Albert Davis held Selina Miller's hand and gave her a gentle smile. Selina Miller followed closely behind him. It wasn't until she got into the car that she suddenly remembered that he hadn't told her about the grudge between him and Charles Garcia. "Mr. Davis..." Albert Davis sighed. "There's no need to be so distant. You can just call me by my name in the future. Or you can call me brother. It's more casual." Selina Miller was a little embarrassed. She thought about it and finally said, "Brother Albert." Albert Davis seemed quite satisfied with the way she addressed him. He smiled. Selina Miller pondered for a moment before asking, "Why did you agree to act with me?" After a moment of silence, Albert Davis explained, "It's not entirely because I want to help you. I do owe the Garcia family. If I can make him completely let go of me, I will feel better." Selina Miller nodded as if she understood. Back at her residence, Kate Spencer was sitting on the sofa and applying a facial mask. Fiona Johnson was making a phone call. When Selina saw Alice Longman coming out of the bathroom, Selina was slightly taken aback. When did Alice come back? Alice Longman was wearing white lace pajamas. Her curly long hair draped over her shoulders. Her figure was very sexy, especially her collarbone, which was very charming. She smiled sweetly at Selina Miller. "You're back." Selina Miller was still a little embarrassed. "Yes." Fiona Johnson hung up the phone and walked towards Selina Miller. Her sharp eyes noticed that Selina was carrying a bag in her hand. "The skincare products of this brand are very expensive. One set costs more than 10,000 yuan. I remember that my Prince Charming is the spokesperson of this brand, for men's." The Prince Charming of Fiona was Albert Davis. She kept nagging about him every day, and Selina Miller kept it in mind even if she didn't deliberately memorize it. Selina Miller didn't know anything about luxury brands. She didn't put on any makeup, nor did she have much skincare. Alice Longman gave Selina a look that she understood. Obviously, Alice must have thought that Selina went to Peacock Bar tonight to serve a rich man. As for Kate Spencer, she had a mask on her face and was looking at Selina with a strange expression. Selina Miller ran back to her room. After a long time, she went out in her pajamas, turned a corner, and went into the bathroom. However, what she didn't expect was that Alice Longman also followed in. She looked at Selina Miller in the mirror with a smile and chatted with her. "He is so nice to you." Selina Miller tensed up instantly. Just as she was about to explain, she heard Alice continue. "Is he a star?" Selina Miller hurriedly explained, "It's not what you think. We're just... friends, just ordinary friends." Alice Longman shrugged and didn't take it seriously. "It's good to be friends with rich people." Selina Miller squeezed her toothpaste while looking at the woman in the mirror. She couldn't figure out why she was here. Was she warning her not to talk nonsense? Alice Longman took two steps forward, leaned against the wall, and asked Selina Miller. "What do you think of President Garcia?" Selina Miller didn't want to offend anybody, she said, "I don't know." Alice Longman replied, "Just say the first impression." After a few seconds of silence, Selina Miller replied, "He's not someone easy to get along with." Alice Longman seemed to have met her bosom friend, she finally opened her mouth and began to talk non-stop. "Do you also think so? He is really hard to get along with, and he rarely talks. He said less than five sentences after dinner, and every time I asked him first. His answer is very short, but... I think he is very charming." Selina Miller listened quietly, feeling that the story was too dramatic. The two of them, one former lover and the other current lover, were talking about the same sugar daddy in the bathroom. It was too strange. Alice Longman couldn't stop talking about Charles Garcia. "Selina Miller, do you believe that love at first sight?" Selina Miller replied, "Yeah." In fact, she didn't believe it. At least, she would never fall in love with someone at first sight. She could not remember other's faces at first sight. Alice Longman continued, "I fell in love with Mr. Garcia the first time I saw him. It was the feeling of being shot by God's Love. He is very kind to me. Take me to dinner and give me a gift." Selina Miller thought, "Then your treatment is better than mine. He has never given me anything." Alice Longman looked shyly. "People like them must have had a lot of lovers before, but I always felt that I was different in his eyes. The way he looked at me... sometimes he doted on me. "If he only sees me as his lover, he will have s*x with me after dinner, but he doesn't. I think he is chasing me, like chasing after a girlfriend." Selina Miller was a little surprised. "You... didn't have s*x?" Alice Longman blushed. "Of course not. I'm not afraid that you'll laugh at me. Although I've had a boyfriend before, we haven't reached the last step. My mother always said that girls should be clean. But if he wants it, I'm willing." Selina Miller didn't know what to say. It wasn't Charles Garcia's style to have dinner without having s*x! Unless he really loved Alice. Mary Thomas's voice suddenly came from outside the door. "Selina Miller! Your phone is ringing!" Selina Miller finally got a chance. She quickly retreated. She would tell Alice that Charles Garcia was a scumbag if the talk continued! The caller ID showed that it was Love Rat, the notes that Selina Miller had given to Charles Garcia. In her eyes, Charles Garcia was no different from Love Rat. They were both annoying. She put on a coat, went out with her mobile phone, and leaned against the corner of the corridor. Charles Garcia asked, "Where are you?" Selina Miller felt a little guilty. "I'm with... brother Albert now." Charles Garcia narrowed his eyes and snorted. "He sent you home an hour ago." Selina Miller was furious. "You're following me!" Charles Garcia said in a deep voice, "So, don't play any tricks on me!" Selina Miller was furious. "It's not convenient for me today. Why don't you look for someone else?" Charles Garcia raised his eyebrows and deliberately said, "Isn't it convenient to use your mouth?" Selina Miller was furious. "You!!" Charles Garcia threatened, "If you wait for me to find you, you should be very clear about the consequences." Selina Miller was so angry that she spun around in circles. "You... you've already decided to be virtuous. Why are you still provoking me! Aren't you afraid that I'll tell Alice Longman?"
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