Chapter 28: Turning a Trap into a Trap

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Chapter 28: Turning a Trap into a TrapShe wanted to avoid it, but when she looked around, there was no place for her to hide. In desperation, she could only turn around and pray that she would not be recognized. Before Charles Garcia got out of the car, he saw Selina Miller, but he pretended not to see her. He went straight up the stairs and deliberately stayed beside her for two seconds. Selina Miller lowered her head, but her phone rang at this very moment, attracting the attention of Alice Longman. Just as Selina Miller frowned and hesitated whether she should pick it up, Alice Longman said tentatively. "Selina...Miller?" Selina Miller knew that she couldn't avoid, so she turned around and pretended to be surprised. She looked at Alice and subconsciously looked at Charles Garcia. Alice Longman was instantly embarrassed, but soon she approached Selina Miller with a red face and begged her. "Don't tell anyone that you've met me tonight." "Oh." Selina Miller instinctively agreed. She wasn't that bored and wasn't interested in other people's private affairs. Charles Garcia was walking in front. Alice Longman hurriedly chased after him and then introduced him. "That was a girl working in our company. I don't know if she will tell anyone about what happened tonight." Charles Garcia glanced sideways at Alice Longman and replied with only six words. "She won't, and she won't dare." Selina Miller, who was stopped outside the door, had just hung up Albert Davis's call when she saw a black Bentley parked in front of her. It was Albert Davis. Dressed in casual clothes, he threw the car key to the delivery guy, then came up with an exquisite bag in his hand. "You've been waiting for a long time, haven't you? Sorry, I didn't tell them in advance." "It doesn't matter." Selina Miller was still a little reserved. When they walked in side by side, her mind was still filled with thoughts about Charles Garcia and Alice Longman. It seemed that Alice Longman should be the new f**k buddy that Charles Garcia found. Is that mean Selina doesn't need to serve Charles anymore? Unconsciously, Selina Miller burst into laughter. Albert Davis looked at her in confusion. "What's happened? Why are you so happy?" "Nothing." Selina Miller couldn't hide the smile in her eyes. As long as she thought that she would no longer have to serve that bastard in the future, she would be especially happy. But soon, she became serious again. She did not forget the purpose tonight, but it would take a lot of courage to confess to Albert Davis. She did not know whether he would be angry or not, nor did she know if he would help her. This high-end club was called Peacock Bar. It was extremely luxuriously decorated. Its style was a combination of Chinese and western styles, which were old-fashioned and antique. She had seen the winding corridor today. Lanterns were hanging on both sides of the corridor. She felt like she had traveled back in time. Selina Miller followed Albert Davis to a private room. The decoration inside was magnificent. Selina was asking for help, so it should be Selina to treat Albert. But she couldn't afford it here. Albert Davis placed the white bag on the wooden tea table. "It's for you." Selina Miller waved her hand without asking what it was. "I... I can't take it." Albert Davis looked at her with a smile and explained, "Take it. It's sent by the producer. It's of no use for me." Selina Miller accepted it and said, "Thank you." Albert Davis sat down on the sofa and began to fiddle with the tea set on the table. "What do you want to drink?" There were several kinds of tea on the table, all of which were expensive. Selina Miller only recognized the green tea. "Longjing tea, thank you." Albert Davis asked casually while cooking tea, "Do you have something to ask of me?" Selina Miller suddenly tensed up and clenched her fists. Albert Davis glanced sideways at Selina Miller and then smiled. "Don't be so nervous. I won't eat you. Tell me, as long as it's something I can do, I'll definitely help you." Selina Miller hesitated for a moment before asking softly. "Do you know Charles Garcia?" Albert Davis was slightly taken aback. He turned around and looked at Selina Miller. After a few seconds of silence, he opened his mouth. "Of course, who doesn't know the president of Robbie Group?" Selina Miller swallowed and asked, "Then... do you have any grudges against him?" The smile on Albert Davis's lips gradually disappeared. "Why do you suddenly ask this?" Selina Miller closed her eyes and said, "He asked me to approach you deliberately." Albert Davis frowned slightly and thought for a while. "And then?" Selina Miller opened her eyes and looked at Albert Davis guiltily. "And then... and then let me seduce you." After a moment of silence, Albert Davis smiled. "Then why did you choose to tell me?" Selina Miller said, "I don't have a good conscience." Albert Davis sighed. She seemed a little helpless. "What did he use to threaten you?" Selina Miller told him bluntly, "Melody Well." "No wonder. I was confused days ago. Melody Well is very good at dealing with things. She shouldn't have offended others. That's where the problem lies." Albert Davis seemed to have thought of something and suddenly shook his head with a smile. He knew very well what Charles Garcia wanted to do, but after so many years, the method was still as childish. "Let's do it step by step. It's too fast. He'll be suspicious." "Step by step?" Selina Miller didn't understand. "Didn't he ask you to seduce me? His ultimate goal is not just to send you to my bed. Since he wants to play, let's play with him." Albert Davis's attitude made Selina Miller feel very strange. She was not angry, but rather helpless. After the meal, just as Albert Davis was about to send Selina Miller home, Selina Miller's phone suddenly rang. It was a call from Charles Garcia. His voice was as low as ever. "Room 606, come up." Albert Davis had told her that the sixth floor was VIP guest rooms. Then why did he call her up? If Alice Longman was also here, wouldn't it be awkward? Or did he want two women to serve him? "He's rogue!"
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