Chapter 30: Deep Night Meeting

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Chapter 30: Deep Night MeetingThe word "virtuous" made Charles Garcia frown slightly and feel a little funny. "In this world, the person who can make me virtuous has not appeared yet! If you want to tell her, go ahead and see if she will give up my golden mountain or become enemies with you, who may become a stumbling block on her way to success." Selina Miller gritted her teeth. "Scum!" Charles Garcia chuckled and reminded her, "Three minutes have passed." Selina Miller hung up the phone and turned off the phone, deciding not to go to find him whatever the consequences may be. After returning dorm, she took a shower and lay on the bed, unable to sleep. She was afraid that someone would suddenly knock on the door, she waited nervously and didn't fall asleep until the latter half of the night. The so-called consequences were not brought to her. The selective game for trainees began vigorously after a week. The audition was not difficult. All six in Selina's dorm had passed. Nine out of ten people were eliminated in the first round of the session of more than a thousand people. The remaining 108 contestants officially moved into a building and began closed-door training. The seats below the stage were divided into stairs and descended from the pyramid. When picking seats, Kate Spencer was very ambitious and went straight to the highest level. Nancy Brook frowned. "Come down. The six of us will sit in a row!" Kate Spencer sat in the first row, then reluctantly got up and followed Nancy Brook to the third row. Among the 108 contestants, there was full of capable people. Some of them had even made their debut and were quite famous on the Internet. The mentors were the last to come out. Two men and two women, both of whom had made their debuts as a team, were very famous now, although Selina Miller couldn't call them by their names at all. Just when all the contestants thought there were only four mentors, the fifth one appeared. Selina Miller's eyes lit up when she saw who it was. It should be said that everyone's eyes lit up, followed by screams. "Ah—ah—" It's Albert Davis! He's one of the mentors in this competition! Albert Davis greeted everyone and then looked around the audience. He found Selina Miller in a corner and smiled at her. Fiona Johnson was sitting next to Selina Miller. She was so excited that she grabbed Selina Miller's hand and pinched it hard. Then, she started to speak incoherently. "Am I dreaming? He's my Prince Charming!" Selina Miller didn't expect Albert Davis to become her mentor. What a rare encounter. The second competition was still about personal talents. The mentors commented and then divided the classes. When it's the turn for Selina Miller's team to perform, Albert Davis commented on them one by one. Although he didn't say much, his words hit the nail on the head, when commented Selina, he suddenly paused and only said two words with a smile. "Very good." Selina Miller was dumbfounded. That's all? She was talented in singing, but there's a large space for her to improve her dancing skills. Albert Davis was an all-around artist who was good at singing and dancing, but he didn't comment on her. Was that because she's his friend? In the end, although all six of them stayed, they weren't assigned to the same class. Nancy Brook and Alice Longman were divided into Class A, Selina Miller and Mary Thomas were divided into Class B, Kate Spencer was in Class C, Fiona Johnson was in Class D. There were nine people in each class, living in the same big dormitory. However, there were cameras everywhere, so it was inconvenient to do anything. Their phones had been forcibly turned off before they came because they need to focus on training and competitions. But if Charles Garcia wanted to find someone, he didn't need a mobile phone at all. All the competitors were practicing day and night for the next match. Although singing was not difficult for Selina Miller, she still had to make twice as much effort as others in dancing. Around ten o'clock in the evening, there were still many people practicing their dance moves in the dance room, but Selina Miller was called out by the show's crew. "Someone is waiting for you outside." Confused, Selina Miller walked out of the building where she lived. The photographer didn't follow her, she walked under the moonlight. Who was looking for her? Looking around, Selina Miller didn't see anyone until a car light suddenly lit up at the intersection ahead. The long-distance light hit her face, making her raise her arm subconsciously to block it. At first, Selina Miller thought that it was Albert Davis. However, when she got closer, she realized that the person in the car was... Charles Garcia! It would not be a good thing for him to look for her, but she was already in front of him, she could not escape. As soon as she opened the door of the front passenger seat, she heard a familiar voice coming from the back seat of the car. "Come to the back seat!" Selina Miller slammed the car door and sat in the back seat. She glanced at the man next to her and said directly. "I have to go back to train. Tell me what you want." Charles Garcia snorted and then squinted at her with a smile. "Then how long are you going to give me?" Selina Miller thought for a moment and replied rudely, "Five minutes, no, three minutes." Charles Garcia's lips curled into a smile. "Not enough." Selina Miller gritted her teeth, "At most... at most ten minutes." The driver in front of them had been looking ahead and silently said in his heart, "Don't look at or listen to any unexpected things." Charles Garcia raised his long arm, held Selina's shoulder, and held her in his arms. Charles Garcia gave the driver a look, and the driver immediately understood. "I'm going out to smoke." He opened the door, got out of the car and walked away.
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