Chapter 27: Looking for Trouble on a daily basis

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Chapter 27: Looking for Trouble on a daily basisSelina Miller wasn't a malicious person, but at this very moment, she wanted to curse him. "Can we end our relationship?" "It depends on your performance." Charles Garcia did not make it clear. After all, he still needed her in the future. Selina Miller didn't get an answer from Albert Davis, so she wanted to get an answer from Charles Garcia. "Is there... a grudge between you and Albert?" "You don't need to know." "Just do as I say," replied Charles Garcia bluntly. Selina Miller gritted her teeth and continued, "Has anyone ever told that you're... shameless?" Charles Garcia raised his eyebrows unconsciously. "You were the first one who told me that." Selina Miller felt angry. She wanted to vent her anger on Charles. "Mr. Charles, there must be a woman you love, but you're romantic. Let me guess the reason... Is it that the woman you like doesn't like you at all?" Charles Garcia's face darkened. He hadn't expected Selina Miller to suddenly change to the topic. Selina Miller didn't give him the chance to lose his temper and continued. "I think so. You deserve to be single for the rest of your life. Whoever likes you must be crazy! I curse you for ten years of my life. The person you like will never like you!" Without thinking about the consequences, Selina Miller hung up the phone. After the scolding, Selina became comfortable. At least her chest was not blocked as before. Charles Garcia was stunned by the scolding. He looked at the phone that had been hung up in disbelief... "The damned woman!" Mrs. Garcia, who was eating, asked when she saw Charles walking straight to the stairs. "The food is cold." "I won't eat anymore!" Charles Garcia didn't wear emotions on his face. He was good at hiding his emotions and could easily control his temper. But just now... he was provoked by that woman. Hogan Young found a new f**k buddy for his boss and told Charles Garcia as soon as he found the new one. Charles Garcia was angry, Hogan Young had hit the muzzle. "Are you free every day? Do you have nothing to do?" Hogan Young felt wronged. He thought, "Didn't you ask me to find you a new f**k buddy?" But he had been with Charles Garcia for so many years, he could easily understand Charles's taste. "The new one is well-behaved, and her voice is similar to Miss Miller's." It was difficult to find a girl who could satisfy Charles. It could be good not to mention Selina Miller. Hearing the words, Charles Garcia's nearly extinguished anger was rekindled. "Who told you to find someone who has a similar voice to hers?" Hogan Young felt even more wrong, but recently he seemed to have guessed Charles's secret, so he quickly changed his words. "Oh, no, it's very similar to Miss Rose's voice and appearance. I've sent her photo to your mailbox. You can take a look at it first. If you're not satisfied, I'll dismiss her directly." Charles Garcia was even more annoyed. After hanging up the phone, he hesitated for two seconds and opened the mailbox. The woman in the photo was very young, looked like she was only 18 or 19 years old. The most important thing was her face... it was indeed very similar! Over the next few days, Selina Miller had been hesitating whether she should tell Albert Davis the truth or not. She could lie, but... if she could not sleep with him, it was her bottom line. This was different from her relationship with Charles Garcia. At least, she would not feel guilty when she did that thing with Charles Garcia. "Selina Miller, you're in a daze again. Is there something on your mind?" Mary Thomas walked over to her, sat down beside her, and asked with concern. Selina Miller came back to her senses and shook her head. Fiona Johnson wiped sweat with a towel as she excitedly said, "I seem to have lost one kilogram in the past two days. If I persevere like this, I might be able to stay less than fifty kilograms before the match." Kate Spencer suddenly said, "Alice Longman has been on leave for the past two days. I don't know where she went. But seeing how happy she was before leaving, maybe she went to see her boyfriend." Fiona Johnson smiled. "Hey, she comes back." She waved to the people at the door and shouted, "Alice Longman! Tell me the truth. What have you been doing these two days?" Alice Longman smiled shyly, holding a magazine in her hand. "Nothing." "What treasure!" Kate Spencer snatched it away. When she saw the cover of the magazine, her voice became shrill. "Our President Garcia!" Fiona Johnson ran over. "Let me take a look... President Garcia is the most handsome man I've ever seen." Kate Spencer added, "The most important thing is that he has a lot of money!" Then, she looked at Alice Longman and teased, "It turns out that you also like such kind of man! However, we can only see his photos. We would never be so lucky to become Mrs. Garcia!" Alice Longman grabbed the magazine and replied meaningfully. "An opportunity needs to be created by yourself. If you haven't tried it, how can you know that you can't do it?" Kate Spencer immediately blinked her eyes and gave Alice Longman an ambiguous smile. "You're quite ambitious, Alice Longman!" Alice Longman's cheeks turned red. "I'm just kidding." Selina Miller, who was standing on one side, stared at the magazine in Alice Longman's arms, she wanted to snatch it over and tore the cover into pieces. There were so many people like him and want to marry Charles! He was scum, though he was handsome and rich! Their love was too superficial and vulgar! Selina Miller hesitated for another day and finally decided to tell Albert Davis about it. She hoped that he could cooperate with her to act. The place where they had agreed to meet was a very high-end club. It was said that it was not open to the public at all. When Selina Miller arrived, the doorman stopped her because she didn't have a membership card. Just as she took out her phone and was about to call Albert Davis, she saw a familiar car stopping at the door. The doorman immediately stepped down, stepped on the red carpet, opened the door for the car owner, and bowed politely. "Good evening, President Garcia." The person who got out of the car startled Selina Miller. It was Charles Garcia! What surprised her even more was that the woman sitting in the passenger seat... was Alice Longman!
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