Chapter 26: Damn It

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Chapter 26: Damn ItSelina Miller lived in a three-room apartment, and there are many inconveniences when two people lived in one room, such as when answering the phone, she wanted to curse, but she could only hold her tongue because Mary Thomas was there. That night, the nightmare came again... In her dreams, Selina Miller was trapped on an island. She could clearly hear the howling of the seawater, but all around her is pitch black and she is rampaging like a blind guy. She shouted, but she couldn't make a sound, as if someone had grabbed her throat. Suddenly, a c***k appeared on the horizon, and a ray of light seeped out, slowly transforming into countless chemical symbols. They wore 'golden armor', and in the end, they formed an arrow that shot towards her at lightning speed. "Ah—" Selina Miller was startled awake. Her throat was dry and her fear had yet to dissipate. Her heaving chest could not conceal her lingering fear. Mary Thomas was woken up. She turned over, looked at Selina Miller, sit on the bed, and yawned. "What's wrong? Did you have a nightmare?" Selina Miller came to her senses and a thin layer of cold sweat appeared on her forehead. "I'm sorry to wake you up." Selina Miller rolled over and got out of bed. She couldn't fall asleep. She was afraid that after she fell asleep, the nightmare would continue to plague her. Ever since she had her memories, she had often had nightmares. She had forgotten most of the contents of her dreams, but she remembered that the contents were all related to chemical symbols. In reality, those chemical symbols were just ordinary chemical symbols. There wasn't anything special about them, that's why Selina Miller was still unable to understand the meaning behind the dreams. Was it really because she studied medicine? The injury on her right foot had recovered a little, but she walked with some signs of injury. When she was having breakfast, the team leader, Nancy Brook, said, "I heard that the company is planning a talent show. I don't know what exactly they are going to do." Kate Spencer frowned. "We haven't made our debut yet. Don't let the good resources be taken away by the newcomers when the talent show is held." Fiona Johnson was not as depressed as them. "No, Green said that we are the first female team in the company. We will be specially trained." As a result, their worries were reasonable. In the afternoon, Vice President Leonard held an emergency meeting, saying that the company was planning an idol trainee's talent show. They formed the strongest female team among the top nine and directly made their debut. Nancy Brook asked directly, "What about us?" Leonard explained, "You haven't made your debut yet. You can sign up in your own name. The company will spend a lot of money to support those who can stay in the end. This is equivalent to a game. As long as you work hard and have the strength, you can fight for your dream. What's more, you are the contracted artists of the company, and the company will definitely take care of you." Leonard suddenly became serious and changed the tone. "But the premise is... you must abide by the company's rules and don't do anything behind the scenes, which will eventually ruin your future! "Of course, the most important thing is personal strength. If you are not strong enough, I'm sorry. Robbie won't fund ordinary people. So, do your best." As soon as Leonard left, the conference room burst into an uproar. Most of them were worried that they would be eliminated in the end. After all, they had persisted for such a long time, everybody wished to realize their dreams. Selina Miller, wasn't very concerned about this matter. She couldn't even handle her own personal affairs, she wasn't in the mood to think about anything else. At about 10 p.m., Selina Miller hesitantly called Albert Davis. It was easy to fix the date time with Albert. However, Selina Miller felt guilty. They met in the recording studio. After recording, Selina Miller reminded Albert Davis shyly. "I am already an artist of Robbie. If you want to release the album, you'd better not mention that these songs were recorded by me." Albert Davis was a little surprised. "I remember... you said you studied medicine. You are only in your second year of university." Selina Miller didn't want to explain in detail. "For personal reasons." She had originally intended to test if there was any enmity between him and Charles Garcia, but when she was about to say something, she swallowed it back. When she left, she asked unexpectedly without thinking. "Do you have a girlfriend?" She didn't want to be a mistress. She didn't want to be forced to shamelessly ruin their relationship as a mistress. Albert Davis was stunned, then smiled. "At present... I'm single." Selina Miller quickly explained, "I didn't mean anything else." Albert Davis still smiled. "Yes, I know." On the way back, Selina Miller called Melody Well. When she learned that Melody had not yet been removed from the suspension, she immediately called Charles Garcia. "Why is Melody Well still in suspension? You didn't keep your word!" Charles Garcia was having dinner with his family. When he saw that it was from Selina Miller, his brows rose subconsciously and he immediately got up from his seat. "Excuse me." Charles Garcia walked out to the yard with his mobile phone in his hand. It was very quiet outside, and even the sound of birds could be heard. He stood on the steps, with one hand in his pocket. He raised his head slightly and looked at the moon in the sky. His voice was as cold as water. "I will fulfill my promise when sleeping with Albert Davis. Otherwise, if you don't make any progress, it's nothing different from meeting my requirements!" Selina Miller took a deep breath. She felt like her lungs were about to explode from anger.
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