Chapter 25: Hidden Rules for Her

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Chapter 25: Hidden Rules for HerWhat Selina Miller couldn't accept the most was... that bastard punished her friend. Melody Well had been completely concealed by the company. She was forced to give up all her endorsements and roles, and her contract with the drama she was working on was terminated. The onlookers were all discussing who Melody Well had offended. It seemed that her career ended. Selina Miller immediately dialed her friend Melody's number. Melody Well's agent answered the call, said that Melody Well was in a bad mood and had drunk a lot last night, Melody was still sleeping. Selina Miller asked cautiously, "Is what's said online true?" The agent sighed. "When she wakes up, you can ask her yourself." Selina Miller had already predicted that this matter would have something to do with Charles Garcia, but she had to see Melody Well before she could think of a solution. After asking for leave from Jenny Green, Selina Miller took a taxi to Melody Well's residence. Melody Well's room was rented by the company, a one-room apartment, not much space, but fairly well furnished. Selina cooked porridge for Melody in the kitchen. When Melody Well woke up, Melody was surprised to see Selina. "Why are you here?" "I'm worried about you. I'll be back soon. I cooked porridge for you. You need to wash up. I'll get you a bowl of porridge." Selina Miller held onto the wall and bounced on one foot. Melody Well was still wearing yesterday's clothes. Her eyes were red and swollen, and her face was not very good. When she saw Selina Miller's feet, she frowned slightly. "What's wrong with your feet?" Selina Miller said, "I broke it, it's nothing serious." Melody Well said, "I heard that it's not easy for a trainee to take a leave. It's unbelievable your agent let you out." Selina Miller said, "My feet are broken, I can't practice dancing. It's a waste of time to stay here. Besides, Green is a good person, she is not as scary as you said." In fact, Selina Miller knew what was going on. She knew that Green must have been instructed by the higher-ups to take special care of her. After Melody washed up, Selina took the porridge out of the kitchen. Selina Miller didn't ask Melody the exact reason and just looked at her silently. Melody Well couldn't hold it in, she explained while stirring the rice porridge in the bowl with a spoon. "The company asked me to serve an investor, I didn't agree. It made the higher-ups unhappy. That's why I'm suspended." Melody Well sighed again. She felt depressed and had no appetite for food. "Alas, if this had happened earlier, I would stop you from entering this circle... It's too dirty." It's impossible to be famous without associating with dirty elements if one doesn't have a strong backer. Selina Miller frowned. "Then what are you going to do next?" Melody Well shrugged. She had cried and cursed. What else could she do? She had to accept her fate. "I haven't thought about it yet. I wanted to quit this circle but in my heart... I don't want to give up. But if you want me to sleep with those bosses, I really can't do it." She suddenly remembered something and looked up at Selina Miller. "Sorry, I don't mean anything else." Selina Miller shook her head with a bitter smile. Of course, she knew that Melody didn't point to Selina. Their situations were different. Selina had no choice, but Melody Well had at least one way out. "Don't be upset. There may be a turning point in this matter." If this matter really had something to do with Charles Garcia, Selina would fight for Melody's future never sacrifice her own future. After Irene came, Selina Miller found an excuse to go out and then dialed Assistant Young's number. "Is it Charles Garcia's idea that Melody Well was suspended?" Hogan Young did not intend to hide it. "The boss said that as long as Miss Miller agreed to his conditions, everything would be restored to its original state." Selina Miller hesitated for a long time before she agreed. She had no reason to let others take the blame for her. As for Albert Davis, she had to make a long-term plan. That night, as soon as Selina Miller lay down on the bed, her phone rang. It was an unfamiliar number. She thought that it was for sales promotion, but as soon as she answered the phone call, a particularly low voice came out. She was very familiar with this voice. "Tomorrow, find a way to contact Albert Davis and tell him the date to meet, no matter for what excuse."
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