Chapter 24: The bottom line of morality

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Chapter 24: The bottom line of morality"You are now an artiste of Robbie. The company can provide you with the best resources, promote you to a high position. As for your adoptive parents, I can spend a sum of money to send them out of the country. You don't have to worry that they will affect your future." Charles Garcia's bony fingers tapped on the armrest of the sofa from time to time. There was no extra expression on his face, and his posture was very casual. Selina Miller was shocked, but she wasn't stupid. She knew that Charles was a businessman and he wouldn't do anything that would make a loss. Although she didn't dream of becoming a famous artist, the conditions he offered were really attractive, especially the last one. "What do you want from me?" Selina has given him the most precious thing. What else did he want? Charles Garcia did not answer but asked, "How did you get to know Albert Davis?" Selina Miller was stunned for a few seconds. When she realized who Charles was referring to, a trace of doubt flashed across her eyes. "What conditions do you want? Just say it!" Charles Garcia no longer beat around the bush and went straight to the point. "Albert Davis usually doesn't get close to women, but he treated you... seems very special." "We're just ordinary friends. You think too much." Selina Miller instinctively denied it. After all, she had only met Albert Davis a few times. "An ordinary friend..." Charles Garcia twitched the corner of his mouth and looked at her with a fake smile. "You can develop into a couple with him. I believe you have the ability." Suppressing the ominous premonition in her heart, Selina Miller frowned. "What do you mean?" "Find a way... to make him fall in love with you." Charles Garcia said it very easily as if it was an easy thing for her to do. Selina Miller's face was full of disbelief. "Are you kidding me? You, you think too highly of me!" Charles Garcia did not care about her reaction at all. "You work harder. I can make some opportunities for you to get along with. You should seize the opportunity." Selina Miller felt as if she had heard a fantasy. She didn't think about it for a long time, she rejected it directly. "I disagree!" "You will agree." Charles Garcia's tone was quite firm. As long as a person had a weakness, she would definitely compromise. Selina Miller had too many weaknesses. Over the next few days, Selina Miller was so preoccupied that she sprained her ankle when she was dancing. "What's going on? How many days have you been practicing this simple movement, and you've been making mistakes!" The dance teacher was a single woman in her thirties. She had a bad temper and was even harsher than the dean in high school. "I don't care why you haven't been in a state these days, but please don't put your personal emotions into work and affect other team members!" "I'm sorry." Selina Miller sat on the ground. The pain in her ankle made her unable to move at all. She lowered her head and apologized, feeling extremely uncomfortable. The dancing teacher said with a serious face, "Others continue to practice!" The teacher was strict, but in the end, she helped Selina Miller up and led her to the restroom. She then found a doctor to treat her injured leg. Her agent, Jenny Green, rushed over as soon as she heard the news. She looked at Selina Miller and sighed. "Let's have a talk?" After a long silence, Selina Miller lowered her head and replied, "I don't think I'm suitable..." Jenny Green interrupted her, "Not suitable for what? For the team or the entertainment circle? When you signed the contract, you should know that if you want to survive in this circle, the pressure is greater than ordinary professions." Selina Miller said, "I know." Jenny Green said, "Moreover if you want to become outstanding in this circle, you have to pay more than ordinary people!" Jenny Green said, "You are good-looking and talented in music. Besides, you are so lucky... There is already news from the upper management. Your team will be specially developed. Plenty of resources will be offered to you!" Jenny Green said, "Do you know how many artists are envious of what you have now? Please cherish it, stop giving up on yourself!" Selina Miller lowered her head even lower. All of this was not obtained for nothing. She had to break her moral bottom line to exchange for it!
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