Chapter 23: I'll Take a shower

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Chapter 23: I'll Take a shower"Robbie! The leading company in the mainland's entertainment industry. Don't tell me you don't even know about it?" When Fiona Johnson spoke, her pair of dimples were exceptionally charming. Although she was a little plump, she was very attractive. Selina Miller's heart turned completely cold. There were a few missed calls from Assistant Young, but she ignored them deliberately. It seemed that there was no way to avoid it. In the end, she had to present herself to the p*****t. It would depend on Charles's mood. How to treat her depended on Charles... Selina Miller shuddered all over! Back in the dance room, Selina Miller took a cup of hot water. After the hot water warmed her stomach. The others were still talking about all kinds of rumors about Robbie, and at the same time, they praised him as a great person. "I heard that our President Garcia was a well-known figure in school. Countless girls loved him!" Alice Longman's tone sounded like she was one of the people who had experienced it. Her eyes began to light up when she talked about Charles Garcia. "What's more, I also heard that both boys and girls have pursued him." Nancy Brook nodded. "I've also heard of this." Kate Spencer shrugged her shoulders. "What's strange about that? Not to mention the fact that he's handsome and talented, just his family background alone is enough to make many women flinch." Mary Thomas frowned. "Child of a rich family?" Fiona Johnson explained, "More than rich. I heard that his grandfather is the commander of a military region, and his uncle... is the leader of the central government. Anyway, he has a lot of glories from birth." Kate Spencer sighed. "Such kind of person would only marry a girl from a noble or wealthy family. It's good enough for a nobody like us to meet him in this life." Selina Miller, who had been listening from the side, really wanted to interrupt: He had a good family background, he was a p*****t, he didn't know how to get along with others. His shortcomings were more than his strengths. But she held back. She could not let anyone else know about the shameless relationship. In this team, Fiona Johnson was relatively simple-minded. She often spoke without thinking and had a good relationship with others. "Selina Miller, why don't you talk?" "Maybe, I was born with it." Holding the glass of water, Selina Miller smiled awkwardly and found herself an excuse. In fact, she was just slow to warm up. In the evening, Selina Miller took out her phone from the cabinet and left the room. She went downstairs and found a quiet corner to call Assistant Young. "Assistant Young, I'm sorry. I've been so busy these days that I didn't have time to check my phone." Hogan Young didn't say it out. He just reminded her, "Charles is not in a good mood every day." The implication was that you were very lucky that Charles didn't angry at you, or you would have been finished. "I know." Selina Miller tried to lower her voice. "Then..." Hogan Young sighed. "Let's wait for the call. Charles is very busy recently." Selina Miller heaved a long sigh of relief. "Yes." A few days later, the company officially changed its name to "CRY". No one knew what this name meant. A CEO parachuted into the company, surnamed Reed. And he brought an agent named Jenny Green, who took over the job of their original agent, Sally. Sally would only be responsible for the management of the company. It had been more than half a month when Selina saw Charles Garcia again. Jenny Green must be a person on Charles Garcia's side, because when she asked for leave, Charles directly approved without asking her reason. What annoyed her the most was that she remembered Charles Garcia's face. But it was reasonable. It would be strange if she could not remember such an annoying face. "I'm going to take a shower!" Selina Miller told herself to behave well and not make him angry. It would end in two hours. However, his reaction was beyond her expectation. "No need!" Charles Garcia was leaning on the sofa, arrogantly, with one leg bent and the other stretched out. His suit jacket was placed on the armrest of the sofa, with two buttons on his shirt collar were untied. His tie was hanging askew on his shirt, which made him look a little tired. He stared at Selina Miller quietly for a few seconds, then raised his eyebrows and asked. "Do you want to enter the entertainment circle?"
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