Chapter 22: bought

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Chapter 22: bought"Are you stupid?" Melody Well was going crazy with anger when she heard the news. "The female team is very tired! Especially before their debut, they only have closed-door training, they were trained all day long!" "If you signed a big company, it would be okay. At least, you have the resources. You entered a small company, you'd never succeed after your debut." "What's more, you're about to be in your third year, and you can go out for an internship in another year. Why did you work so hard to wait until now? Do you wish to waste all your previous efforts?" "Also, those small companies..." Melody Well wanted to say something but stopped. After thinking for a while, Melody reminded Selina. "Be careful in the future. If the company asks you to go out for social activities, you should be careful." In fact, when signing the contract, Selina Miller had a dream of being an actress. The agent had promised her that she would be slowly converted for multiple developments after debut. However, the situation had developed to this point. Selina Miller was helpless and gave herself up. The scale of the company was indeed small, and there were only 40 or 50 employees. Selina Miller was the last to enter the group. There were five other people in the group who were all very beautiful. However, one of them had undergone plastic surgery, because her chin was extremely sharp. They were not friendly, but at least they were polite. Selina greeted them after an introduction by the agent Sally. "Nancy Brook." The female team leader is 23 years old. She was the oldest person in the group. Her height was around 1.68 meters. Her figure was very good. "Alice Longman." The most beautiful woman on the team, 22 years old, with a height of 1.67 meters. Her face was very enchanting. In ancient times, she was a typical beauty. "Kate Spencer." The most talented woman on the team, 21 years old, with a height of 1.67 meters. It was obvious that her face had undergone plastic surgery. "Fiona Johnson." The funniest woman on the team, 21 years old, with a height of 1.65 meters. She was the fastest girl on the team. She had two dimples when she smiled. "Mary Thomas." The smarted woman on the team had a high IQ and EQ, 21 years old, 1.9 meters tall. Selina Miller was not good at social interactions. Before she came, Melody Well had repeatedly instructed her to praise them, afraid that Selina would be pushed aside by her team members. It seemed that people from all walks of life were used to pushing newcomers out. Before she came to the company, she had applied to the school for suspension. It was unknown whether she could go back in the future. Selina Miller was talented in music, but her body was not coordinated. She had to practice for three or four hours what others would do in an hour. They were not allowed to bring mobile phones during the training in the daytime. Selina Miller was hoping that if that bastard couldn't get in touch with her, it would be best if he could find another woman. Over time, he would completely forget her. But unfortunately... Assistant Young had already told Charles Garcia about her becoming a trainee. After learning that Selina Miller had signed a small company, Charles Garcia couldn't help but sneer. "Why are you so naughty?" As a result, her company was bought two days after Selina Miller entered. Her agent, Sally, also the vice president of the company, couldn't hide the happy smile on her face when she announced this news in the meeting. Selina Miller was absent-minded, she didn't care to whom the company belonged. She was hungry for eating vegetables day after day. Mary Thomas said, "It's normal at the beginning. And one will get used to it." Selina Miller's stomach felt like it was on fire, she didn't even hear what the boss had said at the meeting. But she could clearly feel that the other team members seemed to be very happy. "Robbie, a big company! Oh my god, pinch me and see if I am dreaming!" "What do you think? Why would such a big entertainment company suddenly buy our small company?" "Who knows! We only need to know one thing. That is, we'll get better resources than now!" Selina Miller walked at the back, sweat began to form on her aching forehead. However, the word "Robbie" stopped her step, and her voice raised. "Which company did you say?"
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