Chapter 19: Sleep in Pain

463 Words
Chapter 19: Sleep in PainThen they headed to the toilet. The toilet on the plane was much more luxurious than what Selina Miller had imagined, probably it was just for the first-class cabin. It was spacious, with a soft leather stool and a place to take a shower. The sink was also spacious. Charles Garcia seemed to be in a good mood. Selina Miller glared at him angrily with teeth chattering in anger. Randy had fallen asleep for a while, after he woke up again, seeing that Selina Miller hasn't come back, he jumped out of bed and went to the bathroom. "Selina? Are you not feeling well?" Selina Miller was shocked and immediately frantically picked up the pants that were thrown on the stool and hurriedly put them on her legs. Charles Garcia headed straight to the door and placed his hand on the switch. Selina Miller was shocked and quickly ran over. She pressed his hand and shook her head at him with a pleading look in her eyes. "Selina?" Randy called her again. Selina Miller quickly suppressed her voice and replied, "Maybe I've eaten something bad. I'll be out soon. No need to worry about me." Randy returned to the cabin skeptically. He opened the curtain and wanted to wake up his brother, telling him that Selina was not feeling well. However, there was no one behind the curtain. Looking at the messy bed, he subconsciously frowned. "Isn't my brother a clean person? Why is it so messy? Besides, where did my brother go?" "Looking for me?" Charles Garcia's voice came from behind. Randy turned around and asked instinctively. "Where have you been?" Charles Garcia did not answer but asked, "Anything wrong?" Randy answered, "Selina doesn't feel well. Go ask workers for some medicine." Charles Garcia answered, "Go and get some yourself." Randy had no choice but to pluck up the courage to press the bell. It took him a long time to express his meaning to the stewardess. As the saying goes, if you lied, you have to suffer the consequences. When Selina Miller returned from the toilet, Randy gave her the medicine. She fell into the invidious position of having to decide whether to take the medicine. "My stomach doesn't hurt so much anymore. I will take the medicine later when it hurts." Randy went to the bathroom. When he came back, he wore a strange expression on his face. "There's a strange smell in the toilet." Selina Miller felt guilty. Her first thought was that the smell they had just made hadn't dissipated. Behind the curtain, Charles Garcia was resting with his eyes closed. When he heard this, he raised his eyebrows. Then, he heard Selina Miller's reply. "There is always a smell in the toilet."
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