Chapter 18: You Call Me?

313 Words
Chapter 18: You Call Me?Selina Miller just lay down and was about to rest for a while, she was immediately flustered by Charles Garcia's words. She pretended that she didn't hear it, but Charles continued. "Do you want me to bring you here?" Selina Miller couldn't pretend anymore. She turned over and sat up. She crept to the floor and came to Charles Garcia's bed, hoping that things may change. "You called me..." But before she could finish her words, the bastard grabbed her wrist and dragged her onto the bed. "Ah—" Selina Miller let out a little cry of surprise and leaned against the man's chest. "Don't, don't... Randy is still asleep." Selina Miller's entire body was resisting, but it was clear that her resistance was useless. "You p*****t!" Selina Miller couldn't help but curse. Just as she was about to find a hole to hide in, Randy's voice came from the other bed. "Selina?" Selina Miller was so nervous that she didn't know what to do. There was no door here. Randy would see what they are doing if he pulled open the curtains... Charles Garcia was much calmer than her. He hooked her with his long arms and carried her into the quilt. Selina Miller felt that it wasn't enough. She curled her whole body up into the quilt. Charles Garcia lowered his eyes and glanced at the lump in the quilt. He deliberately lifted the corner of the curtain and said to Randy, who was still in a daze. "She should go to the bathroom. I'll sleep for a while. Don't disturb me!" "Oh." Randy Garcia was afraid of Charles Garcia. As long as Charles became serious, Randy would not dare to disobey him. Therefore, sometimes, Randy Garcia listens to Charles's words more than to his parents'. Selina Miller stopped struggling. "Let's go to the toilet."
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