Chapter 20: The Empress

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Chapter 20: The EmpressAfter staying on the plane for nearly eleven hours, Selina Miller felt a little dizzy, but it wasn't serious. She thought that they would head to the hotel after getting off the plane, but unexpectedly, the driver drove them to a villa by the sea. This sea view house was bought two years ago by Charles Garcia, but he rarely came here. Most of the time, the house was empty. Selina Miller stood on the wooden path. The sea breeze blew against her face, instantly waking her up. "Selina, let's go to the yacht later!" Randy looked very happy. He jumped up and down and went straight to the door of the villa. The villa had two floors, blue tiles and white walls. It looked as beautiful as a castle. Inside the villa, the furniture and decoration style was simple, light-colored. Selina Miller liked the large French window facing the sea, outside the window, there was a terrace. There was a hammock, a table, and a small open-air swimming pool on the terrace. There was a ladder beside the pool that led straight to the sea. After the meal, Randy shouted that he wanted to change into a swimsuit and swim in the sea. Selina Miller didn't bring any swimsuits because she didn't know how to swim at all. Charles Garcia ordered someone to throw a swim ring at her and forced her to go to the sea to play with Randy. People who didn't know how to swim feared the sea. She hesitated, held the ladder handrail and refused to go down to the sea. She stretched her long legs down, and then she shrank them back. In fact, she knew that even if she was drowning, she would not die, because there were two bodyguards around Randy, but she was still afraid. "Do you want me to throw you down?" The devil's voice suddenly came from behind her. Selina Miller knew very well that he wasn't just saying it. He would throw her down as he said. Selina Miller had no choice but to close her eyes and slowly move down. When she reached the sea, she grabbed the ladder handrail and didn't let it go, as if she would die if she released her hands. Before entering the room, Charles Garcia ordered the two bodyguards, "Teach her how to swim!" As a result, she made a phone call and saw Selina Miller hanging on one of the bodyguards. Her posture was quite ambiguous. The bodyguard had enjoyed it a lot. When the guard saw Charles Garcia's gloomy face, he hurriedly sent Selina Miller to the ladder and then explained to Garcia. "Miss Miller... is afraid of water." Selina Miller finally got onto the ladder and went ashore. She decided not to go to the sea anymore. Charles Garcia glanced at her, and his eyes fell on her wet clothes. The bra and underwear inside could be seen vaguely. "I told you to learn how to swim, I didn't let you seduce men!" "I don't want to learn to swim!" Selina Miller withdrew her shoulders and sat on the wooden steps with her arms crossed. She replied stubbornly. Before Charles Garcia could say anything, his phone rang again. He looked at the caller ID and quickly picked it up. "Are you done with your work?" Charles's tone was very gentle, which made Selina Miller look up subconsciously. She saw Charles smile, with sunshine on his face. No one knew what they were talking about, but Charles Garcia continued. "Yes, I'm abroad... I'll take you back if you want anything... Okay, I'll see you when I get back." The call didn't last long. When he hung up the phone, he was still smiling. Although Selina Miller didn't know who called him, she could hear it was a woman's voice. "Is that his girlfriend or his lover?" If that girl was a lover like her, he treated that girl pretty well. Selina didn't expect Charles to talk to her in such a gentle manner, but at least not to force her to do what she didn't like. Charles Garcia didn't take Randy abroad merely for fun, but also for negotiating work. Selina Miller played with Randy until late at night. When she was asleep, Charles Garcia didn't return. The next day, led by the bodyguards, she boarded a yacht with Randy, it was exciting, though she was scared all the time. Charles Garcia went back until evening. Charles Garcia's bedroom was on the second floor, and the roof was made of glass. The bed was tatami, it was next to the window. When lying on the bed, both the sea and the sky came into view. When arrived, Selina Miller had already visited the room. However, she was called up by Charles Garcia, especially after Randy had fallen asleep at night, she knew that something bad was going to happen. After entering the room, Selina Miller found that Charles Garcia was leaning against the window, listening to the sound of the waves and smoking. He wore nothing but a loose pair of sleeping pants. Selina Miller walked over. She told herself that it will be over after two hours. The phone suddenly rang, which sounded very abrupt in the quiet room. Selina Miller was stunned. It was Charles Garcia's phone. Charles Garcia stretched out his hand to get the phone, saying, "Keep moving." It was Hogan Young who called him. It should be an urgent matter at this time. Selina Miller didn't know what they were talking about, but she could clearly see that Charles's expression had changed. He pushed her away and got up. After coming out of the bathroom, Charles Garcia said while putting on his clothes. "I'll go back to China first. You stay here to accompany Randy. When he wants to go back, someone will arrange for you to the airport." Selina Miller was glad that she had escaped. The call saved her in time. It was not until a long time later that she knew that the reason why Charles left in such a hurry was that something had happened to the woman he liked.
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