Chapter 3

349 Words
Jalasia POV As I walk out my room I heard my mom and dad arguing about something Quietly creeping towards the door I put my ear up to it "Christopher enough of this coversation our daughter is sixteen she can make her own decisions if she doesn't want to be baptized, then that is her damn decision!!" Mom fusses and dad groans "Laverne our daughter soul is in jeopardy this girl has a damn record always fighting, always getting into trouble!! One day she's going to do something that we won't be able to save her from." Dad says and mom crosses her arms "Like what Christopher?" Mom asks and he looks at sternly "Getting knocked up by some bad boy how do we even know the girl still a damn virgin?" Dad says and I step away from the door before bumping into someone "Ooouuu I'mma tell mom and dad you were listening to their conversation." Camilla my big sister says and I shrug "I don't care." I said emotionless as she backs away from me giving me space I walk back to my room and close my door locking it "He really called me a whore." I think to myself shaking my head as I felt my heart crumble my own father see me as a disappointment "Sweetie are you ready?" Mom asks sweetly lightly tapping on the door I got up without saying a word and unlock my door and she sees my dead pan expression "Are you ready?" She asks seemingly nervous "Yes." I said quietly and I close my door following behind her silently in my thoughts Camilla runs up to mama to snitch on me "Mama Jalasia was standing by the door being nosey." Camilla said and my mom looks at me seeing my expression was still the same "Camilla enough I have to take her shopping for her first day of high school tomorrow." Mom says and Camilla pouts not achieving her goal of getting me in trouble, me and mom walk out the door getting in the car making our way towards the mall
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