Bad Blood

1663 Words

Screaming. So loud and incessant that I woke up from my deep slumber. The pain was still lingering on my nerves, and I couldn't remember when I passed out, but it was all over now and I'm left to deal with the aggravating noise. "-you do to her?!" "Just what she asked for! She just passed out after touching the gateway. She didn't even cross the threshold." "I don't care. Get the f**k away from her." "What- you asked that question! What do you mean, you don't care?" "I said... MOVE. AWAY." "Bring down your gun first!" Once my vision stopped spinning, I quickly sat up and looked at where the voices were coming from. Malik was crouching near me and facing him was Alex, with his rifle aimed straight at his head. Burn the witch. Burn the witch. Burn the witch. The last words I heard f

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