Burn the Witch

1637 Words

The wind felt cold on my skin, and I tried to suppress my shudder and continue walking. Tothlem Morge looked the same as before, and there were no signs of the hideous monsters that attacked Alex and me, or the wolf. Malik walked beside me with such ease that I wonder if he could cover more than half of the area we were trekking if I'm not tagging along. Too bad that I'm the one who dragged him here to help me search for answers. He would be stuck with me for the next several hours. After their meal at Sage and Salt, Malik came searching for me in the staff area. Nana wasn't pleased to see him looking for me. Although she's trying to remain professional, a rival store's employee looking for Lucent White's apprentice would raise some eyebrows. And according to Nana, that was what Eternal

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