Shopping spree

1067 Words
I was enjoying my ride while we went to the supermarket and acted, as if everything was new for me. On the other hand Catherine was looking very closely and observing her. “What are you looking at Lauren?” Catherine demanded as I was trying to take the view of the beautiful city which I had missed dearly.   “Nothing its just that everything is new for me, so I'm enjoying and trying to remember the places because it would benefit me if I get lost somewhere. And anyways I can’t always rely on you and Carlos for everything.” Mia said smiling. Catherine started laughing and said, “Lauren I doubt that,  it would never happen and you are married to a Vincent, wherever you go you will be driven by the families old and trusted chauffeurs. And besides there is a thing called google map these days you can surely use that if you get lost.” Catherine said pointedly.   “But surely I am allowed to drive my own car.” I asked her curiously. I had never driven a car when I was in Dublin and Stephen made sure that I never learnt how to drive. But living in San Martin has taught me the true realities of life and I had lived quite an ordinary life for the past six years and even learnt how to drive. Not that I was going to tell anything about it to Catherine.   “Allow you to drive a car who am I to object?” Catherine was impressed with Lauren as Mia had always chickened out whenever it came to learning how to drive and  Stephen made sure that she never learnt it .   They kept on talking about different cars at home and their brands and how Carlos was obsessed with any new cars launched in the market. He would be the first one to buy it.   We arrived at the supermarket and getting off the car Catherine directed me a towards the town’s main shopping street. I tried to control her excitement as the only reason why I wanted Catherine to accompany me was because I wanted to prove it to Catherine that I was not Mia but Lauren as it was very important for their plan to work out or she would know it and then she would be alert. She could  also harm my loved ones.   We slowly walked towards the clothing line, where a lot of designers had their store. I knew she would be taking me to my aunts shop and so I quietly followed her observing the beautiful surrounding which I had missed.   I went inside the shop following Catherine eager to see my aunt. she was standing gracefully near a mannequin covering it with a new dress. She was very skilful and she loved designing clothes. I have never seen someone so engrossed with her creativity. She was very humble at heart. I stood there watching her lovingly when Catherine was not watching. Its been six long years but she still looks the same. Then she turned and saw me and stopped doing her work.   Catherine pulled me inside and I tried to control my emotions and followed her. “Hello Summer, long time no see. How are you doing? My God look at you! you have maintained yourself so well.” Then she turned towards me, as my aunt was watching me carefully not revealing anything. Catherine smile and introduced us, “I forgot to introduce you to my daughter in law, Summer this is Carlos’ wife Lauren James. They just got married around new year in San Martin. We have kept a reception for them on the 30th of January, and you are invited, since we have a good relationship with your family.”   I saw my aunt was speechless, she was just staring at me without saying nothing. Catherine intervened and said, “I know what you are thinking but she is not Mia, she is just her look like. Even I thought so but look at her she's quite different from Mia in fact much better I am glad Carlos got out of Mia’s hangover and moved on in his life.” “If he has moved on in his life, then how come he has gotten married to Mia’s look alike.” My aunt said smiling in my direction.   But looked at me very kindly and said “Forgive me for my rude behaviour, I was taken aback as you look like my niece Mia, I'm sure Carlos must have told you about her. you are very pretty Lauren; I am very happy for Carlos that he has finally found someone to spend the rest of his life with.” she moved and came towards me and hugged me. I wanted to hold her tightly and cry in her embrace but needed to control myself. When she finally let me go smiling at her I said, “Summer, Carlos has told me everything about Mia and even he  misunderstood me for her, on our first meeting. But gradually we fell in love and proposed  me for marriage. So we got married all of a sudden and he brought me to Dublin. I hope you will come and give us your blessing.”   “Of course, I will come Carlos is like a family and I am very happy for both of you.” Summer said smiling at me.   “Then will you prepare the dress for the reception for Lauren?” Catherine asked her smilingly. “Yes, of course but she will have to go the work shop as for special occasions our professional team handles it and they will show her the catalogue, she can decide and brief them how she wants it and also the colour and  the texture. Please follow the assistant she will take you there.” Summer insisted.   We said our goodbyes and left the shop. Though I wanted to stay longer but I couldn’t arouse Catherine’s suspicion.    As we reached there, we saw there were many people, working on different models as if they will have some exhibition.  I was looking around curiously as everything had changed. My aunt had only two shop’s but now she owns a workshop. I am so proud of her.   Looking at my curious face the assistant explained that they had a photo shoot for the spring collection, so they were terribly busy.   Catherine received a call and excused herself, saying it was urgent and told me continue browsing till she comes back.  The assistant took me inside the office, As I walked in, I was pulled inside and someone held me in a tight embrace.
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