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The next morning, while everybody was busy eating their breakfast Carlos and Mia entered  holding each others hand and smiling away .   "Aha! The love birds it seems you really had a really good night sleep, your face is glowing Lauren.” Samuel who had just entered the household teased Lauren.   “Samuel stop teasing my wife, she had a very stressful journey, so she was very exhausted and of course she rested well last night, as  I made sure she did.” Carlos said naughtily.   “Grandma, Carlos is getting out of hand now, he's trying to defend Lauren.” Samuel tried to nag Carlos.   “Of course, she's his wife and I expect my grandson to support his wife, you will not understand, you will realise it once you get married. That reminds me, when are Myra and your mother flying down to Dublin? Lauren.   “What Myra is coming down to Dublin?” That aroused Samuel’s curiosity.   Mia was greatly amused at Samuel’s expression and said “ One more week to go grandma their holiday will end by then and mom and Myra will come straight away to Dublin and stay with us for some time.”   “Why don't you set up a business here Lauren with your sister ? So that they will be nearer to you and we would really be happy to have them here.” Grandma said excitedly. “Well I haven't thought about it yet but I would really like it. I will discuss it with her, when she comes over. Thank you grandma. It means a lot to me.” I said genuinely.   “Oh ! you don’t have to thank me sweetheart, now you are a part our family and your family is our family and please do not hesitate to ask for any kind of help you are require in future.” Grandma Lia insisted.   Catherine who was listening to the conversation intervened saying. “As Lauren has become  a part of our family now , lets not wait any longer and  decide the date, when we should hold the reception for them.  I think we can keep a date for thirtieth of January, I think it's a very suitable date, it won't be too cold and most of them would have returned from their holiday.” It was twenty first  of January that day, so they will have only a week to organise everything, so everybody started talking about making their own contribution for the reception.   “I'm taking Lauren for shopping today, she is the bride, so she should look special and  the first thing we should do is get her a dress, the best dress. She's the Vincent’s bride and she should look very different, so that the paparazzi can splash their pictures on the front page.” Catherine said haughtily.   She would do anything for publicity and paparazzi love loved her. As she was the most beautiful Vice CEO in Dublin and people admired her work but she was famous for being ruthless.   Carlos looked at me with concern and so did Samuel, but I was looking very composed. I assured them with my eyes that everything was under control.   “Carlos, mom and I had discussed  it yesterday night, that she will be taking me for shopping, so I had agreed but I forgot to tell you about it . Do you don't mind if I go out with mom? You will be going to the office and it would give me an opportunity to know Catherine better. I am new here and I don't know which places are good for shopping. And you know Myra always helps me with my shopping, as I have zero sense as to what to shop for myself.” I grinned and looked at him helplessly. “Okay, if mom doesn't mind taking you out for shopping, why would I object please go and have a nice time with my mom and mother please take care of my bride.” Carlos said lovingly.   Catherine rolled her eyes and said, “I'm your mother, you're not concerned about me the only one you are concerned about is your wife, how time changes my son has changed after he got married ! what have you done to him Lauren ? Catherine said jokingly .   Carlos on the other hand came near to her and took her into his arms and said, “Mom you will always be special to me you are the one who has brought me into this world and given me a new life, I am pleased to have a mother like you and how can I ignore you? Its just  that Lauren is new to this city, so I was just trying to tell you to take care of her .” He looked at Catherine sincerely and kissed her cheeks.   Catherine brushed him aside and said, “Carlos Vincent you're a grown up man stop behaving like a kid I was just teasing you it's good that you love your wife always be happy.” Catherine said with a sneer in her voice. Carlos noticed it but he chose to ignore it.   Once we were done with the breakfast, I  went to change before heading out with Catherine. Catherine was ready and waiting for Lauren in the living room. Carlos and Sam were sitting and pulling each other’s leg. Ted and grandma Lia were enjoying their conversation.   One of the house maids was cleaning the table and all of a sudden a bowl fell down from her hand. That got everyone’s attention.   “Penny why are you so clumsy today? Please be careful while you are cleaning.” Catherine scolded her but looked at the direction where Penny’s gaze was fixed.   Catherine was stunned as Lauren was looking gorgeous and she said smilingly, “You look stunning Lauren.”   I was standing and hesitating to come inside, I had  worn a small mini dress, which showed my shapely tanned legs. The dress was green in colour, which matched my Jade-green eyes. I had combined it with silver coloured big danglers and had left my  hair opened, The  thick curls were enhancing my beautiful face. Carlos couldn't take his eyes off her as she was looking like a seductress. And watched her keenly, while she walked towards him.   “I will not allow you to go out dressed like this, I'm taking you to the office with me.” Carlos declared possessively. Which left everyone bubbling with laughter. Lauren was greatly embarrassed but did not say anything as Carlos held her in his arms and kissed her forehead.   Catherine also join in the laughter and said, “ Seriously son if your wife dresses up like this everyday, you will carry her all the way to the office?”   “If I have to, I will mom and you know nothing can stop me.” Carlos said determinedly.   “Okay but it's your wedding reception and we need to go or the designer will not get enough time to prepare her dress.  After the reception you can keep her to yourself but now can you let her go with me, see I have taken a day off just because I have to take her shopping and you know that your mother is a very busy women.” Catherine scolded him. Carlos merely looked at me and as I was pleading he finally gave in and said , “Okay mom please go ahead with the shopping but after the reception I'll go for my second honeymoon." Which left me more embarrassed. Ted chipped in saying, “Okay son , since I haven't given you a wedding present I will gift you a honeymoon trip, just let me know where you both want to go.” and  grinned at Carlos.   Catherine held Lauren’s hand and they walked out towards the parking area, where the car was waiting for them to take them to the supermarket.  
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