Old habits die hard

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I was shocked out of my senses and I freed myself away from the intruder, who had grabbed my hand. Then I received a tight blow on my face. And when I saw the person standing in front of me,  I was happy as well as shocked, and  did not know how to react, as she had hit me on my face really hard. Ann was standing right in front of me tears flowing down  her eyes and she was looking at me as if she was in a trance.   “Mia its you isn't? So are you going to lie to me as well that you are not Mia. I was trying to open my mouth to say something. “ Don’t  even try it.” Ann said interrupting me.   “I know it's. You can hide from as many people as you want but you cannot hide from me. As soon as mom called me to tell me that Mia's look like had come into the shop with Catherine and she has married Carlos, I had my doubts about it but I was observing you all the way while you were walking down with Catherine.” She paused and continued again, “But there are lot of old habits that die hard, isn't it Mia?” I was wondering what had Ann found out. “Have you ever watched yourself walk in those heels you clumsy little women. From the moment I saw you walking down the lane, I knew it was you. No matter how sophisticated you have become, you have change the colour of your eye but you're still clumsy when it's about walking with the heels on."   “I still remember the way you had always struggled to hang on to your heels but you failed miserably but I must say you have improved a little bit, so don't even try fooling me because I know it's you.” Then she hugged me and started  crying tears were streaming down her cheeks. I couldn't control myself and I hugged her back and stood there embracing for a long time. “Shhhhh,…….please be quite I have a lot of reasons to hide my identity, I am happy that you recognised me, my dear loving sister but Catherine is around and if she comes to know my real identity then we will be in a lot of problems.” I wiped her tears from her eyes and continued. “ I'll tell you everything once we meet again but right now let's just focus on what I have come here to do today.” I spoke to her with urgency. But she was still staring at me as if she had seen a ghost and looked at me blankly.  So I held her again in my arms and let the tears drain out of my eyes, which I have been trying to control and said, “ Ann you don't know how much I have missed you and aunt Summer, when I had run away from Dublin.  There are so many things which happened to me overnight and I couldn't tell you about it as I did not want them to hurt you.  So, I had to hide everything from you but I dearly missed you. You don't know how many times I wanted to call you and speak to you but when I thought about your security,  I was scared but I was sure that if I was out of the picture no one will hurt you.”   “I missed you so much Mia and you don't know the kind of grief I was in, when I heard about your death. It tore me apart and I did not know what to do but Carlos and Samuel came round at the right time and together we tried to come out of our griefs and moved on in our lives but we never forgot you.  Just hold me tight Mia, I just want to make sure that you are here with me still alive." She started crying again.   I have to control her because if  Catherine gets a hint about anything , she'll be suspicious.   “Anne can you show me the washroom, I think you need freshen up as soon as possible, as Catherine might be coming in any time and we both have puffy eyes and it will not take her long enough to conclude about my existence. Come let's go inside and freshen up  and look proper and you my sweetheart need to control your emotions and behave professionally.” Ann was looking at her admiringly as she walked with her towards the washroom and thought, Is this the same Mia she had  known a long time ago? She has changed so much she's become more confident, ravishing, lean and beautiful. Among the two of them she was the stronger one but now the role has changed to vice versa and Mia has taken her shoes.     Catherine went out to receive the call from Hayden as she was waiting for his call as she was missing him direly and wanted to know when they would return. “Cath how have you been? I've been missing you, I had called you but you did not receive my call, what is the matter is everything alright? Hayden questioned her seductively.   Catherine smiled and said, “Everything is fine Hayden, it’s just that Carlos has returned with his bride, so it was a very eventful day and I couldn't pick up your call. Even I am missing you and looking forward for your return. When are you guys flying back? And how is Sam doing? she has not called me or texted me ever since she has reached. You must be keeping her really busy?”   “I'm trying to make her forget about Carlos, so I need to keep her busy and occupied and for the past two days she has not even once mentioned Carlos. We go shopping, snorkelling, trekking so that it would keep her busy  and trying to make her forget everything about Carlos and I am trying to make her happy. But I am missing you and want to come back to you. To hold you in my arms and ravish your mouth, play with your breast and make you mad.” Hayden starts seducing Catherine on the phone.   Catherine was on fire and she said, “Stop it Hayden, I am in the middle of a shopping street and my face is turning red, you are embarrassing me, in front of a lot of people. As soon as soon as you come back we can meet in the office. There has been a lot of things which has happened here but I will not bother you with the details you and Sam enjoy your holidays and come back refreshed as I have a lot of work lined up for you here. Now I need to hang up as I have some important work which needs to be finished.”   “Okay Cath,  as you wish but I really was hoping to talk to you for a long time as I was getting really horny thinking about you. I'm longing to touch you and feel you Catherine. You know Sam is with me but the only thing I think about you is you. I want this holiday to get over as soon as possible so that I can be with you every day.” Hayden said passionately.   “As soon as you come back. I'm not going to leave you either.” Catherine warned him seductively and disconnected the call.    
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