Trump card

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Catherine walked in and the assistant saw her and rushed towards her telling her to follow her inside the office. Catherine entered and saw Lauren busy browsing through the brochure. Ann was seated beside her watching her with keen interest. Catherine smirked a little and kept on observing them looking for some signs to see if her hunch was wrong.   I could feel her standing near the doorway but ignored her and said,  "Miss Anne I think this one would be perfect but I would like to change the colour of the dress. Can you please use turquoise as it is my favourite and when I met Carlos for the first time I was wearing this colour and he couldn’t take his eyes off me.”   And Catherine was wondering the only reason he was staring at you was because you look like Mia, so do not get your hopes up Lauren and smiled wickedly.   “Why not? Yes, you have chosen a very good colour and the dress is also beautiful. It would take a lot of time, but I will make sure that it is completed before your reception.” Ann said smiling.   I raised my head and saw Catherine was looking at us with interest and smiled at her saying, “ mom you are here, please come and check, I have already selected the dress but if you don't like it, I can definitely look for something else.”   Catherine walked towards us and coming near to the couch, sat down beside me and smiling at Ann said, “I think its perfect Lauren, if you like it , why would I object, its beautiful. Ann my darling how are you? So, you have already met Lauren, I hope you are getting along well, as you did with Mia. Lauren, Ann and Mia were cousins and she was also her friend. She was devastated when she lost her, but I am sure now that you have taken Mia’s place in Carlos’ heart and you look a lot like Mia, you and Ann can become friends.”   “It’s never gonna happen.” Ann said immediately. I looked at Ann and silently was praising her for her acting skills she was too good and said, “ But Miss Ann,  I was hoping, we would become friends, as I have just arrived in Dublin and I don’t know anyone here. Even Carlos had insisted. I am not trying to take Mia’s place; I can never do that. I am sorry if I have offended you and I can understand. If I were in your place I might be thinking the same.” “Miss Lauren you don’t have to apologise, we have moved on in our lives and Mia’s memories are more than enough for us to survive. But the reason I cannot  befriend you is because the moment you walked in I thought and hoped it was her but when the realisation hit me that it was you, it really hurt and I don’t want the past to disrupt the present.” Ann said sincerely. She had tears in her eyes.   “Ann you are being too unreasonable, anyways you do your work and design the dress on time. I am sure Carlos will pay you well.” Catherine said haughtily.   “I am sure he will!” Ann exclaimed.   I kept quite as I did not want any more argument.   "Mrs. Vincent could you please follow my assistant and give her your measurement. We will wait for you here.” Ann called her assistant and gave her the instruction.   I followed her and went to the measurement room with the assistant.   “Do you have to be so rude to her,” Catherine complained.   “What! rude that to me, I was in my best behaviour Catherine. What are you thinking? How can we be friends, she's just some bimbo who looks like Mia? Carlos must have gone crazy for her because of her face but I'm not foolish. She's just her lookalike that's all I have to remember and please don't try to encourage this friendship because I'm really not interested.” Ann said in a warning tone.   “OK young lady if you don't want to, I will not insist but she is the new daughter in law of the Vincent, so from next time please try to maintain a decorum and speak to her politely. I don't think Carlos would like that.” Catherine sneered.   “Oh, you don't have to bother about that I know my place and I am very professional when I deal with my customers.” Ann smiled proudly and shifted her attention to the work she was doing.   Catherine on the other hand was smiling cunningly thinking, so finally it turns out that Lauren is not Mia. I have found a trump card now I can play with Carlos’ feelings. I will ruin their relationship and take his happiness away from him. I am going to make Lauren hate him before I kill everyone. This will be my revenge for my daughter.   I came back and saw Catherine browsing the magazine and Ann busy with her work. I thanked her for her time and said my goodbyes and walked out of the workshop with Catherine who was smiling away. I did not know the reason why she was smiling, my guess is, she was up to something and I really need to find out but I hope that the way Ann had acted would have made her believe about my identity. It was already lunchtime so we decided to head back home but Catherine told me that she had some work and so she wanted me to go back home alone while she would take a taxi and finish off her work and come back.   Hayden after finishing his call with Catherine went towards the balcony and saw Sam swimming away in the pool. She was wearing a blue bikini and was flaunting her curves. Undoubtedly she had an amazing body and she knew how to seduce men, but her nature was just like Catherine. Very vicious and cunning. She was stubborn and wanted everything her way. But Hayden liked her a lot as she gave him what he wanted. He was using her as tool to get to Catherine. Now that he has them both in his hands he was going to make sure that he takes good care of them.   He took a glass of fruit juice and poured a few drops of medicine into it and smilingly walked towards the pool.   "Sam, I think you should come out and eat something you have been inside the pool for a long time. You will get dehydrated. Come on out. We will have lunch together." Hayden called out.   He gave her his hand and pulled her out.   While his hands were touching her and sending signals.   Sam pushed him aside took the glass of juice in her hand and sipping it said, “ I thought you were hungry and wanted to have lunch?” She was smiling at him while she walked and sat on the chair. Hayden came and grabbed a chair beside her and took her into his arms and found her lips. Kissing her thoroughly before letting her go and said, “I am hungry but not for food but you.”   Sam could see the desire in his eyes and pushed him away and started eating the food brought by the waitress a while ago.   He did not say anything and started having his food observing her while she sipped her juice. She drank everything. He had a satisfied smile in his face. After they were done eating Sam deliberately took a scoop of ice cream and started licking it seductively, savouring it and enjoying it. Hayden on the other hand had a lot of things in his mind and wanted Sam out of the way for some time so he was watching her mouth very keenly. He then walked and pulled her in his arms and started kissing her roughly, while his hands were roaming all around her body making her feel dizzy. She was on fire she pulled him inside their room and pushed him on the couch. she opened her bikini revealing everything and could see Hayden’s eyes full of desire for her.  She pulled his boxers and threw it away before she  climbed on top of him and started kissing him everywhere. Sam wanted him urgently and touched his p***s which was hard and ready and stroked it up and down before getting it inside her and moved in a rhythm side by side thrusting hard. After their love making Sam was asleep. Hayden got up quietly and picking her up laid her on the bed .He had a smirk in his face as he knew that she will not be waking up soon. So, it would give him plenty of time to finish up his work. He picked up his phone and went towards the beach and called someone.   “Shane how is everything going on there. What about the bidding news when will we get the final confirmation?” Hayden spoke briskly. “Boss the deal has been done and we have gotten the project. It was just announced an hour ago. I wanted to call you but you had strictly told me not to call you, so I was waiting for your call.” Shane said with a satisfied smile. “Oh! great, this is our second victory Shane but it is a big project Catherine will go mad you need be very careful as you are the boss. You need to be very tactful in whatever you do. No need to communicate with me for a few days. I will text you with the other number. Did you find out about Carlos’ new bride? I heard that he has made quite a lot of profit overseas. He is a very smart businessman though he does not deal with Catherine and her endeavours, she will go and seek his help so you need to be extra careful.” Hayden warned him.   "I have sent you her picture you can see it and tell me what to do next? And do not worry I will handle everything properly." Shane said reassuring him. After he hung up. Hayden opened the picture that Shane had sent. He couldn’t take his eyes off her as she looked so different and beautiful, but she had resemblance to Mia. Hayden was wondering what was happening? And sent a message to Shane.   “Find out everything about her within twenty four hours and report back.”            
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