Escaping plan

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Ashton’s pov       I paced around as my personal assistant kept talking about the wedding’s decorations.        “Stop”I pleaded and walked out of my office.        I walked down the stairs and nearly had a heart attack when I saw Rosie standing there with a big smile on her face. I could swear her mouth was going to rip in half.        “What are you doing here? It’s still 8 am”I hissed.        “Ashie”she squealed and jumped on me wrapping her hands around my waist”it’s our wedding day”she said in a sing song tone.        I rolled my eyes since she can’t see me and nodded feeling bored. I struggled to get away from her grasp and when I finally did, I literally ran outside with her following me close.        “Ashieeeee, I will catch you”she shouted before giggling.        I felt as if I was running for my life. I had to escape that madwoman or she would never leave me alone.        I should leave not only for now but it’s decided. I have to escape my wedding today, I can’t marry her.        I jumped on my carriage and waved teasingly at her. She stomped her feet and frowned while shouting things like ‘come back’ ‘where are you going’ and absolutely the most important one ‘Ashieeeeee’.        I let out a chuckle and looked out the window of the carriage. The weather today is amazing, not cold and not hot either. I like this season.        I sat in silence thinking of a way to escape the wedding today because my dad would prefer to die and not to cancel it after inviting all the people.        Imagine that even some sirens and harpies are coming. Like what the hell, they’re f*cking monsters!!       ‘The good thing is that the groom won’t be attending his own wedding. He would rather make out with a frog everyday than to marry that crazy woman’ I smirked.      Author’s note: There are some info about sirens and harpies in this chapter. I created some info from my mind about them, there are some things that you will find different than other stories.  Amelia’s pov       I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled. I was wearing a long half sleeved turquoise dress with a cut from my mid left thigh to the end of it. I had a Smokey make up look that Mikayla helped me with and my white hair was left down as it normally is.        I took my small black sac and walked out smiling. I heard gasps from the others as they don’t see me with dresses that often.        I have wore a dress before to a mission but I’m glad they don’t know dresses were my everyday outfit all my life.        I winked at a guy who was staring intently at me and held Alex to my waist. I walked towards Mikayla and Flynn who were too busy with each other.        “Die duit lovebirds”I teased. Flynn rolled his eyes before looking at me and gasping.        “I never thought that there was such a beauty like my wife” he winked, Mikayla gasped and punched him on the chest.        “Hey I’m kidding, no body is prettier than you”he raised his hand in surrender and leaned in to kiss her.        Alex and I looked at each other and cringed with disgust. I turned around taking him with me.        As I was walking, I got stopped by someone holding my hand. I turned around and smiled when I saw Ed wearing a suit.        But my smile faded when I noticed how his face was looking so serious. I put Alex down and took Ed away from the others. We stood at the end of the ship behind the wheel.        “Are you okay?”I asked worriedly.        “It’s not me, it’s you. Are you okay? I’m sure you’re worried if they will attend the wedding”he said.        I frowned and looked at the sea. Edward is the only one that knows my secret even Ashton and Mikayla have no idea about it.        “Don’t worry. You all are sirens and harpies, if anything happened you will be able to help”I winked and he smiled as he understood that I was trying to lighten the mood.        All my crew were either harpies or sirens. People think that our kinds are only females but that’s totally wrong, there are males as there are females.        Sirens look a little similar to harpies but there are some differences.        Sirens have a tail and wings, each one is colored different than the other. While Harpies have white wings and legs as the birds so they look like half birds and half human.        Sirens and harpies have the same strength and both kinds are so dangerous and deadly.         There are some stronger than others. It depends on the training and the right kind of food you eat.        Sirens have an awesome ability to swim in a super fast speed. We can also change our hair and eyes but that only happens once in a lifetime. It’s really painful when we touch the water to transform into sirens or when we transform to look like humans.        Harpies are classified as air creatures as they look like birds, they can fly and will die as soon as they stayed deep underwater. For instance, if they were more than 8 ft under water, they will immediately die.        Otherwise, the main home for sirens is the water but most of us go undercover as humans to interact with humans.         People know of us but most of them hate us, other don’t.        Just like the King and Queen of Arendelle. They invited us to their son’s wedding and I really appreciate it.        It can ruin their reputation in front of other that they are friends with evil creatures like us but they didn’t care.        “Lia. Earth to Lia”I heard someone say pulling me out of my trance of thoughts.        “Oh sorry, I was somewhere else”I smiled apologetically.        He nodded and walked away to the others. I turned around and looked at the ocean.        ‘Oh how I missed you mom and dad’I smiled sadly.        
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