Chapter : 9. The sign of love..

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Mila’s point of view :- ---------------------------- It’s a wonder how fast the time passes by. It’s been almost three months since I turned 18 and I found my mate. The full moon night is now nearby and so does the day for Ralph to become the new alpha of the Beaufort Wolves Pack. I am becoming excited for the day he will have his alpha ceremony and I will be declared as his mate and the pack’s luna. Everyone will respect me then. They will regret all those days they have tortured me without knowing the truth. Everything is going to become perfect soon. Last month we had a misunderstanding in between us, and I almost left him and the pack. Thankfully, he stopped me in time and explain everything to me. We just needed to clear ourselves to each other and have a little talk because we didn’t get enough time for each other. But after that day, I understood him a lot better, and it has become clear to me that he loves me a lot. I just need to fulfil his every desire to keep him away from other girls. Instead of that, he is just perfect in every way. We are back together again as I just had to mate with him every once in a while to keep him in line. It’s a relief that he doesn’t need me that much as he acted with those girls. But I have to admit that mating with him never stopped hurting. Thankfully, those heavy bleedings have stopped now, but his rough s*x gives me a lot of pain. Maybe this is how it is. Maybe I am supposed to bear the pain like other girls do silently, to keep my mate happy. But I still wish that he is a bit more gentle with me. He scares me a lot when he calls me into his room. To get rid of the pain, I take my pills every once in a while. But not every day like before. But since these past few days, every time I take it, I vomit it out. Not only that, but every time I eat something, I feel nauseous and get the urge to vomit. My body has gotten too weak because I also get dizzy very frequently. Maybe those pills are giving me some side effects for not taking on a daily basis. So the next time, I went to the doctor for another bottle; I told him my problems, and he gave me a routine checkup to make sure I am okay. “Mila? What is this? How..? How did this happen?” I was waiting for him to give me the results when all of a sudden he came to me like a storm. “What? What happend? Is everything okay?” I have no idea why he is acting this way, but it’s making me scared. “Do you know that you are pregnant?” It was like a punch in the face from him. Did I hear him right? “Preg.. Preagnant?” “Yes. You are pregnant. And it seems like the baby is just a few weeks old. Did you knew about it? And how did it happen? Who is the father? Wait! Did someone force themselves on you? Tell me the truth.” The doctor was showering me with a lot of questions when I was in a trance myself. How did this happen? When did this happen? What am I going to do now? “No. No one forced me into anything. I found my mate.” “Mate? You found your mate? Who is he? And if you found him, why didn’t he take you out of that hell? Tell me the truth, Mila. Who is your mate?” Should I tell him who is it? I’m sure he won’t tell anyone about it because I know he is the only one in this entire pack who cares about me truly. But what if he does? What if the alpha gets to know it? Our plans will be completely destroyed once it’s out. I can’t take that risk. I have to stay silent until Ralph becomes the alpha. “I.. I can’t tell you that. I have to keep it a secret till its time.” “Well, you better tell everyone fast because soon the news of your pregnancy will be out in front of everyone and they will put the blame on you to be a wh*re. I don’t think you would like your child to be called a baster. Go and talk to your mate. Clear everything in between you and make your relationship public before something bad happens.” I don’t know what to answer him. So, I just gave him a nod and got up to get out of his chamber with my pills. “Mila. Wait. Give me the pills back. You can’t take it anymore. It’s bad for both you and your child.” “But..” “Trust me. It can kill both of you at once. Now go and talk to your mate.” I had no choice except to leave without the pills. My head is aching a lot with so many questions. What am I going to do now? I am carrying a child. An entire living person right inside of me. How did that happen? I just mated with him a few times. Am I ready to be a mother? Can I take care of a baby right now? I can’t even take care of myself at this time. And what will Ralph say about it? Is he ready to become a father? What if he doesn’t want a baby now? We haven’t even started our relationship properly. How can we have a baby so soon? This is so unfair. My mind is repeating all these questions again and again. I have no idea what to do anymore. I don’t even know how to give Ralph this news and I don’t know what his reaction will be after hearing this. But no matter what, I have to tell him the truth. I have to let him chose what he wants and I will agree with it. I know none of us are ready for a baby yet. So, if he doesn’t want this baby, we will get rid of it. I will let him choose what he wants for our future. But no matter what, I could dare to tell him about it the rest of the day. So, I just thought about resting for the night and tell him the next day. As I was laying in my room, trying to get some sleep, my hand automatically moved to my stomach and started caressing on it to feel the life inside. I tried to find a heartbeat and the size of the baby till now. Even though I couldn’t feel anything, a smile came to my lips, thinking that I am a mother. Never in my dreams have I imagined that I can bring a life into this world. I never even thought that I am even physically able to do so. But now all of a sudden I am getting the news that all of those unexpected things are happening in my life. Maybe I am not perfect in other ways, but at least the goddess gave me the blessing to become a mother. In just a few months, there will be a little me running around the house. Or maybe a little Ralph. I was living my life alone till now. But after this, I will never be alone. I will not only have a mate, but also a baby to accompany me for the rest of my life. No. What am I thinking? I can’t get attached to this baby so soon. This is not only my choice. This is Ralph’s baby as well and he has a decision of his own too. If he is not ready to be a parent, I can’t force him to be one. I have to let him choose before thinking of something far about the future. I will respect his decision. With that, I removed my hand from my belly and closed my eyes to fall asleep. But in my heart, I still wish that Ralph would accept this baby. With the new morning, I started my daily works, while searching for an opportunity to get some alone time with Ralph so that I can tell him the good news. But for some reason, the house looks way too busy today. Everyone’s acting like there’s someone very important coming to visit today as they were running here and there to arrange everything. What is going on? And why am I not informed about it? But how can anything happen in this house without my help? So, soon I was called by the alpha to increase the items of my to do list. “Mial. I want you to clean the two rooms beside mines spotlessly. And make sure everything is perfect in the house. I have a few guests coming today, who are going to live with us till the alpha ceremony. Make sure you treat them well and cook something nicer for them. And if you make any mistake, I will make sure you regret doing it.” “Yes, alpha.” Although I agreed to do as the alpha asked, I am worried about doing all those works while carrying a baby. What if I hurt it in the process? But who are these this important guests anyway? And why are they staying here from now on when the alpha ceremony is still a week left? I will be getting the answer soon. So instead of wasting the time, I better start working if I don’t want to get punished. With that, I started cleaning the rooms as the alpha asked. These rooms are right beside Ralph and his father. Which means the gusts that are coming today are very important to them, or else they might never bother to care about them so much. But cleaning an abandoned room, is really hard. There are dust and spiderwebs everywhere. How can I do all of it alone? With a big sigh, I started cleaning the dust and then the floors. I had to move all the stuff of the room here and there to fix them, which are really heavy for me to move. All these heavy works are making me worried about my baby. I hope that this is not affecting it that much. I regret not talking to Ralph yesterday, because if I did, he might have saved me from all of this. He might have cared about our health. But now that it’s too late, I have to take this risk or I will get a very bad punishment. With this thought in my head, I was trying to bring a few boxes down from the top of the cupboard. My short height is not helping me to reach to them even after standing on a chair. But finally I got my fingers on the box below and tried to pull them all at once. But while doing so, the chair shook under my feet, making me fall on the floor with all those boxes on top of me. I screamed out in fear while I tried to cover my stomach to protect my baby from the impact. Thankfully, the boxes were empty, and it didn’t hurt me much in the fall. But even after I was okay, I kept caressing my belly and crying in fear of losing my baby. What if I have hurt my baby? What if I killed it with my stupidity? I might have lost it for forever. I might have lost the first sign of our love. I might have lost our first ever child without even seeing or feeling it for once. I finally regained my conscious. Even though I was not accepting this baby till now, from this moment, I know how important it is for me. This is my baby. The first sign of our love. I can’t lose it so easily. I have to give birth to this life, no matter what. And from now on, I will be very careful and protect it at any cost. He will be my little Ralph, taking care of his mommy in place of his daddy till he gets ready to take care of both of us. From that moment, I started being extra careful while doing my works. I made sure that I didn’t hurt my baby at any cost. And I can’t wait to give Ralph this good news. If I am so happy with this baby, then he would be equally excited too, because it’s his blood too as well as mine. But the day was soon passing by and I can’t get any chance to do so. I was too busy to prepare the luxury for their new guest while Ralph is no idea where. But as the sun was coming down, I finally get to see my mate who was looking charming than ever. He has gotten ready in a brand new shirt and trouser, looking like a handsome prince. Maybe he has gotten all dressed up for their new guest. “Mila. Take this. Wear it as fast as possible and make yourself look presentable. You have to be present in the room when our guest arrives.” All of a sudden, he passes me a dress, that is obviously not a brand new one. But in a lot better condition than what I usually wear. “Me? But why? Alpha dosen’t usually allow me to be present in there whenever a guest comes.” “This time it’s different. These guests are going to stay with us for a while and you have to take care of them. So, you have to look nice and behave well for them. Now hurry up. They are almost here.” “Ralph.. Wait..” He didn’t let me ask another question or even tell him the good news that I am waiting to say till yesterday. I guess I have to wait for a bit more now. So, to follow their order, I wore the dress he gave me, washed my face, and combed my hair to look presentable in between a full room of aesthetic ones. After I got ready, I went to stand in at the end of the living room of our pack house. Even though Ralph told me that they need me to be present with them, but I couldn’t get the courage to come forward and stand with the other respected members of our pack. No matter how much they need me, I am still just a slave to say. Ralph and his father were out to bring the guests and I am just waiting impatiently to see who is this so important persons. What is so important about them in the first place?
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