Chapter : 8. Got cheated on..

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Mila’s point of view :- --------------------------- Another month passed by and our relationship is not going well. In this past month, I have mated with Ralph a few more times and ended up being in unbearable pain with heavy bleeding every time. And the most horrifying thing is the work I had to do the next day while pretending like nothing happend to me when the truth is I was dying inside. I had no choice except to take the pills to get rid of this pain, but that only made it worse with every dose, as I was becoming more sick and tired. So, to get away from all of it, I started avoiding Ralph. If I didn’t come in front of him, he would not be able to call me in his room again. For quite a while, my plan worked. I was hiding from him and he got busy with his own fun. He was flirting with other girls again. But I didn’t mind it all because I know that no matter what I do, he will never change. If I bear this for another month, he will become the alpha and everyone will know about our relationship. Then they will never think about flirting with my mate and I will be their luna to keep my eyes on them. I just have to handle this for another month. But my thoughts changed soon. It was in the middle of the day when I suddenly felt a severe pain in my stomach. My body was burning while my lower stomach was aching like hell. I couldn’t understand what was happening to me, so I just did what I thought the best. I took another pill and thought about getting some rest. But it didn’t help me at all. The pain still made me tie a piece of cloth around my belly and cry while praying to the moon goddess for giving me relief from it. I don’t know how long it lasted, but I am sure it was more than an hour that the pain finally faded away. But I was so tired by then that I could barely move. After that, it was not only just one day, but it started happening very frequently. There was no specific time for when it will happen. Sometimes it was in the morning, sometimes in the noon, or sometimes it was at night. But every time it happend, I wish that I was dead. I had no choice except to get checked by the doctor and surprisingly, he also didn’t find any reason for that sudden pain. Maybe I am truly dying this way. Maybe this is a warning that soon I am leaving this earth. Maybe finally my wish of death is being accepted. Although I always wished for my death all my life, but when I realized that it is finally my time, I felt bad. The most worried I got was about Ralph. I am his mate. If I die, would he survive the pain? I have heard that a mate’s death is like no other pain you have ever felt in your life. So, if I leave him alone in this world, will he be able to recover from my thoughts? I know he pretends not to care about me. I know his actions hurt me a lot. But I know that deep inside, he loves me the most, just like I love him. And I am sure that I won’t be at peace even after death if I leave my mate like this. So, the next time I was again in that pain, I thought to tell him about the truth of my condition. But even after searching for him everywhere in that condition, I couldn’t find him anywhere. But after a while, as the pain decreased, I finally found him. To my amazement, he was right inside the house, in his room. But he was not alone. I found him coming down the stairs with a girl who lives right in this pack house. But what were they doing upstairs in his room? Were they making out behind my back because I can clearly see their hairs ruffled and red marks on necks and lips. “You go down. I will see you in a bit.” Seeing me standing in their way, Ralph got startled and excused that girl from there. That girl stared at me with accusing eyes, like I just interrupted a very special moment of theirs. And I can’t stop my urge to hold her by her hair and tell her that it’s my mate she is flirting with. “Were you two in your room till now?” “That’s none of your business. Go and do your work.” My question angered him, and I know that I didn’t have time to argue with him. I am just living my last few days and I have to tell him about it before he loses me. “Ralph. I have something important to tell you. You should know about it before you lose everything.” “What are you talking about?” “I am dying, Ralph. I have got some sickness that even the doctor can’t give an answer to. Every once in a while I get this severe ache in my stomach and my body feels like burning. It was happening right now, just before I saw. I think it’s a sign of my death. I want you to know that I love you very much, Ralph. If something happens to me all of a sudden, please don’t hold on to my memories and move on. I want you to be happy for the rest of your life even if I am not there for you.” For a moment, he was frozen solid and looked at me with questioning eyes. But then he came back to his normal self like nothing happend. “You are not dying. You are perfectly fine. There is nothing wrong with you and all of it is just your imagination. Stop thinking about these silly things and do your job properly. Dad is getting complaints about you a lot these days. And trust me. You don’t want to get on his bad side.” Saying this, he just turned around and went back to his room. I couldn’t understand what is wrong with him? I just told him that I am going to die, and he has no reaction to it at all. Like he is sure that I am fine and there is nothing wrong with me. Maybe he is not ready yet to accept the truth. But I know that he will eventually get along with the news and understand what I wanted to tell him. After I told Ralph about the pain, it was vanished like magic for about a week. Like I just wanted his attention as my cure. I am perfectly fine now. But all of a sudden, it happened again. Every time I think of something good, bad follows right behind. It was the middle of the night when I felt that pain once more. Maybe today is the day. Maybe the goddess gave me a little time to enjoy my life, as it is now time for me to leave. With that unbearable pain, I can only think about Ralph. He is my only love, and he is all I have. So, before I die, I want to see him one last time. I want to give him one last kiss before accepting the eternal sleep in his arms for the last time. With this wish, I carried myself all the way to his room. Thankfully, it’s the middle of the night and he is right in his room, sleeping peacefully. So, as soon as I reached to his door, I knocked on it and waited for his reply. But even after standing outside for more than a minute, there was no reply from inside. On the other hand, the pain was getting out of my hand and I think I am going to fall down at any moment now. So, instead of keep waiting till he wakes up, I opened the door myself and got in. “What the hell? What is this bi*ch doing in your room in the middle of the night?” As soon as I got in, I witnessed a scene I never expected to see. My mate is hovering over a girl who is laying under him completely naked. And not only that, but they were having s*x with each other, although they are not mates. The ground under my feet slipped and I hold the frame of the door to keep myself up. What am I witnessing right now? My mate is sleeping with someone else? He is betraying me and my trust behind my back. How can he do this to me? How can he do this to his own mate? "Mila.. I..” “I’m sorry to interrupt you two, alpha Ralph. Please forgive me.” My heart was broken and I don’t know what else to do. So, I pretended like I am not affected at all by his action and left the room without any delay. “Mila.. Wait.” I heard Ralph call be behind. But I also heard what his wh*re told him as I was closing their door. “Why are you calling her back? Forget her and enjoy the moment.” “You don’t understand. We can’t risk her telling my father. He will kill us both.” Wasen’t that almost the same words as he said to me? So, he is doing this to a lot of girls than me. He is playing with all the girls this same way. I couldn’t stand there anymore. Nighter can I stay in this pack. I have to leave. I have to leave all this pain behind and get out of here. There is nothing for me in here. Not a mate and not a life. With this thought, I started running. I ran as fast as I can to get out of the pack borders, avoiding the guards eyes. I don’t want to see anyone’s face that belongs to this pack. Especially the mate who betrayed me the most, even after how much I loved him. I was running without looking back. My eyes were only looking for the end of the territory. But while my eyes were focused only on one thing and my mind was blinded by the pain I just got, I failed to notice the wolf who was running right behind me. And before I can feel another presence, that wolf jumped on me, making me fall on the ground hard. I looked up and there is still a few feet left to cross the border. So, to reach to my goal, I once again got up. But just as I was about to run again, a familiar voice stopped me. “Mial. Stop. What are you doing? Have you gotten crazy?” I looked up at that wolf and it’s none other than my mate Ralph/. But why is he chasing me? Why would he try to stop me when me leaving the pack is only going to give him profit? After realizing that I am not running now after seeing him, he finally got into his human form to talk to me. “Mial. I am really sorry for what I did. I know I made a mistake. But that dosen’t mean you have to leave the pack.” “Mistake? It wasn’t a mistake? You betrayed me. You broke my trust. It can never be a mistake. I know you are not happy with me. That is why I am making you free. Once I leave, you will be completely free to do whatever you want. You will be free to choose the girl you like. You don’t have to accept a useless girl just because of a silly bond. I am giving you that chance to fix your life.” “Mila. It was never my intention to hurt you. That is why I wanted to keep my affairs a secret from you. But I didn’t know that even if you don’t have a wolf, you will feel the pain of your mate’s affairs. And when you told me a week ago, I tried to stop, but I can’t control my urges when someone’s offering themself to me on their own.” My eyes became wide to realize everything. So, the pain I was feeling till now was from his betrayals. Every time he had s*x with another girl, I felt that pain. “So, this is not the first time. You were doing it all those times I felt that pain. You cheated on me so many times and you are still thinking that I will forgive you. I know I am weak and helpless. But do you think I deserve this betrayal? Do you think after how much I loved you, I can bear the pain of you sleeping with another woman behind my back? Do you think I should still forgive you after everything?” I felt so much broken from inside that I lost my belief in love. “No. I never asked for your forgiveness. And I won’t do it too. If you want to put all the blame on me, then I won’t let you do it because it’s not my fault but yours that I am in this position. Why do you think that I went to cheat on you in the first place? I think you have forgotten that I told you that I can’t stay without you, especially after smelling your scent. I want someone to fulfil my desire with. And if I don’t get it from you, then I will surely look for another source of pleasure. You can’t deny that you were avoiding me for past few days. I don’t even remember when was the last time I made love with you. Don’t you think I deserve to be pleased? Isn’t it my right to be a bit happy? But I never bothered you because I know you don’t want me anymore. So, I went to find someone who wants me the way you don’t. But that dosen’t mean I don’t need you. I just want you to be happy too. I think I made a mistake by thinking about your happiness before mine.” I was completely speechless. I never thought of the situation this way. I never thought maybe it’s not his wish but his need that he wants to fulfill. It’s true that since I started avoiding him, he never tried to force me into mating. So, he was thinking about me all this time. And Like a stupid girl, I doubted on my own mate. “Ralph. I am really sorry. I didn’t know that you were doing this for my happiness.” “No. Maybe it’s time that we break this up. If you want to be free from this relationship, then we must reject each other and break the bond right now. If you want to be free, then go. You are free.” “No. I don’t want to reject you. I want you. I want to be with you. I’m sorry that misunderstood you. Please forgive me and take me back. I will do everything you need. I won’t let you go to another girl for pleasure. You will get everything you want from your own mate from now on.”
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