Chapter : 10. The new girl..

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Mila’s point of view :- ---------------------------- “Welcome to our humble little home, Alpha James. I hope you will find it comfortable in here.” I heard our alpha’s voice outside the main door, before it got opened, revealing the guests we are going to have. First, the alpha came in, followed by another middle-aged man who also looked similar to an alpha. And after him, a gorgeous girl came in, making everyone in awe. And at the very last was Ralph. My eyes got stuck on the girl, who just entered our house. I have never seen such a beautiful girl before., She is perfect in everyway. From her fair skin, to her black hair, to her hourglass-like body, to her tall height. Everything was spotlessly perfect. I couldn’t stop myself from comparing with that girl and accepted the truth that I am not even near her perfectly styled nails. I am nothing to her. “Everyone, please welcome our guest, alpha James and her daughter Mabel. They are going to stay with us for few days. So, I request to you all to take care of them with your best.” “Welcome alpha James. Welcome Mabel.” Everyone greeted them in a harmony as well as me. I still don’t get it why this specific alpha and his daughter is so special from others. As I was staring at the gorgeous lady in front, my eyes fell on my mate, who is staring at her equally as me. There is a huge smile on his face and I can tell that he is impressed by her appearance. But is he trying to flirt with her too? Did he forget that he has a mate who is standing right in the same room as them? But why would he care? He never cared before, they why now? Alpha was introducing them to the other important members of the pack, and informing them about where what things are place. I am still standing in the corner, having no idea why they need me, until my name was called. “Mila? Come here.” As he called my name, I stepped forward with my head down. “Alpha James, Mabel. This is our maid, Mila. She will be on the duty of cleaning your rooms and stuff, so don’t hesitate to call her anytime you need her. She will show you the rest of the house and take you to your room. I have some works left, so I will see you later for dinner.” “Dad. Maybe I should show her, I mean them, their rooms. If you don’t have any problem.” “Of course. You can lead them too. The more you hang out with them, the better relationship we will be in.” I was startled by the tone of their words. What are these father and son planning to do? Are they both trying to impress them to gain something? Are they trying to make an ally with them? But if they agreed to stay in our pack, doesn’t that mean they are already in a better relationship? Then what is their intentions? Ralph volunteered to show them the rest of the house and drop them at their room. I know he is just trying to get more opportunities to flirt with the new girl. But it’s really irritating that I am stuck in between them. Even if I don’t want to, I have to witness my mate’s cheesy lines and act to impress her. Ugh.. I don’t know when he is going to get serious about our relationship. He is going to be a father and an alpha, but his head is still stuck in his teen romances. I just wish that he can mature up after hearing the news. I kept following our guest as I was ordered, while Ralph showed them the pack house and took them up to their rooms. “Alpha James, this is your room. Right in front of my dad. And Mabel, this is your room, right in front of mine. If you ned any hep on anything you can call me anytime. Think of me as your own and don’t hesitate.” The way he was smiling at the new girl and the way she was returning the smile back to him, it looks like they have already created a chemistry in between them. But I am still standing here. I am his mate. I am the future luna of this pack. Does anyone care about me? “Ralph. I need to talk to you about something. It’s really..” As soon as they entered in their rooms, I tried to tell Ralph about the news. But he is in a different mood and completely ignored me. “Mila. I don’t have time for this and nor do you. Go and prepare dinner for us and make sure everything is perfect. And most importantly. Don’t talk to me when I am with them. Understand?” He went inside his room after saying that, leaving me standing in the hallway. If he keeps behaving like this with me, how am I going to tell him the truth? “It looks like we have to wait a bit more to tell daddy about you.” I caressed my belly gently while talking to my not responsive baby. He is too little to answer my calls right now. My mood immediately changed after talking to my baby. He came into my life like a glowworm in my pitch black life. I can see enough of my future with this little light, and I know that it will never go away. These little moments where I get to talk to it and never be alone again will be the biggest gift of mine. With a cheerful heart, I went to do the rest of my job which is prepare some special dishes for our guests. But don’t know why I don’t like them much and want them to go away as soon as possible. By the time I finished cooking everything all alone, it was already dinner time. And I am really tired and want to sleep but also hungry to not eat. So, I have no choice except to wait for them to finish and eat whatever scrap they leave. As I was placing everything on the table, I saw the new alpha and his daughter coming down with Ralph. But what caught my attention the most was the two hands that are connected together by two unknown people. Why is Ralph holding Mabel’s hands? And why isn’t her father allowing them to do so in front of them? What is going on? It felt like someone had just stabbed a knife in my heart. Is Ralph falling for her? Is he trying to start a relationship with her? Or is this why they are a special guest of our alpha? It’s their plan to bring two packs close by pulling their children close in a bond? No! That can’t happen. Ralph is mine. He is my mate. He can’t accept another girl in my place. I need him now. We need him now. He can’t just abandon his baby and his mate like this just because his fathers wants him to do so. I have to talk to him. I have to talk to him by tonight. With an aching heart, I watched him flirt with Mabel during the whole dinner. At first, she was not responding to it much. But soon she also fell his charms and started being like more than a friend to him. The way they are going, I’m sure that in just two days, they will declare each other as chosen mates. He also took her hand like a gentleman to help her get out of the chair and lead her to her room after they finished their dinner. There are some food left for me tonight, but I lost my appetite after watching my mate not looking up at me once and focusing on the other girl the whole time. But after thinking about the baby I am carrying, I forced myself to eat. If not me but my baby needs food to grow. As the night was getting old and the moon was coming up on our heads, I waited for the right time to approach to my mate. No matter what, I have to know what he is thinking. I have to know what his thoughts are about me or that girl. I have to know what his plans are for our future. Is he still going to accept me as his mate, or is he going to give that place to the new, prettier girl? Soon it was midnight. The perfect time for me to sneak into his room. If he can sneak me in his room for s*x, I’m sure he can give me some time to talk at this hour too. With this thought, I went in front of his door and knocked on it twice before waiting for him to respond. And to my surprise, he took even less than a second to open the door, like he was waiting by the door or expecting me to come. Is it me he was waiting for, or someone else? There was a huge smile on his face that faded away after seeing me at his door. This confirmed to my doubt that he was waiting for someone else, making me angry with him for the first time. “What are you doing here?” He whispered it tome while checking around for any other eyes. “I need to talk to you.” I told him with a straight face. “I told you that I can’t talk to you till they are here. Can’t you understand these simple words?” His tone hurt me, but this is not the time to break. I have to fight. I have to fight not only for myself but also for my baby. “I need to talk to you right now.” Seeing me serious about the matter, he sighed once and pulled me inside his room before closing the door behind. “Are you out of your mind? Do you know how risky this is? There are three other alpha bloods living in the same hallway as me. They can clearly hear our discussion if they focus. Do you want us to get caught? Do you want everyone to know about our relation?” “Yes. Yes, I want everyone to know about us. I don’t care who hears us or what they think. We are each other’s mates, and that is the truth. I am seeing what you are doing with that new girl. You always flirt with other girls in front of me, but I never say anything to you about that because I know you are not serious about them. But I can see that this girl is different to you than others. What is going on, Ralph? Why is she here?” “What do you mean? I don’t flirt with her. And she is here for my alpha ceremony. Isn’t it obvious?” “No. I know that it’s not the truth. And I am not blind to not see your continues flirting with her. Maybe I am not smart enough to understand what you guys want. But I am also not that stupid to not see the truth. I can see that you and your father are planning to create a bond with that alpha. And to do that, you are using his daughter as a bait. Maybe alpha James is also in this plan with you, but I’m not sure about it. What is going on, Ralph? Tell me the truth. You know how much it hurts me when I see you with other girls. Then why are you doing this? Are you still serious about our relationship?” “You have got some words now. Maybe I gave you too much freedom. Where did you get this courage to ask ME questions?” “I had to do it, Ralph. I have to fight for my mate. I have to prepare myself for the future. I can’t live my life like this. We are about to get in a serious stage of our life. And I have to make sure that we are committed enough for that.” “I don’t understand what you're talking about, and I don’t care. You want answers, right? So, listen to me carefully. Yes, my dad and alpha James are planning to build a special bond in between our two packs. And for that, they want me and Mable to take each other as chosen mates before the alpha ceremony. I don’t know what to do. I know that I have found my mate and I can’t take any other girl as my mate. But they don’t know that. If I try to tell them that, they will take me down from the alpha position and all of our plans and separation for the last three months, will be in avail. We will be thrown out of the pack and have to live a rogue’s life. Do you want to do that? Do you think you should better live a rogue’s life with me out in the woods except of bearing this jealousy for few more days?” I gave his words a thought. If it was before, I might have chosen a rogue’s life with him out of this pack, instead of keeping our relation a secret and allowing other girls to come near him. But now that I am carrying our baby, I can’t do that. I have to make sure my baby gets a nice and safe future. And I will do anything for that. “No. I don’t want to be a rogue.” “See? I knew it will be your answer. Mila. I am doing this for only us. I am not flirting with that stranger girl I just saw a few hours ago. I am just pretending to do it, so that our parents can think that I am trying to make their plan work. It’s all a part of my acting. I have to keep this act up for few more days and on the day of my alpha ceremony, I will begin my actual plan. After I was announced as the new alpha, they will let me choose my mate. They will be expecting me to take Mable’s name. But right on time, I will call out your name and announce you as my mate and luna in front of everyone. Our relationship will finally be out in the public and none of them would be able to do anything about it.” Now I feel like a stupid. Why didn’t I think of that? Why didn’t I think that Ralph might be doing this forcefully? He promised me to accept me in front of everyone after the alpha ceremony. How can I think that he will break his promise like this? “Mila. Stop being so jealous of other girls. You know that you are my one and only. No matter where I go or what I do, I have to come back to you eventually. So, can’t you just relax for a bit and trust me blindly? I am tired of your silly thoughts. Now go back to your room and make sure no one sees you while getting out. Listen to what I say and don’t try to communicate with me for these few days. I will take care of everything when it’s time. Now go.” “Okay. I’m sorry, Ralph, for everything. I will do as you say from now on. Sorry.” I can’t say anything to him after that, and just left his room, putting my head down in shame. I am so embarrassed by my actions that I can’t even tell him the good news. Maybe I should wait for a bit more.
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