Chapter : 11. Alpha ceremony..

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Mila’s point of view :- ------------------------------- An entire week passed by, and I still didn’t get a chance to tell Ralph about our baby. After how I made myself ashamed in front of him, I couldn’t dare to break his order and go to talk to him. So, instead of keep trying, I thought about giving him a surprise. On the day of his alpha ceremony, he is planning to give everyone a surprise by telling them that I am his mate. And I am also planning the same surprise as him. Once he announces me as his luna, I will give him the surprise of the news of our baby. I’m sure he will be intrigued after hearing and couldn’t bear his happiness anymore and will end up hugging me with joy right in front of his entire pack. The news of becoming a father for the first time can make anyone dance in joy. I can’t wait for that to come because with every passing day, I was dying inside. I know he told me that those flirtings with Mabel is only his acting, but it looks so real to me. I saw them grow closer day after day. From holding hands to put head on his shoulder, from sharing a hug to even giving her a proper kiss. I witnessed everything silently and kept telling my heart that it’s just an acting. I know I am not supposed to feel jealous of them, because no matter what they do, Ralph is only mine. But I can’t help it. I can’t help feel jealous and angry whenever I see them too close to comfort. I hope these days end soon and she goes back to her own pack. I somehow kept myself in control for a week, and finally there was only a day left for the full moon to bloom. Just one more day for the alpha ceremony and just one more day for me to live the life of a slave. The preparation for tomorrow’s event has started already. I have also gotten busier than before to clean every single corner of the pack house. Many alphas and lunas are coming to witness the grand celebration, putting me under the pile of work load. But I somehow managed to get through the day without falling unconscious in tiredness and it was past midnight when I finally get to go to my room to get a little sleep. After I wrapped myself up in my blanket, sleep took over me faster than ever and I was finally at peace after a hectic day. But I didn’t know that sleep is not written on my fate tonight. There is something horrific going to happen that will ruin my peace. It was about five minutes or so since I closed my eyes, when all of a sudden I started feeling a little pain in my lower abdomen. At first I thought it was because of working too much the entire day. But soon the pain increased, making me really scared. The pain was getting unbearable with every passing second. “What is going on? Why am I feeling this pain all of a sudden?” I wrapped my arms around my belly in pain as I couldn’t understand what is going on. I know a pain in the stomach is not good when you are carrying a baby. It only means that your baby’s life is in danger. So, does that mean I am going to lose my baby? Is this the pain of my baby’s death? I couldn’t stop myself from crying out loud in fear. I can’t do this. I can’t lose my baby. I can’t lose the light I got in my dark life. I have to do something. I have to save my baby somehow. I don’t know what to do anymore. Only the doctor can help me at this moment. But I am in no condition to get out of this room, let alone go all the way to the doctor’s house. There is also no one in this house who can help me as well. Except.. “Ralph. Ralph can help me.” He is the only person who can help me save our baby. I know he doesn’t know about its existence and I was planning to give him a surprise tomorrow. But there is no time for surprises. If I lose my baby, there won’t be any surprise in the first place. So, before I lose our first child, I better tell him about it so that he can help me save this little life. With this thought, I crawled myself out of my room and, by holding the wall, I went all the way to his floor somehow. My cheeks are all wet from tears and I am gasping for breath as I can barely breathe in pain. My eyes are getting dizzier and I think I am going to fall down at any moment. But still I pushed myself to get to his door because our baby need medical help before I pass out. My heart is just hoping that Ralph can feel my pain and come to my rescue soon. All my hopes and trust broke when I found out the reason for the sudden pain. It was not because I was losing my baby, but it was because I was losing my mate to someone else. As I reached to his door and was about to knock on it, I heard some moans and grunts come out of his room. It didn’t take me long to understand that this pain is from my mate having s*x with another woman. And those sounds are coming from their passionate moments. Why? Why did he do that? Didn’t he tell me that he will not sleep with another girl as long as I am with him? I know it’s been a while since he mated me, but was it too much of a work to call me instead of bringing another girl to his room? Was I not enough for him to get pleasure from? Why did he do that? I sat down on the floor from all the tiredness of the pain and the betrayal. No matter how much I try to keep him as mine, he ends up running away to others. And when I try to make him answer for his actions, he somehow puts the blame on me and I end up being the one to say sorry. Am I the one always wrong? Or is he just playing with my trust? Is he truly serious about our relationship? Or is he just keeping me with him because I am his mate? No matter what his thoughts are about me or what he wants, I have to stop him at this moment. This pain is not good for my baby. I can’t let him hurt my baby, even if he wants it or not. So, without thinking twice, I knocked on his door. But there was no reply from inside as the sounds of moans and grunts are still coming as the same. My senses were getting blank and I can see darkness covering my eyes. I have to stop him before everything ends. “Ralph. Please stop.” I knocked on his door hard and in the next moment; I felt my body get limp and fall to the ground. But my senses are still a little intact, as I can hear everything that’s happening inside the room. With my loud knock, the sounds stopped, replacing with some shuffling and rushing sounds. And in the next moment, I heard the door get open, followed by a gasp. “Ralph. It’s your maid. I think she is sick.” It was the last thing I heard before everything became dark. But the voice I heard placed a mark in my head as I know who it belongs to. Mable. Mable was with Ralph in his room. Ralph was having e*x with her even after claiming to just pretend to like her. How silly I was to believe him! He took the chance of my innocence and played with my emotions. He was making a fool out of me all this time and I believed him. I have no idea what happend after that. But when I woke up the next time, I found myself in the doctor’s chamber. How did I come here? It’s sure that I didn’t come here myself. Then who brought me here? All of a sudden, I remembered the reason for me ending up in the doctor’s chamber and I started panicking. “Docter! Docter!” I started screaming for him when I couldn’t find him anywhere. Hearing my call, he immediately rushed to me. “Mial? Are you okay? Why are you screaming?” “My baby? How’s my baby? Is it okay? Is it safe?” I was crying out loud in fear. The thought of losing is was killing me from inside. “Calm down. Your baby is safe. Nothing happend to it.” The moment I heard it from him, I was finally at peace. I put my palm on my stomach and thanked my baby for not leaving his mommy alone. “How.. How did I come here?” “Alpha Ralph brought you here last night with another girl. I think it was the daughter of the alpha James. What happend to you Mila? How did you get unconscious in the middle of the night? And why weren’t you even sleeping at that hour?” None of his questions entered my ears except the words where he told me that Ralph came to drop me off in here with Mabel. So, if he was here, does that mean he knows about the baby? “Docter? Did you tell anyone about the baby? Did you tell alpha Ralph?” “No. Of course not. It’s your personal matter. I can’t interfere with that. I know that if I tell him anything, the whole pack will find out about it. And the moment he brought you here in that condition, I understood that you haven’t told your mate yet about your baby. And if you didn’t, how can I spread the news before the real father can know about it? Mila. Didn’t I tell you to clear everything with his as soon as possible? See what happend to you for not listening to me? You need your mate beside you in this condition. You are already too weak to carry a baby. You can’t risk taking all the pressure on your head alone and risk both of your life at once. Listen to me. There’s still time. Go to your mate and talk to him. Let him know about your baby and let him cooperate in this critical time.” I still don’t have any answer for him. I know he was right at that time and he is right at this moment. But I am in such a situation where I don’t even know if I am his mate or not. I don’t know if he will accept me as his, let alone my baby. I don’t know if we are both going to end up being a slave of them for the rest of our life or not. What are future hold for us, it is only a mystery for now. “Can I go home? What time is it?” “You can. It’s evening. But let me drop you to the pack house. No one must be out on the road at this time. Everyone is gathered at the alpha ceremony.” “Evening? It’s evening? I was unconscious for an entire day?’ “What did you expect? Your body was too tired to recover from whatever trauma you went through. I had to put an IV just to give you enough nutrition to get up. You need a lot of rest to gather the energy to carry this baby, Mila. Make sure you eat enough and work less.” I can’t believe I slept through the entire day. Today is the alpha ceremony. They are all there to celebrate Ralph becoming the alpha. But what about me? When it will be time for him to announce his mate, he will call my name. And when he won’t find me there, he will be so embarrassed. How can I do this to him? I have to go to him? I have to be present in there to support him when he faces his father. “I.. I have to go. I have to go to the alpha ceremony.” I jumped up from the hospital bed to run to my mate, but got stopped by the doctor. “Stop. You are not well enough to walk all the way there alone. Let me drop you there.” “Thank you so much for your help, doctor. But I don’t have time. It’s a really important day for me. I have to go. I have to reach there as fast as possible.” With that, I ran out of there and ran all the way to the place where the alpha ceremony is help. When I reached there, I found the entire pack gathered in there along with the other guests who came to join us in this celebration. Ralph was standing up on the stage with his father and they are about to take vows. Thank goddess that I made it in time. Standing aside from the crowd, I tried to catch my breath from all the running. But inside, I am really happy that it’s the day when Ralph will finally get his place for the alpha of the Beaufort Wolves pack. Everything will become perfect after today. As I was watching him get presented by his father, I noticed him searching for someone until his eyes fell on me. When he found me in the crowd, there was a smirk on his face for a second before he became serious again. I blushed out to understand what he is thinking. He must be planning on how to announce about our relationship. It’s true that this is going to be the biggest and shocking surprise for every single person standing in here. “To all of my pack members and my guests. I welcome you all here today to our special celebration of the alpha ceremony for my son Ralph Barrett. I am passing all my powers and position to my dear son today. And from tomorrow on, he is going to be called as the alpha of the Beaufort Wolves pack. Not only that, but after he is announced as the alpha, he will be given the opportunity to choose his mate from one of you, as he hasn’t found his mate yet. So, without delay, let’s start with taking the vows of an alpha,” The moment his father mentioned about choosing a mate because he hasn’t found his mate yet, I couldn’t stop myself from smiling. Little does he know that his son has already found his mate. Not only that, but he has mated with her for many times and now he is going to be a father as well. When he will hear that his son is going to be a father at the age of 20 and he is going to become a grandpa, I’m sure he will forget everything and accept us with joy. I am just waiting for that moment to come when I will find all the love at once.
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