Chapter : 7. Threated to mate..

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Mila’s point of view :- -------------------------------- “Ralph. I’m.. I’m really sorry to say this, but I think I am not ready to do it at this moment. Can we stop for now?” “What? Are you serious?” “I’m really sorry. But maybe if you give me some time, I will be ready. If you can give me a few days, I will be ready by then.” “I asked you before and you agreed to it. And now that I can’t control myself anymore, you want to back up? Fine. Go. Get out of here. I have many girls better than you to give me pleasure.” With that, he got up from me and pulled me up from his bed forcefully. Now I regret saying it to him. “I’m sorry, Ralph. I made a mistake. I’m ready to do it. Please.” “But I am not. You ruined my mood. Get out of here and never come back. I don’t need a mate like you who can’t even give me one thing I ask from her. I don’t want you.” It broke my heart to hear it. Am I going to lose my mate for my one small mistake? Is he going to leave me just because I couldn’t offer him my body? “I’m sorry. I won’t do it again. I promise. You can take me. You can do everything you want. I won’t stop you again. Please don’t leave me. I beg you. I will do everything for you and never complain again.” “Really? You will do everything for me? What can you do for me?” I was standing still in my place and started thinking what can I do to make him take me back. How can I fix his ruined mood? Then on;ly one thing came into my head and I did it without thinking twice. Taking a long breath, I looked up at his eyes and get rid of the only piece of cloth I was wearing in the name of a dress. Just as I did that, he looked at my body from head to toe and let out a chuckle in dissatisfaction. I felt so bad from it that I wanted to quickly hide under the bed, or even better, dig a hole and bury myself in it. But that would only make my mate more mad. I have to do something more to lure him into lust. I noticed before that my smell is the only thing that drives him crazy. Maybe that is the only way to convince him to do this. So, I went close to him and went on my toes to reach to his height and pull him into a kiss by wrapping my hands around his neck. I did exactly as he kissed me, and it was slowly affecting him. After kissing him for a little, I tilted my head into his neck, allowing him to take a sniff at my neck. And it worked. As soon as he smelled my scent, he pulled me closer to his body and started kissing my bare skins. I can feel his member getting hard as he was rubbing it on my stomach. Finally, he is back in his previous state. “You know, I am really thankful for my mother to create this one rule. She made my father promise that no one will ever touch you or try to ruin your innocence until you find your mate. And thankfully, I turn out to be your mate and take that virg*nity she was trying to protect. Maybe she knew that one day you are going to be mine. Your purity is the only thing that made me accept you in the first place. Except of that, you have no quality to be my mate. You should be thankful for her too to keep protecting you even after death.” Tears came out of my eyes after hearing it. So, he accepted me only because I am a virgin. If I was not, I might have never gotten his love. Is this even his love or just his lust? But it is too late for me now. I am his now. But I am really grateful for our luna to save my dignity all this time. I am thankful that for her I get to become someone’s mate or else I might have lived a lonely slave’s life for the rest of my life. He again pushed me down on his bed and this time he removed all of his clothes before climbing on me. He sat in between my legs and hovered over me to kiss my neck. But I don’t feel the attraction I felt before. This feels completely wrong to me, but I remained silent. I let him do everything he wants to do because this is the only way I can keep my mate with me. Ralph tried to grip my brea*ts, but failed because there is nothing much to grip on. In irritation, he gripped the little bit that there is along with my skin and squeezed it so hard that I can feel his nails digging into my skin. I let out a low scream of pain as my eyes watered up from that pain. “Shh.. Don’t make any sound. Do you want everyone to know? If you make another sound, I will leave you for another better and quiet girl.” That made me go completely silent. What kind of lovemaking is this? He is threatening me to do what he wants instead of cooing me or calming me down. I definitely don’t want this anymore. In the next moment, I felt him placing his d*ck into my entrance and I know what is coming in my way. But so soon? I am not ready for this yet. But I couldn’t dare to stop him and just covered my mouth to avoid making any sound. I’m really scared. And as I was fearing, without giving me any warning or waiting for me to get ready, he just pushed his di*K inside me in one go and it felt like he just ripped me apart from the middle. I thought I would scream out in pain when he will enter me. But I was wrong. The way he made it so fast that I can only let out a gasp and lose my voice completely. Warm tears were rolling down from the side of my eyes along with warm blood from my private part. I can feel the bedcover under me getting wet in just few seconds. But he has no care about it. "I was right. You are tighter that any girl I have ever taken. I am glad that I am the first one to enjoy this.” Ralph’s eyes are closed as he was enjoying the warm feeling of my inner parts. But little does he care that his action is causing me a lot of pain. In the next minute, I felt him moving out of me as I caught the missing breath. But not for long, as he once again rammed himself inside me hard. This time I was about to let out a scream, but covered it by biting my own hand. I can’t take it anymore. Instead of looking down at my begging eyes, he started increasing his moving speed, and I truly felt like dying from several knife stabs inside my lower part. His thrusts became harder and harder with time and my eyes were getting blurry soon. I wanted him to stop, but I couldn’t dare to tell him so. Is mating feels like this? Is it going to be like this every time? If yes, then how come other girls like it so much? How am I going to survive this pain if I have to face it every day? “You are the best f*ck I have ever had. I never thought s*x with you would feel this amazing. Don’t worry. I will give you this joy every time I get the chance. I am going to make you my wh*re.” He kept going on and on for more than an hour until he was finally satisfied and came inside me. I was really very tired by the end of it and can barely breathe, let alone move. I think I am going to pass out at any moment now. “Go back to your room now before someone wakes up and sees you. I will call you the next time I need you.” I looked beside me to see his face now that he is down from my body. Is he serious? He wants me to leave right after he mated me. Can’t he see that I am in no position to move? “Can.. Can I stay here for a bit more? I am tired.” “No. Your job here is done. You have to leave now. I can’t afford to get caught by my father. Leave before anyone finds you.” He got up himself and pulled me up from his bed forcefully, making me let out a soft scream in pain. My entire body is aching. Especially my private parts. I can barely stand. “Shut up. Stop making noises. You are going to wake up the whole house. You don’t have a wolf that dosen’t mean no one else does. They can hear you from all the way down to the first floor. I want you to leave now. We will talk tomorrow. And yeah. Take that dirt bedsheet with you. It’s disgusting.” I looked at the white bedsheet that is now covered with blood spots. I looked down at my legs and found out that I am still bleeding. I have to go back to my room now. Not only because he wants me to, but because I have to stop this bleeding before I die. I don’t know how I am going to do it when I can barely stand still. But I have to do it somehow. I looked up at Ralph once again, who is getting irritated by my delay while pulling the cover out of the bed. Asking for his help is not an option for me now. So, without thinking much, I started taking slow steps towards the door. With my first step, a bolt of pain shot right up my spine and I almost fell down from it. Why is it hurting so much? I looked back at Ralph again, who is still standing still, folding his arms in front of his chest. OIt looks like he doesn’t care about me at all because my pain is not affecting him a bit. I understood that I am on my own and tried to walk again. “Hey. Stop.” I took a few more steps when I heard him call me from behind. A hope rises on my heart by thinking that maybe he is feeling pity on me. Maybe he is going to allow me to rest in his room for a bit or help me go to my room. But when I looked back, I was disappointed. “Cover yourself up before going out. I don’t ant anyone to see you like this.” He was holding my dress that he threw in my face. Taking it in my hand, I wore it and again started leaving his room on my own. As soon as I was out of his room, I heard him shut the door behind me without even caring to check if I reach to my room safely. What kind of love is this? What kind of mate is he who doesn’t care about me at all? I broke down crying to see his behaviour towards me. He was so nice to me just a few hours ago. Then what happend to him all of a sudden that he became so mean to me now? It took me another one hour to finally reach to my room. I had to take a few stops due to my dizziness and holding the wall was not helping much to keep me standing. I might have stained a few stairs with my blood and I am in no condition to clean it up at this moment. So, forgetting about everything, I went to sit on the corner of the small storeroom and fell asleep right there. “Mila? Wake up, you bi*ch? Why are you still sleeping? And what is this all over the house? Why aren’t you working right now? Can you hear me?” My sleep broke from loud banging on my door. But I have no strength left to get up and see what all of this fuss is about. But I am sure that it is because I haven’t done any work till now and by the light of the room, it seems like already breakfast time. These hungry werewolves are way more dangerous for me than at any other time. So, gathering every will and strength of my body, I got up from my place and went to open the door. But as soon as I did, a hard slap made me fall back down on the floor. “Is this a joke to you? You have nothing to do, but you should remember that we have? Where is our food? And why the house is not clean? There are blood spots all over the stairs. Wait? Are you bleeding? So, you did that to our house? Ewe.. You dirty bi*ch. Get up and do your job right now. Get up.” There were a few of our young pack members who came to call me. But even after giving me a warning, when they saw that I am not getting up from the ground, they pulled me up themselves and dragged me outside in the garden. There they made me stand in the middle and started hosing water on my body to clean me, with the pipe they used to water plants. “Stop.. Please stop. I’m sorry. I beg you. Please stop. I will do everything. I will clean the house. Just let me go. Please..” I kept crying and begging them to stop. But they didn’t stop and kept laughing at me like this a joke to them. “What are you guys doing here?” A voice of angel gave me hope as I looked up at my mate, who had just arrived at the place. I am saved. He is going to save me from theses devils. He is going to save me from this humiliation. “We are punishing her for being a dirty bi*ch. She didn’t do any work today or even gave us any food.” “We don’t have time for this. Meet me at the training ground. We are getting late for our training.” With that, he left me with them without stopping them or doing something special. He didn’t even try to stand up from his mate when he knows clearly that all of my actions are due to his brutality. He is the one who caused me this pain. He is the one who made me unable to work. I think this is going to be my life forever. Getting tortured by others all my life.
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