1379 Words

CHAPTER XVIII: JUST “BAD NEWS” HENNERY BUKER“Yuh say Cultus Collins lost this here note at yore ranch?” Bad News Buker studied it thoughtfully, while Harry Kelton sat on his horse against the edge of the sidewalk in front of Bad News’s office. “Padre Canyon, eh?” mused Bad News. “Blaze has information for him, eh? Wonder what in hell Blaze wants to tell him?” Bad News lifted his eyes from the note and looked at Harry. “Might be a chance to grab Blaze, eh?” “That’s what I thought, when I brought it to yuh.” “Oh, yeah.” “And Collins will be away from there before you ever get a chance to catch Blaze, if yuh don’t hurry.” “That’s right. Wait’ll I get my horse, and you can go with me.” “Why not swear in a posse?” “Nope. If I can’t get him alone, I’ll never get him. All a damn’ posse i

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