2792 Words

CHAPTER XVII: THE CANYON OF DEATHIt was noontime at the JK ranch when Cultus rode into the patio. Harry Kelton was drawing water at the well, and Jane was sitting in the shade of the porch, listlessly perusing an old magazine. Harry greeted Cultus cordially. “Get down and rest your feet,” he invited. “Dinner must be almost ready. What’s the news from town?” Cultus dismounted and let his horse drink at the trough. “No news,” he replied. “No trace of Nolan, eh?” “I guess not. I saw Bad News sittin’ on the sidewalk in front of his office, whittlin’,” smiled Cultus. “Might as well be, as far as any good he could do. I’ll stable yore horse for yuh.” Cultus handed him the reins and walked over to Jane, who had put aside the magazine and smiled at him. He removed his sombrero and leaned ag

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