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CHAPTER XIX: ’TWIXT SKY AND DEATHCultus was a little dubious himself about that climb up the fissure in the canyon wall, but he realised it was their one best bet. He watched Jane prepare for the climb and was silent in his admiration for this young woman, whose face was white with fear of those dizzy heights, but who was willing to go ahead. “I’m sure we can make it,” she said evenly. “That puts us over half-way up right now,” he smiled as he tied their boots to the back of his belt. “There’s just one thing to remember; don’t look up nor down. Keep yore eyes on the wall in front of yuh, and remember that I’m right under yuh. I won’t let yuh fall.” “All right.” Cultus smiled grimly at her faith in his ability to save her in case of a slip. Those shallow niches in the walls of the fissu

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