Identical, but different

1078 Words
AMELIA’S POV — I feel light-headed as I stumble towards the bathroom, the hallway feeling extremely longer than it looked, and as a warm hand wraps around my bicep, I shove whoever it is backward, “Don’t touch me,” I sneer, turning my head to see who it is, but as it feels like my neck is twisted in a three-sixty degree, my head feels like it’s about to pop off, or just simply roll off. “Let me help,” the deep voice makes my head hurt. “No,” I push the blurry figure away from me. “Don’t be a tease,” the sadistic chuckle makes me tense, and I somewhat capture a good look at the familiar person standing next to me, holding my arm once more. “Kevin?" my head sways back and forth as I try to find my balance, but just like my vision, both disappear for a second, but when I wake up, I'm surrounded by darkness and the smell of alcohol, but the hot breath in my neck is what makes me jolt, and I kick but my legs don't move and I realize that I'm trapped under a heavy weight. "Help!" I yell, but my pleads are silenced when a hand covers my mouth, "Shhh," the soothing voice makes me still, wondering who it might be, but I struggle to keep my eyes open, "Who...whos' there?" I force my hand to touch the boulder pinning me down, but when I graze the soft, warm skin and soft material, I realize it's not something, but someone. "No," I groan, tears swelling in my eyes when reality dawns on me, but it isn't reality, it feels more like a nightmare. "Hush," the soothing voice is now deeper, angrier, more ruthless than before. I writhe underneath the weight of the person, hating whoever it is, and I pry my mouth open wide enough before I bite the hand that's silencing me. "Ah! f**k!" the weight is lifted off me, and I use all my strength to roll off the bed, my body colliding with the floor loudly, and I scream, not for help, not because I'm hurt, but for attention. Someone will find me, Grayson will find me. "You b***h, how did I ever date you?" the fast movement has made me sober up a little, but only enough to realize who my attacker was. I scramble across the room on all fours when a light flickers on, it doesn't light up the entire room, only around the bed and my eyes travel up the long legs that's connected to the horrendous man who humiliated me and broke my heart. "Kevin, what are you doing?" My voice trembles, "I just wanted to talk, but your security system is assholes," he scoffs, acting like all of this is just some sort of joke. "I don't have security," I grit out, thinking that he went to my house. Kevin slowly strides over, and I suddenly feel very small, "Stop!" I yell as my head pushes into the wall. Kevin grins, lowering to his haunches, "You have those twins wrapped around your fingers, but I'm betting they don't satisfy you the way I did," his intense gaze makes me want to cry, but I can't help but want to laugh as well. He thinks so highly of himself, "You aren't even close to being my best," I seethe, snorting lightly. His eyes narrow, his nose scrunching up and he raises, towering over me as he stops in front of me. Everything feels like a dream, like I might wake up any second now, yet I can't focus on his features. He looks like a shadow with some colour, nothing is defined and everything seems like he's just a monster, and I want to believe that he won't hurt me, because there must be some part of him that still cares for me, right? "Just leave me alone," I sigh as it feels like every ounce of energy is being drained out of me by the second. "And why would I do that?" his voice is stern, laced with venom, "I'm tired," My eyes flutter shut, and I feel him yanking me up, "That's what I'm counting on," he murmurs as the darkness swallows me. Loud banging makes my eyes shoot open, and the mix of groans and low cursing floods my ears. My entire body feels on fire, as if I'm tanning on the hottest day in the desert. "Amelia," the familiar voice makes me focus as Grayson's face appears in front of mine, except his head is sideways, "Can you stand?" his words echo around the room, and I nod, or try to at least. Grayson pulls me up, and he pulls my arm around his neck. I try to tell him I can’t move, but my lips aren’t moving, the sound of the words aren’t forming and my eyelids feel heavy. “Come,” he encourages me, but my feet can’t move, and as he strides forward, my feet give out and it feels like they are stuck to the floor. “s**t,” the panic is clear in his voice, and he picks me up, groaning a little as he hurriedly escapes the room. He turns with me, and I frown at the sight of Grayson punching a guy. His fist cuts through the air, connecting with Kevin’s nose and a loud curse follows. I squint my eyes when the lights burn my eyes, and I bury my face in Grayson’s chest. He sits down, and I hear people gushing and asking what happened, but Grayson curses at them, telling them to give me space. Wait…How is Grayson here and still in that room? How was he carrying me out and punching Kevin at the same time? I look up at Grayson, “Which one are you?” I murmur, my words slurring. I try to correct the way I speak, but my tongue fails me and a shadow falls over me, silencing me, “Definitely Grayson over there because he can’t even carry you to the car,” Ashton’s cold tone silences the room. “I was waiting…”, “I don’t care,” Another set of arms lift me out of my best friend’s arms, but I still see my best friend. “You’re pretty,” I touch his nose, and he stops to stare at me.
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