What mother wants

1305 Words
ASHTON'S POV -- I shift through gears as I breathe, but I can't shake the awful feeling eating at my chest. She could have been hurt, and it's all because of him...because he didn't keep his promise to stay with her. It makes me resent the person I care about the most, but now I just feel dull as he sits beside me, and I find it funny that he looks over his shoulder so many times, looking at her as she sleep on the back seat of my car. She could have been hurt, and then I would have never forgiven myself, or him. "What do you think he gave her?" Grayson asks, googling all sorts of drugs. I can't speak, because if I open my mouth, there will come unforgivable words out of them, so I shrug instead as I focus on the road. I have to get home, I need to get to my laptop to fix the f*****g error in my company. I come to a sudden halt in front of the house, and I get out without saying anything to Grayson and head inside to get my work done, but all the while I do my work, I could hear Grayson putting her to bed in the guest room next to mine. I shut my laptop, turning in my chair and I look at my shut bedroom door. No one knows that I have my own company yet, and I intend to keep it that way. All they know is that I'm in training, and it's the safest option for my entire family. I shouldn't even be here, but I couldn't not come. Mom is sick, and it's time to take care of her after she took care of us our entire lives. I slowly make my way through the house up to my mother's room, and I hear the soft noise of the tv as I approach her room. I knock gently, and I hear her cough as she clears her throat before telling me to come inside. I smile sweetly as I enter, "Has Grayson checked up on you yet?" I ask, knowing that he hasn't, "No, but I'm fine," she waves it off, but she isn't that great in hiding the sadness in her eyes. "Are you? Do you need water? Should I run you a bath?" I glance around, looking for anything that will indicate she needs help, but there isn't. "I'm fine, I will take a shower tomorrow morning," she yawns and she sinks deeper into the bed. I march over, pulling the covers up to her shoulders, "I will get monitors tomorrow,", "Don't be silly," she tries to scoff, but she ends up having a cough attack. I quickly rush to get her water, and she only takes a tiny sip, sighing out loud in relief, "Thank you," her voice is soft, and she looks half dead, yet she's still gorgeous and so loving. "Get some rest," I tell her sternly, and she smiles at me. I close her door and head back to my room, but my feet stop right in front of the guest room's door, my hands itching to open it, just to see if she's okay, but I can't move as every possible thing could go wrong too, but my better judgement slides and I slowly push the handle door and open it. I lean in, afraid that if I step inside that it would wake her up, and I glance at her tiny frame covered by the blanket. I squint my eyes, focusing on her and I watch her body slightly move as she breathes. I find myself on the single armchair in the corner of the room, watching over her as she sleeps through the night, and when the sunbeams break through the curtain in the early hours of the morning, I silently head back to my room to sleep. I don't know how I stayed up all night, but the fear that was embedded into my mind is what surely did it. I was afraid that she might stop breathing, or have a seizure. I was afraid she might die on me. Noon rolls around when Grayson shakes me awake, "You have to stop mom," his stern voice makes my eyes ping open, and I glare up at him, "Back off," I warn before sitting up, and he plops down in my window seat, resting his back against the windows, "Explain," I stretch my hands above my head, and he lets out a sigh, shaking his head, "Mom wants to go to the lakehouse," he explains, and my eyes widen, "That's far, she's too sick," I frown, "Tell her that," Grayson snaps. He's usually so lazy, but when it comes to mom, he looses his mind now and then. "She won't listen to me," Grayson grunts, rolling his eyes, "I'll talk to her, did you make her breakfast?", "Eggs and toast," he nods, and I roll my eyes. “She needs more,”, “She didn’t want anything else.” he grits out, getting offensive towards me. “Where is she?” I toss the duvet off me, getting up. “Kitchen, eating,” he’s upset with her, but I sympathize with her. She thinks she’s going to die, but she won’t. She’s strong, and brave, even though she doesn’t believe that. I stride into the kitchen, and Grayson is right behind me, "Mom," I sigh, and freeze when I see Amelia sitting across from her, "Ashton honey, come. I have a great idea," her shoulders rise in excitement, and I know what's coming, and the guilt appears before she can even say it. "What idea?" I sigh, looking back at Grayson, and he rolls his eyes, shaking his head once to tell me I should say no. "We should go to the lake house like always,", "Dad's not here," I shake my head, "So? My entire book collection is there, and it would be fun, like the old days," she smiles. "Perhaps we should wait for dad," I shrug, trying to postpone the trip. He can talk sense into her, because she won't listen to Grayson and I. "No," she scoffs, waving it off, "He won't mind,", "Did you ask?", "Are you telling me I need to?" she snaps at me, giving me a look of warning. She might be frail and sick, but I have the utmost respect for her, "I was suggesting,", "You don't have to come with you know," she glares at me, but I have to because Grayson won't look after her properly. "When?" I sigh and I could feel Grayson's glare at the back of my head. "Next week," she beams, glancing over at Amelia who slowly gets up, "I really have to get home to study,", "Enjoy dear," she blows her a kiss and she doesn't spare me a glance as she walks away. I don't know why that bothers me, but it boils my blood. I watched over her the entire night, and yet I don't even get a glance. I've been curious about her for so long, yet she doesn't seem to care one bit about me. "Mom," I want to try and convince her to wait for dad to come home, but she turns in her chair, "Ashton Whitlock, do not tell me what to do!" she raises her voice, "I am your mother, for f**k sakes," she sneers as she gets up, "Now help me back to my room, I want to take a shower." she grits out and before I could grab her arm, a paid nurse grabs her arm and walks her up. "You can't even walk on your own," I yell after her, but she seems unbothered by it and ignores me.
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