
1137 Words
AMELIA'S POV -- I immediately excuse myself to grab a bottle of water, and as I stand in the kitchen, a wave of anxiety washes over me. Why did I do that? I'm an i***t! "You good?" I look up at Grayson's joyful smile, "Yeah, I just hate when you two team up against me and choose a thriller for movie night," I grit out. Grayson starts to laugh, and he comes over and hugs me, "I'm sorry, we can watch something you want after the movie is finished." he chuckles lowly while his arms are wrapped around me and I lay my head against his chest. I know better than to trust what Grayson promises, because Grayson can agree with me, but there is no way in hell that Ashton will let us watch something I want to. "Uh-huh," I murmur as he pulls away, and I find it strange that I'm not flustered as I am with Ashton. They look exactly alike, yet their personalities are like night and day. "Are you okay?" Grayson asks, hooking his finger under my chin and he lifts my head, making me look up at him, and humiliation dawns on me when I stare up into those steel blue eyes. I shove him away, "Ashton," I grit out, anger fueling me and the familiar sly grin spreads across his face, "It helps when it's dark," he snorts, and turns, grabbing a soda from the fridge. "Whatever," I murmur, hating him for making me feel so stupid and I strut towards the living room where Grayson is munching on some crisps. "Unbelievable," I murmur under my breath as I plop down beside Grayson in the corner of the L-shaped couch, "What's unbelievable?" he asks curiously. Your brother just pretended to be you and hugged me while acting nice. "You're eating again," I snort. Grayson scoffs, "I'm snacking, it's different," he argues, and I genuinely don't know how he's so fit and in shape, because when I see him, he's gaming or eating, and nothing else. "How do you stay so...", "In shape?" he grins, "I gym," My eyes widen in shock, "You do?" I have never heard him mention going to a gym, "Yeah, I use the gym at home all the time, well not when you're there because I don't want you to sit around and ogle me," he teases, but I just roll my eyes. I don't think I have ever ogled Grayson before, because everything he does is just funny, or boring. He isn't as out going as Ashton, and he has a very simple life, for a billionaire. My family is rich, but they aren't made of money like Aunt Eloise and Uncle Jack are. They have this beach house, multiple other homes all over the world and tons of cars and boats that they never use. It's absurd how rich they are, yet they are so humble and down to earth, and that's why I love them like they are my own family. "What's there to ogle?" I scoff, grinning at him and he slams his hand against his chest, "Ouch, Lia. That hurt," he pouts like a little kid, and I start laughing, until Ashton strides in, stopping and he stares down at me for a second, and then sits down beside Grayson to continue the movie. It feels like torture, and as the movie comes to an end, Grayson is passed out next to me, snoring like a pig as his head is tilted back. "Grayson," I elbow him, and his eyes twitch, but he doesn't wake up. "Just leave him there," Ashton snorts as he gets up, switching the tv off. "No, I'm not a shitty person like you are," I sneer, and his eyes narrow on me, "You do hold a grudge,", "It's not funny what you did." I grit out, "It is if you think about it," he shrugs, inching closer to where I sit. "No, what if I told you something you weren't supposed to know?" I sneer, "Like how you hate me?" he scoffs, and without thinking, I say, "Yes." Hurt flashes through his eyes, and he slants his head to the side, and he stops in front of me, grabbing the side of the couch and he slowly lowers. His face is right in front of mine, his eyes flicking between mine, "Did you hate me when I had my fingers knuckle deep in your p***y?" he breathes out, and my heart shoots up into my throat. The silence is so loud between us, the air thick with tension and he stands up right, scoffing. "I thought so." he deadpans and turns and leaves me alone to struggle with Grayson. All that Ashton ever was and always will be, is cruel. After five attempts, I finally give up and go to bed, locking my bedroom door, but when I see that it's already two am, regret fills me. Or I'll be sleeping until eleven, or I'll wake up at eight and be tired the entire day. Option one was the winner, and even after I showered, the tiredness still hasn't faded. I didn't want to wake up, but I knew when I opened my eyes that if I slept again, it would be for several more hours. I get out of the shower and get dressed in a pair of shorts a t-shirt, and I put on my hiking ankle boots. I grab a bag, and head for the kitchen to find everyone eating breakfast, and Ashton is making pancakes. "How did you sleep on the couch?" I poke Grayson in the neck, and he squeezes his shoulders up to his ears, "Great, actually," he smiles and stuffs his mouth. "Have a seat, eat some pancakes," Aunt Eloise beams, and Ashton takes once glance at me, "Where are you going?" he grits out. Aunt Eloise's eyes scan me up and down, and her head lightly tilts, "Do you have plans?" she beams, "Hiking." I nod, and grab a cold pancake, "Don't eat the cold ones, Ashton, make some more,", "I'm literally busy with it." he snaps, and I refrain from rolling my eyes in front of Aunt Eloise. "It's fine, I like them cold," I turn, staring right into Ashton's eyes. A small grin tugs at his lips and I look away, and put three bottles of water into my bag. "So where are you two going to hike?" Aunt Eloise looks over at Grayson, and he scoffs, "I don't do woods." Grayson snorts. "Well one of you has to go with her, I would, but...", "I'll go, it's fine mom," Ashton smiles at his mother. "Thank you, Ashy," she beams. Great, now I have to spend a day in the woods with the person I loath.
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