Pull me close

1021 Words
AMELIA'S POV -- I shut the bathroom door behind me, and as I reach for the slot to shut the door, but the door pushes open and I stumble back, ready to knock out whoever it is, but as one of the twin's slip into the bathroom, I guess it's the wrong one. "A bathroom is for privacy," I grit out, "Like I care," Ashton snorts, turning and he stares me down in the stall. "What is wrong with you?" I scoff, crossing my arms. "Listen, I just need to know that you won't tell Grayson anything," He sighs, "And I want to know that you won't tell him." I deadpan. He stares at me baffled, "So we agree?" he asks as his head slants to the side. "For once," I shrug. "So it seems," Ashton hums, sounding relieved, and I let out a snort as his gaze travels down the length of me. "Are you leaving now?" I scoff, and he lifts his gaze, looking into my eyes, "Yes," he nods, but he doesn't move. He stands still, staring and this bathroom stall suddenly feels smaller. "Go," I snap and a sly smirk tugs at his lips before he leaves. I strut back to the table, and Ashton is already sitting there, eating while laughing with his mom and brother, yet when I'm around, he's a cold-hearted and cruel, silent and broody like I'm ruining his life just by breathing, yet he just came onto me earlier, had his fingers inside of me, and he started it. Why would he do all of that if I make his life hell? Why would he be so cold towards me if he might want me? I quietly sit down, smiling before continuing to eat my pasta. "Are you alright dear?" Aunt Eloise asks me, and I glance up at her, "Yeah," I force a smile. "Want to go for a swim later?" Grayson bumps my shoulder, "No, your mother said to stay out of the lake," I scoff, "We can fill up the hot tub,", "We have to clean it first." I remind him, and he rolls his eyes, his lips twitching up, "Right," he scoffs, growling lowly. "Does anyone want dessert?" Aunt Eloise asks, and the guys agree immediately, and then all three of them look at me. "Sure," I shrug, and Aunt Eloise waves over the waiter for the menu's. I can't remember the last time that I was this stuffed. I feel like a big that should have an apple in it's mouth, laid upon the feast table for the people to eat. I slip off my shoes, and fall back onto my bed, my dress raking up, and I just lay with my arms stretched out to my sides. The back of my knees are bent over the edge of the bed, and my feet dangle just above the floor. A knock on my door makes me groan, and I sit up, feeling like I once did in high school, overweight, stuffed and bloated all at the same time. "Come in!" I yell, I'm too lazy to walk all the way to the door, but I get up and fix my dress. Grayson strides in, yawning, "I'm stuffed," he murmurs, "Same," I grab my pajamas and pull my over sized tee over my dress before slipping the dress off underneath before putting my pants on. "Want to watch a movie?" he rolls onto his side, and he reaches for the remote of the tv. "On this small thing?" I snort, and he grins at me, "Basement?", "Living room." I deadpan. "The basement creeps me out,", "Is that why you never game with me?" I roll my eyes, "I don't even game with you back home," I snort, "Which is sad,", "I grew out of it, I have college and a life,", "So do I." he argues, and I nod, "I know, but my life is a tad busier," I giggle, and he huffs, "I know, it sucks." he mutters, groaning as he gets up from the bed. "Want popcorn?" he asks, "No, we just ate," I stare at him baffled. I don't know how this man can always just continue to eat and eat. Where does he store all of that food anyway? "Well I'm going to make some," he snorts and we head to the living room, and Grayson disappears into the kitchen while I pick a movie. Endless scrolling is what has me hopeless, especially when I scream a suggestion at Grayson, and he screams back no. "What is this yelling about?" Ashton's deep voice startles me, and I turn, looking back at him as he stands right behind the couch I'm sitting on, glaring down at me. Just on time, Grayson comes into the living room, "About choosing a movie, want to join?" Please say no...just say no. As spiteful as Ashton is, he grins down at me, and hops over the couch, "Sure, if I can pick the movie," he grins. Grayson and I both say no at the same time, and he scoffs, "Why are you two so against me?" he laughs, and I'm taken aback at how happy he is around me. Grayson sits down beside his brother, and Ashton is in between, grabbing a handful of popcorn from the bowl in Grayson's lap. "Aren't you full?" I raise a brow at him, and he carelessly turns his head, grinning, "No, you?" the way he speaks makes it sound like it should be dirty, but maybe it isn't. We decide on a thriller, and by we, I mean Ashton and Grayson. They know I hate scary movies, yet it's what they choose every single time, but this is the very first time that I keep an eye on Ashton through out the movie, and he doesn't flinch like Grayson does...He smiles, which is creepier than the actual movie. I can't stare at the tv for more than a minute, and when the hooded man jumps out from the middle of nowhere, I jump and do the unthinkable. I grab onto Ashton's hand.
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