Fire Crystal (Part Seven)

1701 Words
Kamandag approach the flying undead dragon and now she aims for its wings to prevent it from flying further. Since Jogundar is a hell fire dragon, he spits ball of lava towards the fairy but she maneuvered herself in the air avoiding the hazardous ball of liquid fire. Arthur is right below them and her goal is to strike the dragon down, that’s why she is aiming on its wings. Restricting its wing movements will prevent it to glide further. Their minds are connected right, so despite of their lack of communication, they can tell what the other is planning to do. Arthur saw that the she will render the flying dragon flightless and he prepared his sword to launch himself up the sky. “Are you ready for this?” Arthur asked Pyro. “Do as you wish master,” the fire entity replied back to his wielder and Arthur commanded him to burn. The sword exploded of fire as he stabbed it into the ground. He intends to launch himself up in the air. The knight intends to create a geyser that will send him up, by using Pyro’s flames to put pressure on the water that he will release. “Constellation Big Dipper – Aqua Excalibur: Tsunami,” an attack that requires a vast amount of aura from the user. If Arthur produced the water at slower rate, it will be evaporated quickly by Pyro so that’s why he needs to release water that Pyro’s heat cannot keep up. The ground grumbled as the water rushes underground and thanks to Pyro’s heat the water quickly boiled and the young knight created a hole on the ground to make sure that the water will come out from it. Like a volcano erupting, this move caused a mini earthquake, and Arthur felt that the water is about to rise. He pulls out the sword from the ground and ran towards the geyser. As he jumped above the hole that he created, the water came bursting out, and due to the immense water pressure that he created, it launched himself high in the air enough to reach the flying dragon. The main problem right now is that the two are battling as of the moment and with its size, the dragon can just easily tap the knight away. The dragon is intelligent enough to avoid its wings from Kamandag attacks. Kamangad tried to slice through the dragon’s thick skin but it just deflected her attacks. Its skin is made from molten rocks that are hardened over time and considering how old it created a thick layer that anyone will have a hard time to break through. Pyro used his fire to evade the wing that is about to hit him and the knight did not expect that to happen. “You can do that?” he asked Pyro in surprise. Pyro did not reply as he continue to burst out in flames so that the knight can use that to maneuver himself midair. It is very similar to Amber’s rocket boost. The dragon used its foot with sharp claws to grab Kamandag. The fairy is restricted and with its strength as one of the true dragons that lived in this realm, it successfully made the fairy to struggle and she is having a very hard time to break free from its restriction. Arthur got above one of the dragon’s wings unnoticed and he thought that he can use this boost to break its thick skin. “Use your full power,” he commanded Pyro and the sword erupted stronger as he points it upwards to help the momentum of his strike towards it. The dragon noticed it and tried to parry his attack with its wings, with great speed and power the two clashed and at point of impact it created a shockwave, that can send nearby creature away from them. The dragon’s thick skin blocked the attack completely, but Arthur successfully made a c***k to it. But that does not stop the knight from attacking the creature. The knight used his sword play, to take advantage of Pyro’s boost, as he twisted his body to do a circular motion and struck the c***k that he made. After that he thew the sword in midair and Pyro miscalculated as he boosted the sword a little further but Arthur’s desire to break the dragon’s wings is very strong. What surprised the fire entity the sword acted on its own again and he felt another presence inside it, he is possessing the Excalibur, and he saw a glimpse of it but Arthur got hold of the sword, and everything that Arthur saw for a little moment of time faded. He did that unconsciously. As he grabbed the sword, he stabbed it on its thick skin and now he managed to break through and stab its flesh. “Now!” he shouted at Pyro and the fire entity acknowledged his master’s motive. He made himself as hot as he could putting what he just saw moments ago. “The skies anger, bless me with power that can strike down this powerful foe, Thunder Excalibur,” he quickly shifted the element of his sword. “Constellation Big Dipper – Thunder Excalibur Electric Current,” he released a wide range of powerful electric current that has enough power to paralyze the huge creature. The dragon screamed in pain and let Kamandag free from its grip. Combined with Pyro’s flames, its enough to make the fierce dragon fall from their hands. The knight pulls out his sword, from the dragon’s wings. As Jogundar falls straight from the sky, a loud whistle can be heard, and like a miracle, the dragon struggled to fly again, it’s like that it’s been called by someone. The dragon flapped its wings again despite that its right wing is currently numb because of the electricity that Arthur has inflicted on it. The knight was almost blown away by the dragon’s sudden boost in the air. Kamandag quickly regained her control over her wings and chased down the dragon. “What is happening?” Arthur asked Pyro. “I don’t know,” the fire entity replied to him. “Someone must be controlling its mind,” he added, and Arthur hold on the dragon tightly as he wants to find out who is the one driving dragon. Defeating the master mind behind this attack will make it easier for them to make the enemy scatter and that will make it easier for them to defeat the army. Kamandag saw Arthur holding tight on the dragon’s wings, she accumulated a poison orb on her hands, and launched towards the dragon. It directly hits the dragon and Kamandag is sure that this will completely paralyze the dragon, as the poison will disable its nerves. But the dragon is focused onto something that it must accomplish no matter what. Kamandag’s eyes widened as she saw the dragon still flapping its wings still flying on the sky. She is surprised that her venom is very ineffective but she does not know that the dragon is completely paralyzed. Sooner enough they saw glimpse of the cave from far away. Arthur taught that someone in there is controlling this dragon’s mind, and its link to its mind is very strong as the effects that they had inflicted on it. Then they heard another whistle. The dragon flew faster towards the cave and Kamandag’s venom completely disabled its brain and the dragon’s goal is completed. It gave up on fighting and fall straight towards the entrance of the cave. “Brace yourself,” Pyro shouted to Arthur as the dragon gets closer. Arthur closed his eyes and... a loud boom happened that caught the attention of the battling creatures nearby. The crash caused rubble to rain down on the surrounding area. Some creatures were crushed by gigantic rocks. Amber and Borjr are facing at each other right now and they were surprised to see the face of a dragon suddenly pops out of nowhere. Borjr tried to strike down the surprised maiden but Kamandag quickly blocked his attack. “In your dreams,” she said towards the dark general. Amber turned around immediately upon hearing the commotion. “What are you doing here?” she asked. “That dragon brought us here,” she replied to the maiden. “Us?” she asked again and there Arthur appeared. “We,” he said. Amber turned around to him. “What happened here?” the knight asked the maiden reminding her of something. She ran towards inside the cave to check on the goddess. “Where are you going?” Kamandag asked the running maiden. “Can you handle that for me?” she requested referring to the dark generals, to prevent them from chasing her. Even that they don’t understand what she is saying, they are forced to fight them. Kamandag against Borjr, and Arthur against the injured Shyvana. Amber stumbled on the floor as her Vespa wore off. She used her aura inside her body because all of the aura inside Silakbo, her gauntlet was drained. She did not expect that it will temporarily weaken her. She quickly recognized that the medallion is disabling her access from her body aura as the medallion is the one acting as the main source of aura. This is a very good aspect that will help the maiden to conserve her energy. She stood up as she feels her strength surging back again throughout her body. She grabbed the glowing fire crystal out of her pocket and she felt the power that shocked her whole body, but because of her fast regeneration, she was not bothered by it so much. She reached the chamber where the crystal is originally hidden and saw the goddess... She dropped the crystal. -The Phoenix’s Maiden-
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