Fire Crystal (Part Six)

1650 Words
“Why Mirana?  I trusted you,"  Amber stated to her friend whom she trusted before. Shyvana, who was known by Amber as Mirana smiled at her and she is amused on how the maiden questioned her motives, it was pretty obvious. She is serving her king. “What about the time that we were together?” she asked again. “Was all that a lie?” she asked more but Shyvana was not affected by those questions in any way, instead she laughed at her and the maiden did not expect that. “You are really a fool, just like what Borjr told me,” she said. “A fool?” she said in disbelief and she felt insulted by that comment. “Yes, look how I easily fooled you from the start and how it resulted into,” she replied while laughing at her. Amber summoned her flaming sword once again and the dark commander, also unsheathes her sword and they prepare themselves for yet another clash of blades. Amber’s sword bursts out of flames as it reflects her emotions and her current form right now is so bright despite of draining it earlier to create the clones to chase down Borjr and protect the goddess from him. “You don’t deserve that power,” Shyvana said to him. “And to show my gratitude to you for really helping me attain my goal, my real name is Shyvana,” she introduced herself. “At least that won’t be a miserable death for you, to die believing on a lie,” she said referring to her character as Mirana. “You are the one who is dying,” Amber replied back and the dark general, used her sword to block Amber’s sudden quick attack. She whistled to call her pet, the undead dragon that Arthur and Kamandag is currently battling. Jogundar was slain by Shyvana and her current sword is crafted with its tooth. Cain happened to be there when that happened. Shyvana is very hungry for power andshe will do everything to show her glory to the realm. With Cain’s offer of reviving the dragon and force it to pledged loyalty for her while giving her the curse that she will be using to serve under him. In contrary of her personality, Shyvana gained a curse that as of as a coward, as it fits her for missions that requires to fool others and attack them from behind. It is the reflection of her thoughts, emotions, and desire, and no matter how far she ran away, she cannot escape her dark past. She was forced to follow the king and she took the dragon with her; she is one of the strongest generals that Cain ever had, unbeknownst to others the King already ordered her to infiltrate the cave before he calls for the meeting with all his generals. Upon giving the order to Borjr, Cain stated his plans towards him and he planned ahead of that upon hearing, and now Cain is very confident that the crystal is within his reach this time. “You think you are special?” Shyvana stated while both of them are clashing their swords. “Offering protection to others but you cannot protect someone in front of you,” she said referring to what she did to the goddess. “YOU!” she said and that statement angered the maiden greatly and she almost overpowered Shyvana, but she quickly regained her strength and pushed the maiden away from her, but Amber regained her balance quickly and quickly strikes again. “You will pay,” she said gritting her teeth. “Phoenix claws,” and using her pyro kinesis, her sword produced flames in different directions forming just like a talon of a bird.   While it is forming Amber used all her strength to pin down Shyvana on the ground and the dark general noticed on what she is planning to do. As the talon like fire tries to grab her, she used her strong legs to back away from her. Upon impact of the talon exploded, and it created a thick smoke and Amber used that to her advantage and charge at her with full speed. She was successful as Shyvana was caught off guard by that and Amber slashed through her chest. Blood spilled on the ground and she successfully cuts off the bag where Shyvana put the crystal earlier. The fire crystal that is glowing red rolled on the ground, and Amber saw that. Shyvana screamed in pain. Amber saw this as an opening and she rushed to get the crystal, but Shyvana tackled the maiden, making both of them roll on the ground. Shyvana tried to punch Amber in the face but Amber successfully grabbed her fist, and she countered her attack, and she successfully lands a hit on her face making Shyvana to be send her back away from her. She stood up quickly and her attention is only focused on the crystal. She ran towards it and grabbed the crystal, and there she was almost strucked by a black scythe. She barely avoided the attack and she stood up, only to see Borjr in front of her. “Hoho, what am I seeing right now?” he remarked upon seeing the Shyvana lying on the ground, groaning pain. “I am killing two birds in one stone,” he said. “I’ll be promoted higher than you, Shyv,” he said and laughed. Amber’s light now is dim, which is favorable by him, now with his void walker there is more place for him to travel into. Shyvana despite the pain, she stood up to help his ally, and Amber is caught up between their newly formed competition. The one who kills Amber first is the winner and that will get the praise of their king. Borjr merges in the shadows making it for Amber harder to tell where he will come from, her aura is starting to deplete and it is only moments of time for her Vespa to run out of time. This is not the ideal situation for the maiden, as she is cornered right now and she is feeling the strain because her aura will be depleted soon. Shyvana prepared her sword and hold it tightly for her next attack. This time Amber knew that the two does not have any cooperation because of the competition that formed. She also felt that. With her Vespa still on her, she can use that to stay away from the shadow walker, and she can put her focus on Shyvana, she is sure that she can sense the presence of the other enemy if it emerges from its hiding. She makes sure that the crystal is properly secured and so that it will not be a problem for her to worry that the crystal will fall accidentally and the shadow walker will grab and run away with it. Her state right now is enough of a problem for her. That’s why she needs to settle this right now, so she can get back to the goddess as soon as possible and she is really worrying about her current situation. She prayed silently, that the angels above will watch over her and will prevent her from dying before she finishes settling the score with them. Shyvana swung her sword towards Amber and the maiden succesfully blocked the attack with her fire sword and she kicked her in the stomach and she quickly followed up with a sword attack that struck Shyvana yet again, in the chest. Shyvana bled and she falls on the ground. “Whaty did I tell you earlier?” Amber asked the weakened Shyvana. “You’ll pay for what you did,” she added thereatening the Shyvana. She points her flaming sword in her neck and the embers that jumps out of it burned her neck. Amber noticed that Shyvana looked behind her. “Kill me,” she demanded, but Amber just looks at her straight in the eye. “You coward what are you waiting for?” she taunted the maiden. Amber lifted her sword up. “That’s right,” Shyvana said and Amber swung her sword behind her, slicing one of Borjr’s arms. Shyvana was so surprised that the maiden expected the sneak attack and Amber already felt his presence upon emerging from the shadows where he is hiding from. Borjr screamed in pain and the blood sprayed tainting the ground with its dark colored blood. Confident that the sneaky enemy has been taken care off, she looks again towards Shyvana who is now clearly showing fear towards her. “That’s right,” Amber said and her knees started to shake as her aura is near empty. Shyvana whistled again loudly and Amber walk towards her slowly and she backs away from the maiden expecting someone to come and help her, all she need to do is stall some time for them to arrive. Borjr continues to groan in pain as his severed arm continues to spray blood. With this he returned in his original form and because of the pain his aura is depleting fast because it is also leaking out alongside with the blood. “Why do you serve Cain?” she asked and Shyvana looks at her worried. Without her pet she is powerless and her curse only allows her to transform and mimic others fit for assassination but when it comes to raw skills, Amber clearly outperforms her. Jogundar is the only thing that made her to be considered among the strongest among the dark generals. She underestimated the maiden. “I am forced,” she said but right now the maiden doubts her words and there is no reason for her to believe Shyvana anymore as she was tricked in the first place. -The Phoenix’s Maiden-
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