Fire Crystal (Final Part)

1833 Words
Amber’s Point of View My heart dropped when I saw the goddess lying on the ground with her eyes closed, I rushed towards her side and lifted her up. “Hey! Open your eyes, please!” I begged her while shaking her head. My tears began to fall, as it accumulated inside my heart, right when I saw her badly injured. I did not stop, shaking her head because my hope will not fade that easily, and I am not giving up. I will not give up. I felt relieved when I saw her, opening her eyes slowly, so I stopped shaking her head, and I immediately checked her wound, and it’s sealed thanks to my flames. So, I am confident that she did not suffered anymore from blood loss. “W- where is t- the c- crystal?” she asked, and I am amazed despite her dying state, she still can’t stop worrying about the crystal. I know what this crystal can do in the hands of evil people, but can she worry about herself first, and worry about me. “You are making it right?” I asked her and the bastion of my hope that she is making it out of this alive. She closed her eyes and she is catching up her breath. “Right?” I asked her again. “I’m s- sorry,” she apologized to me and I didn’t like that. “Why are you apologizing to me?” I asked her. “Why? Please tell me that you are making it alive,” I begged her again. “Please don’t die on me,” I started to cry again and I hugged her again. “Please don’t die on me,” I said again while my tears are flowing through my cheeks. “Sorry Amber,” she apologized to me again. “Please defend the crystal for me and whatever it takes don’t ever let go of that,” she said as if she is saying her final request to me. You will not die here. I remembered that the crystal will give power to someone who is holding it, so, I think that this will speed up her healing power. I rushed on getting the crystal from my hands and I made her hold the crystal. Please survive. Please work. Oh, great one. Please her my request, let her survive this. Please let her live, because I cannot. I don’t know what will I do is she dies. Please let her live. She is like a mother to me, and I don’t want her dying one me. This is the first time that felt loved by someone, please don’t take her away from me just yet. She is still guiding me. I said my prayers in my mind, and I hope that this will reach him, and he will grant me my wishes, I am hoping. He hears it all, the prayers of his loyal believers. Please heal her, I screamed in my thoughts while I am crying. I really can’t stop crying right now and I am starting to get exhausted, because of crying. Please let me see her live her life more and teach me the lessons that I will be needing. I felt her last breathe, and her body started to get cold. My heart dropped once again, as if I am holding a candle that loses its flames. I wailed. “Hey! Please open your eyes,” I shouted again as I hold her hand that holds the crystal very tightly. Please reignite her flames. “Goddess,” I whispered for the last time. “Thanks for everything,” I told her and I put her lifeless body on the ground carefully. I feel so devastated right now and I cannot think straight right now. I took back the crystal and felt the power surge that it gave me again and I put it inside my pocket again securing it from falling. I started to cry and cry more, as this feeling inside my heart is new. I never cried for someone even my own parent because I am a child when they died. This is the first time feeling that I felt this feeling of losing someone. I don’t want this feeling. It really hurts me. It is very painful for my heart. I can’t take this any longer. “Thank you,” I whispered again, as I succumb to my despair. Suddenly I felt some warmth as if I am hugged by someone, maybe this is her spirit giving me her last goodbye before she goes to the afterlife. Please be well there. “I promise that I will defend the crystal with all my might and soul,” I said to her. I pulled the thread the I kept earlier, from my pocket and some wire. I started wrapping the wire around the crystal, and then after that I tied the thread on the wire making it like a pendant. I tied it on my neck and now I am wearing two neck laces. Along with my Silakbo. I think that Silakbo will absorb the power inside the fire crystal, but as far as I knew the crystal has infinite power. But that is suited to a holder that has indestructible body. That’s why this is a good thing. I stood up and started to walk towards where I left them. Because I am the one that will crush them, especially that traitor, who attacked us from behind, I really can’t forgive her for killing the goddess. She will pay for this and I am making sure of it. I will make sure that she will die on my own hands. The amount of rage and despair is mixing in my emotions and when I noticed it, I am once again on my Vespa form, but this time it’s red and there are molten lava leaking on my form, maybe this is because of the sadness and anger mixed in my heart. Then I can use this to melt her, because I do not intend to let one part of her body to be left in this world, even her spirit, I will turn it to ashes. I will erase her from existence. I will ensure that will happen. I will avenge her death. “Just you wait, traitor,” I said to myself, and I started to walk in faster pace so I can get there very quickly and soon as I get closer to them, I started to hear the swords clashing. The opening of the cave is completely sealed by that mysterious dragon, and that is why there is no escape for them. That’s sad for them because they will experience my anger. I will make that shadow boy, too. I will erase him alongside his partner. Soon I reached the place and saw them fighting each other, and I saw Kamandag being overpowered by shadow boy, as he cowardly attacks her from behind and because of the darkness he can avoid her powerful attacks with ease.   Arthur is on par with Mira- Shyvana’s strength even because of her injured state. I summoned fire whips with my flames right now and I assure that the temperature of this will not hurt my allies. I commanded them to get Arthur and Kamandag from the battle. The whip wrapped around them, and both of them are surprised to what I did and before the enemy strikes them, I pulled them quickly away from them. They saw me and I put their distance on me. I don’t want to burn them accidentally. I looked at them and I can tell that they look more worried to me because of this tears that can’t stop flowing. They are quickly dried up but still they can see it. “Let me take care of them,” I said and I take my step forward to face the two. I shone brightly making the shadow boy completely exposed. I know the basic concept of his power. Without darkness he is powerless and Mira- Shyvana is still injured. I will take them at the same time, and I will fight them bare handedly. I saw the shadow boy’s eyes widened when he saw me in front of him suddenly appeared because of my new speed. I grabbed him and I make sure that the temperature of my hands is as hot as ever. I heard him scream in pain because of the burn that I am inflicting on him and oh boy! This is like music in my ears. I threw him towards Shyvana. “Lava bullets,” this is the empowered version of my fire bullets and the rumors are true that the fire crystal will really empower my attacks. And now I am using my anger and anguish in defeating them. Thank you, Amaterasu for this parting gift, and I will not let your death be in vain. I will make sure that this traitor will regret the moment that she killed you for the rest of her life. I will make sure of it. Without cooperation, the shadow boy avoided my lava bullets but it directly hit Shyvana. I summoned two fire whips again, and this time it is burning hot. “Dance of the Distressed Maiden,” I started swinging the whip in random direction and using my fire boost to make it faster, and that randomized movements of the whip. I saw them avoiding my attacks but I can tell that they are having a very hard time avoiding my attack. Good luck with that. When I hit shadow boy, my focus is pinned down on him. “Spider’s wrap,” and I commanded my whip to wrap him around and now he is screaming in extreme pain. Music to my ears. “Death’s coffin,” I commanded the whip to restrict him more and turn his body into ashes. With my pyro kinesis and the desire of giving them a slow and painful death. I constricted his body slowly. Fire is one of the cruelest deaths that every creature is avoiding and burning him alive right now, this is good. Constrict him more and don’t let him live. As I continue, to kill this guy, I let Shyvana watch in terror as I wanted to show her, how I will kill her. My mind is entirely focused on killing them. She whistled suddenly and we felt the shaking of the ground. I lose my balance and let’s go of the dying shadow boy. The dragon opened its eyes. -The Phoenix’s Maiden-
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