Fire Crystal (Part Five)

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Now Borjr and Amber are transformed into their new forms but it seems like that the dark general is at disadvantage as of the moment. His hiding capabilities are nullified by Amber’s Vesta so he does not have any other choice but to fight her head on. “I’ll take you on, gladly,” Amber challenged the dark general. Borjr seemed to be provoked by the maiden’s provocation. He spawned his scythe that also is colored pitch black right now, as it blends on his current form. Instead of attacking her head on, Borjr flee away from her light to find any shadows in the place that he can use to merge in. His current form, the Void walked, is intended for mobility, and with its natural agility, it can catch the enemy off guard. Also, his void walker allows him to merge on any form of darkness, like shadows but he is limited on how big is the area where he merged in. Amber’s Vesta is his natural enemy, when Amber shone her light towards that shadow he will be forced to come out. “Afraid of me?” Amber walked towards him confidently as she sees him run away from him. This caused his shadow cloned to be weakened again, and Amber’s fire clones utterly crushed them, and then they disappeared, their essence came back to Amber, adding up on her current energy. “Let’s go!” the goddess finally finished unsealing the seal and she carefully held the fire crystal. Mirana stood by her side, and then she transformed, from her wandering elf form, she transformed into a dark elf. The goddess quickly noticed the change of power behind her, and it’s too late for her as she felt something sharp in her stomach. One of the dark generals Shyvana stabbed the goddess with her sword. “Amber!” the goddess shouted and the maiden is within range to hear her call and she quickly ran towards the goddess and saw the goddess bleeding out. From afar Borjr’s plan was a success, that’s why he ran away. To leave the goddess defenseless. As soon as the maiden saw the goddess lying on the floor weakened, she ran towards her and held her within her hand. “Who did this?” she asked. “The c- crystal,” she uttered. “No, who did this?!” she demanded to answer her question, but the goddess is thinking about the crystal right now. “M- mirana h- has the cr- crystal,” the goddess struggled to finish her sentence. “I don’t care about the crystal, let me take you to safety,” she said and carried the goddess, but Amaterasu pushed her away and she falls, she refuses to be rescued by Amber. She knew that the crystal is far more important than her safety. “Many lives depend on it,” she said and her selflessness prevailed in this situation. She coughs blood which made the goddess more worried about her and right now she is very confused on what she will do next. The weight of leaving the goddess here dying and the importance of the crystal is clouding her mind as of the moment. Amber’s Point of View Grief, prevails in my heart right now, I can see in her eyes that she is desperate for me to bring back the crystal from their hands. No, I should not leave her even if it means that she will not forgive me for the rest of her life, and that is okay with me, as long as I can ensure her safety. “P- please,” she begged me and she coughed blood again. Seeing her in this state made it harder for me. At least try playing strong, that can help me to decide right now. She pushed me again but she does not have the strength to completely push me away. “Go,” her tears started to fall. My heart. “I rather die than let them use that crystal for evil,” she said and I those words had a bad ring in my ears. “Don’t say that!” I shouted at her and my tears also fell from my eyes. “I am begging you Amber at least do this for me, we do not have much time left before they escape,” she said and I can see it in her eyes, that she is dedicated in getting that crystal back from them. I stood up, and she tried to sit and put her back against the wall. “Promise me,” I closed my eyes. I don’t want to do this but I don’t have any choice right now but to do what she bids, I don’t know how to heal with my power, I only know how to destroy things with this fire. Damn with me training hard to defeat the enemy to protect my friends. The amount of grief and the feeling of betrayal right now, is resulting to an unquenchable anger in my heart. “Promise me that you will stay alive before you come back,” I said and opened my eyes to see her response. I looked her in the eye to determine whether she is telling the truth or not. I need the truth; I demand for her to tell me the truth. “I p- promise,” she said struggling and coughing out blood. I went to her first and helped her to be in a comfortable position. I placed my hand, in her stab wound and produced a warm flame that will speed up the clothing, at least I can stop the bleeding right now then that I can feel more reassured that she will be safe before I come back. “You better be alive,” I said before dashing out of this chamber to chase the fleeing enemy right now that has the crystal. Mirana, I trusted her. No, it’s my fault for trusting her, how could she do this to me. I thought that she is a friend but no. I went on hard trials in my life but this... this one was the worst. It hurts but I need to endure it. I need to thank her for not allowing me to be deeply attached to her. At least this will make it easier for me to strike her down, and thanks to her my heart is full of doubt right now. I continue to let my Vespa form on my body to shine on the darkness in this cave. The flames in the candle are dim, maybe this is because of Amaterasu’s weakened state. I will take back that crystal, and bring it back to the goddess and save her life. I cannot think straight right now because I am extremely worried about her well being. I hate myself. If only I rejected her offer. Maybe that’s why she is in that dangerous cave in the first place. I thought something was fishy back then but she covered it with her shallow explanation which I took as a valid reason. I hear a maniacal laughter and saw this creepy dude again in front of me, the invisible enemy that Kamandag is talking about. He emerges in front of me and it is like that I am staring at the void right now. I can’t see any features from him except for his small stature and his long scythe that blends in with his current form. “Such a fool,” he insulted me and I don’t have time to converse with him right now. I underestimated both him and the situation earlier, and I will not do that again, so... “Breathe of the Phoenix,” with my Vespa form my attacks are currently empowered which produced a stream of fire similar to a flamethrower except that it is more fluid and powerful and I used my pyrokinesis... “Homing rockets,” and formed that flame thrower into multiple rockets which I can command to chase him. As expected, he escaped the grasp of my attack and my eyes are locked on him right now and the rockets started to chase him with my command. “Shadow s***h,” I saw him wield his scythe and saw that his scythe produced a crescent shaped long range s***h from it making my rockets explode upon impact, so I chased after him as he started to flee again. I noticed that he cannot disappear with my light and that is why he is running away from me. If he turns into a different... he just did... I produced multiple fire clones that contains one fourth of my power to chase after him. I will not bite the bait right now and I will chase Mirana to bring back the crystal and ask hey why she did that. I ran towards the cave’s exit and I summoned another fire clones that contains three fourth of my power to go to the goddess’s side. If I want to, I can see their vision and take control of them but that will leave my main body completely vulnerable from physical attacks. I did that because I knew that filthy creature would try to kill the goddess and with my fire clones combined it’s like a multiple me. Obviously, that drained my energy because of the power that I used to create them. The have individual minds but my brain is their hive mind and just to think on what I want them to do, they will know immediately. Soon I reached the cave’s exit and I heard the battle that is happening currently and there I saw a dark elf; it is a woman and is holding a sword as of the moment with blood dripping on it. I knew who is she immediately, just upon seeing the silhouette of her body made me angry. “MIRANA!” I shouted and she looks back at me and I saw the fire crystal with her. -The Phoenix’s Maiden-
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