Omni Stone

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Amaterasu and Amber was left behind in the cave when the two went out to complete their tasks set by the goddess. They just stood there because Amaterasu is waiting for the go signal for her to train the maiden. She wants to show how her friends do their tasks. She sensed that her familiars is going back since she felt that their presence are becoming nearer as seconds passes by. She thought that its about time to start the lesson. “Come,” she called Amber and the maiden walk to her side. Moments later Amaterasu’s familiars appeared just in time and fly besides her. “I will show you their hard work,” she said and by the click of her fingers, one of the familiars projected the fight of Kamandag with the Fire Minotaur. At first Amber was so terrified because the monster caught her first and when the Minotaur throws its barrage of punches towards Kamandag. She can’t take it anymore but the goddess told her to keep watching. Moments later the whole area was blinded with bright light even the familiar did not capture that moment and the next thing they saw is an angel flying. She saw how that angel defeated the angry monster. “Who was that?” she asked the goddess. “That was your friend who gained redemption,” she answered her question. “Redemption?” she was confused by the term that the goddess used. “It is a state of power where the impurity is cleansed by the all father, it is usually seen from the creatures of the underworld who seeks good and righteousness, and in a long time this is the first time that I saw someone who is been redeemed in a middle of the battle,” she explained. “Your friend is powerful and I knew it from the first time I saw her and like you, she has no confidence on herself and that lack of confidence holds her back on drawing her utmost potential,” she added. She clicked her fingers again and she saw Arthur shouting in front of the salamander’s nest. She witnessed how Arthur used his abilities to its extent and exhausting him greatly. She saw how the area is flooded by his attack and how he slaughtered most of the creatures. Both of them can’t see what is happening underwater and when the water subsides, they saw the weak Arthur and the desperate salamander that knocks out the knight. “Just like what I thought, just a big fish in a small pond,” Amaterasu remarked after watching his battle, and Amber is feeling pity on him since all this time she saw Arthur as a strong knight that will not be defeated in battle. “He only achieved half of the goal but his tenacity, I am surprised but he has a long way to go,” she added and looked at Amber. Amber was confused why the goddess gave her that kind of look. “You will be earning those two qualities from them and you will learn a lot,” she said. “By understanding your companions, it will give you the advantage in the battlefield to cooperate and fight while having the back of each other,” she explained it further and walks around the maiden. “Your ancestors have great qualities, each of them were unique in their own way but like you at first they can’t see it after I put them in hardships that brings out the best inside them, and I will do the same to you,” Amber felt pressured again since she knew how harsh she will go through after seeing her friends fight. “But first I will show you something, come with me,” she said and she lift one of her fingers she waves it back and forth. Amber, having no idea what she wants to tell her, she hesitantly followed the goddess but she is excited what she is about to find out.  They walked inside a system of tunnels that is almost like a maze, but she can tell that this is not processed since the wall are so natural. Nature is always impressive, the greatest artist that existed. They reached two giant stone doors that opened when the goddess clicked her fingers. Amber thought that she will call Amaterasu the goddess of finger clicking. She almost burst laughing on her thoughts, but she kept it in her since this can disrespect her. Little did she know, Amaterasu can hear her thoughts but she just ignored it since the maiden means no harm with that regard. They entered the cavern and this time the goddess clapped her hands since Amber noticed her finger clicking habit. One by one the lanterns were lit with fire and the dark cavern is filled with lights. Amber saw the red glowing crystal surrounded by traps. At first, she thought that she is just imagining things since the red glow is very faint. “This is the fire crystal that I brought here that your clan and I protected for years,” she introduced the crystal to Amber and they walk nearer to have a clear view. “In my kingdom this crystal caused war between my siblings and my citizens there suffered from depravity and losses, that’s why I fled here and saw how the phoenix rise from the ashes in this very cavern,” she added and Amber’s attention is totally pinned down on the goddess. “We pledged that moment that no matter what happens the crystal will be away at the hands of the evil, the deal with the twin kings is just a deal to keep this a secret from the outside and I thought your friend, Kamandag was it? Who sensed the power of the crystal inside this cave was an enemy trying to steal it,” she added. “Why did you come here in the first place?” Amber asked the goddess. “The sun led me here,” she answered and Amber actually knowing that Amaterasu is the sun goddess, it’s no wonder that she can interact with the sun. “Arriving here is faith itself to meet you and your clan,” she added. “So I’m guessing that crystal can do some incredible feats?” she guessed. “You are not wrong my dear,” she confirmed her speculations. “When held the crystal can give you an immense amount of fire aura, and the firepower that it can give you can destroy a whole country or kingdom in just one swing,” she explained. “Mystics are calling it as one of the most dangerous crystal scattered around the realm, and it is also known as the crystal of destruction,” she informed her and Amber is wondering. “Scattered? Crystals?” she asked confused. “The crystal you see here is but a fragment of something more powerful,” she answered her questions. “What is it?” Amber asked her again. “The omni crystal,” Amaterasu became wary because she is afraid that Amber might be corrupted with knowledge about such thing. “Continue,” the maiden noticed her pause and she cleared her throat. “It is the source of power itself in this realm and it rumored that once completed, it can match the power of the all father, that’s why Cain wants to invade the kingdom to get hold of this piece,” she explained. “So there are other crystals in Fernis?” she asked. “There are a total of nine pieces scattered but this kingdom only possesses one which is the fire crystal,” she answered. “Water, time, wind, light, shadow, fire, earth, soul, and mind,” she enumerated all the names of the crystal pieces. “Each with their own unique capabilities that can empower the holder,” she added. “Why aren’t you finding the other pieces if you know all of this?” she is wondering because if the enemy is holding the majority of the crystals would that be putting themselves at a disadvantage to the enemy. “I am the leader of my kingdom and I am one of the keepers that has been entrusted with a piece,” she started explaining.  “Each piece is safeguarded by each kingdom who holds it and so far, there is no news that Cain is planning to collect every crystal except for this one,” she added. “Gaining hold of this means that he can be powerful since this crystal can wipe them out,” she said afraid of something. “But Cain is not the only one going after this crystal, there are mystics who seeks power to satiate their own hunger,” she warned the maiden. “I am told that one day, one of the phoenixes will rise and will be the holder of the crystal, and that is you Amber,” she finished her explanation. -The Phoenix’s Maiden-        
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