The Mission

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Since Arthur knew that using flames on these creatures won’t do anything to them, he does not have any choices but to use his aqua attributes. Lightning will be negated since it has also fire attributes. He also has other attributes up his sleeves but he can’t just reveal it yet, plus it will be too exhausting for him since as of the moment he still can’t master it. Aqua Excalibur drains his mana significantly, what for the other elements he is still hiding. He hit himself in his chest and thought that going all out on them is the purpose of the training and it is to improve his limits. He changed the angle of his sword, Excalibur, and he swings it at full force to erase the markings that gives it the attribute of flames. “As life flows through you, bless me with your raging anger as you destroy ships in the sea when the storm is angry. Give me the pressure to slice through my enemies and drown who is evil,” he chanted his ritual to complete the aqua affinity Excalibur. He let his hands that holds the sword to circle around, as if he was performing a dance while the salamanders are already charging at him. “Aqua Excalibur,” he finishes his chant and he opened his eyes and one of the salamanders is already charging at him, ready to devour him whole, but the knight quickly sliced through its neck and leaving a blue trail that turned into water drops. Its head dropped on the ground and it rolled onto his foot, he steps on it and he glared at the other salamanders charging at him. He needs to do this to complete his mission right now and he hides the guilt of killing them to not interfere with the battle. “69 more to go,” he whispered to himself before charging at the other salamanders charging at him. “Drown those who are unworthy, Constellation Big Dipper: Aqua Excalibur,” he returned his sword in its scabbard and he begins to charge it to complete one of his biggest attack. As he closes his distance towards the angry salamanders, he prepares himself for the upcoming attack since this attack will also affect him. “Tsunami,” he pulls out the sword from the sheath and he stance himself as if he was hitting a baseball ball with a bath. The sword is very heavy because of the stored water inside it but he managed to swing his Excalibur at full force releasing raging tides towards the direction of the enemies. It produced a gigantic wave that swallowed all the salamanders and soon enough the waves also swallowed him. He swam through the water and he saw the salamanders also swimming but a number of them already drowned. He started to feel exhaustion because that attack almost drained his mana but he still has more heads to cut. He swims at full speed slashing the heads of the weakened salamanders inside the water. He targeted the weak ones first, since he that will be the best strategy to conserve energy. But some are still struggling that put up a fight, one of the salamanders used its tail as a whip and it blows Arthur away. As the water continues to rage on their nest, Arthur hit a stone and thanks to the water pressure the hit is not fatal, but the water turned against him and the water flow swallowed him and he hit multiple rocks. He tried to destroy the obstacles but the water is too fast for him to react since he is already exhausted. Soon the water subsides and Arthur can barely stand, his knees are trembling. Most of the salamanders is also in the same state as him, they are weakened because their flames are extinguished by the water. Arthur saw this as an opportunity to complete the seventy heads that is assigned on him to bring back on the cave. He can bare lift his sword but it is sharp enough to give a clean cut on their necks. One of the weakened salamanders became enraged upon seeing its friends die in front of it, even its feet are trembling it managed to stand up and charges on Arthur. The knight noticed the disparity of the creature and he points his sword towards it but the enraged creature is not fazed. It tried to bite on the knight but the knight managed to cut its jaw and the salamander screamed in pain and it quickly used it tail as a whip. Before the attack hits Arthur, the knight managed to stab the salamander on its chest. The tail whip sends him flying backwards and he hit a stone that render him unconscious. .               .               . The minotaur grabbed on to Kamandag, and because of surprise that the creature can jump that high and because of it she can’t react on its attack quick enough and she is thrown on the ground. Upon impact, it created a huge c***k and the minotaur quickly followed up with a stomp from the air that quickly turned the c***k into a crater, and then the creature did not intend to give Kamandag a chance to attack as it hits her with consecutive punches. She was so beaten up and her consciousness is about to fade, when a light suddenly appeared in the darkness. -Flashback- “Sister,” Kamandag called the attention of her sister, Amaya, who is currently reading a book about the angels. “Why?” she cheaply responds to the call of her twin snake. “Why do I have demon wings?” she asked Amaya about the wings during her transformation earlier that evening. She is not aware that she can transform and she is insecure that she has bat wings, instead of an angel. Amaya quickly look at her twin snaked that is currently sad, since they are connected with each other she can sense her sadness. She grew concerned, even she is surprised that Kamandag can transform. “Remember sister, your wings do belong to an angel,” she said motivating her sister but she doesn’t want to blind her sister in a bittersweet lie. “Demon wings are the wings of an angel that has been defeathered because of its treason to the all father and we are not lucky enough to be born in the underworld,” she added and Kamandag became sad again. “But I am sure the time of your redemption will come and the feathers in your wings will blossom and you will fly high in the sky like an angel,” she added but it does not motivate her anymore. -End of Flashback- Kamandag opened her eyes remembering that exact moment and in this grim moment everything became bright again. When the next punch of the minotaur is about to hit her, she produced a shock wave from her body that sent the minotaur flying. Kamandag can’t feel any pain from the attack as if she was completely healed and she can’t explain what happened to her. She used her wings that regained its strength to regain her ground. As she flies up, the light is radiating all over her body and she manages to see herself in the water. The gown that was colored in black is not completely white and her long straight hair also turned white. She is very surprised on what she is seeing right now but more importantly is that her wings are completely different. From the bat wings that she is ashamed of, it turned like the wings of an angel. But she was soon interrupted by the loud growl of the minotaur that she sent flying. It is breathing fire through its nose, a sign that it is very angry. It charges at her at full speed and Kamandag flies up high but the Minotaur jumps at full force but Kamandag used one of her palms to shoot her venom on the angry minotaur, but instead her palm shoots light beams and it exploded upon impact on the creature. It started to fall because of the impact and its Kamandag turn for a payback and she flies at the minotaur at full speed, slamming it to the ground. She then again used her both hands to shoot a beam through it. The whole area exploded because of its power and that decided the fight. The minotaur is obliterated to dusts and she has no head to extract as a trophy for the battle. She fainted because of exhaustion and she turned back into her former form and her angel wing became bat wings again, then she turned into a snake. Meanwhile from afar Amaya is busy knitting clothes but she sensed on what happened to her sister and she smiled because of joy on her sister achieved that time. “I am happy that you redeemed yourself sister,” she whispered to herself and resumes knitting the clothes. -The Phoenix’s Maiden-
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