He Who Seeks Darkness

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In the underworld where chaos is everywhere and kindness is a crime led by a vengeful ruler, named Cain. He is the one who seeks the fire crystal located at Amaterasu’s cavern but he does not have any idea where is it. He does not have the ability to sense auras in his surrounding and he just gained his power when Satan was defeated in the battle with the phoenix clan. Because of his jealousy and his thirst for power he killed his own brother Abel, the soon to be king in Fernis but was replaced by Frigs. “My lord,” one of his abbadons called for his attention. Cain is currently sitting on his throne thinking of something, while his fingers are tapping on the stone chair’s arm. His throne room is so bright because of the lava dripping on the walls and skulls of those who he killed that prove worthy to him is hanged, including his brother Abel. “Abbadon – a biblical creature that is said to be the archangel of the abyss. It is a demonic winged creature that is also described as an incarnate of destruction and also describe as the king of plagues and locusts that swarms and destroys the crops. It is described in the New Testament bible.” “Spill it,” he threatened the winged demon and it quickly shows fear where he can see his amusement. “One of our soldiers has located the crystal and it is said that it can be found on the land of the blazing souls,” he informed the king on his intel. The bored Cain was very surprised by the news and his lost energy quickly surged throughout his body. “Well, what are you doing here?” he reprimanded the winged demon. “Go get an army and invade that land and retrieve the gem at all cost,” he ordered, and the demon was very hesitant to add something in the news because he is very afraid to anger the happy king. “My lord,” he said filled with anxiety. “That land is guarded by a powerful guardian that even an army of us could not stand against it,” he spilled it but he prepares himself for the worst, which is him being killed by Cain. Like what he expected Cain looks very disappointed with his words and he just stare at the abbadon. Moments later the abbadon felt something strange with his body and he thinks that this is the doing of his king. He used his both hands to scan his whole body to figure out what’s wrong but he can’t find it on the outside. Suddenly a crimson red spider pops out of its skin and the winged demon look extremely terrified. “I- it’s m- my h- ho- honor d- dyi -dying f- for you m- my king,” he said his last words and he closed his eyes to accept his fate and more spider pops out on his skin. It’s extremely painful but he endured it since struggling will not help him survive. But Cain has different plans on this creature, he watched how his minion accepted death and endure the pain. It’s his prize for disappointing him but also a reward for being worthy of his attention. The winged demon opened his eyes when the pain stopped, expecting that he is realm of the dead, but he saw himself still inside the throne room of his king. He looks confused and he looks at Cain who is carefully staring at him as if he was observing a new creature that he never seen before. He looks at a crystal beside him and he saw himself. His wings are torn apart but replaced with arachnid legs, eight arachnid legs to be exact. His body is full of holes and mutilated but replaced with mutilated enhanced muscles. His face was also torn apart and fangs grew out from it. He looks more hideous from what he seems before. “Use that power and pick the best men we have and lead the charge,” the dark king ordered him and the newly transformed demon never felt happy in its life before. “I will do as you please my king and I will make sure that the crystal will be at your hands,” he puts himself on his knee, only one knee and he bows down to show respect. Cain smiled towards the creature because he soon will possess the crystal that will be they key in his plans on domination. He started to imagine how it feels in his hands. “That is much better to hear. Go and bring me the crystal Chigumo,” he mentioned the name of the abbadon and once again it bowed to him before leaving the throne room. “If you can see this brother, I like to see how much you grit your teeth in anger up there because soon my plans that you defied before will be a reality,” he said to himself as if he can be heard by his brother Abel. That moment flashed back in his head, the day that he killed Abel. -Flashback- Cain woke up in his farm house preparing his sacrifices for the all father. He chose the weak livestock from his herd of cows and sheep. He caged the ill animals in a small cage for them not to be mixed again in their herds. He stands up on his feet as soon as he heard the trumpet from the castle. “This is the day that I will claim the throne,” he said to himself and he happily went to the cage of the sick animals that he will sacrifice as a tribute for the all father. Since they do a sacrificial ceremony in every full moon to give thanks the great one. He opened the cage and gets hold of the rope that has been tied on the necks of the animals that he chosen. “Come, you will be blessed by the great one,” he said to the animals. “You should be thankful that your pitiful lives can be some of use,” he added. Sick animals can’t be eaten nor can be sold to the merchants, they are left to die on the farm and worst-case scenario, they can spread their diseases to other healthy animals. With all his force he pulled the animals outside the cage since he has the brute strength to force them to walk. The distance from the castle where the sacrificial altar is located is pretty bar by feet and with the slow animals that he is bringing with him this will take more than half of an hour. The ceremony will be performed at night when the moon is at its peak, but right now they will have a commemoration feast for the great one for all of the blessings that they have given to the kingdom and its people. All of the citizens will come to the kingdom at noon so that they can also celebrate with the royal family. This is basically their thanksgiving feast. Cain saw his brother Abel carrying healthy and the most expensive quality of vegetables that he could get on his farm. Upon seeing what he will give to the great one as his contribution for the sacrifice he felt very confident as he believes that his offering is greater than his. He also believes that the one who possess the most valuable offering in this ceremony will get to be the king. Such an ego for Cain. “Brother!” Abel called to his brother smiling. He looks to his brother Abel and he puts up a fake smile on his lips. “How’s your morning?” he asked and then he looks at how many animals that his brother brought. “It’s great,” he said cheaply and Abel felt such joy when he saw that his brother brought many. He thought that the great one will be filled with joy when they offer their offerings tonight. “I see, let’s go to the castle together,” he invited and Cain accepted. They walked to the castle together exchanging stories happily. As if nothing is going to happen to them later on. “We are here,” Abel said while observing the big castle in front of them. The guards quickly recognize them and they rushed towards the siblings. They greeted both of them and they handed their offerings to the guard so that they can bring it to the ceremonial site. “Such obedient people we have here,” Cain remarked and Abel looked at him completely disagreeing on what he said about the people. “No, brother,” he protested. “We have such kind people in this castle, they want to return the kindness that our parents have given them,” he added but Cain is not listening to him. They continue their walk inside and they went straight to their parent’s room. “My sons!” Adam greeted the brothers upon entering the door. “How are you? Are you ready for our thanksgiving?” he asked continuously. “Yes, dad we have our offerings taken care by the people in this kingdom and I brought the best that I can find in my farm,” he said and Adam is so happy hearing these words from his son. “I brought a number of animals also from my farm father,” Cain also answered. “I am so proud to both of you my boys,” he said happily. “Come,” he opened his arms and invited both of his sons to hug him. They accepted it and hugged each other. Eve who is sitting in the bed is gladly watching on the three having their quality time. The feast soon started and they had the greatest time before the greatest tragedy happened. The night came and the ceremony begins. All of the mystics and humans that will participate gathered their offerings and the prayer soon begins. They signify how thankful they are for the blessings that the great one had provided them. After the prayer all of the citizens came first offering the most important things in their lives. They believed that the great one will be so happy that they loved him so much. Soon almost of the mystics and people are done with their part and soon the king and queen gave their offerings. All of the gold from paying the taxes and soon they distributed it to all of the people and mystics. “Spread this in your village and the almighty one will be happy with your kindness,” he said and they nod obediently. Cain was the one who feels regret seeing those gold that they stored being given away just like, but he remained quiet for the sake of respect for the ceremony. “My riches are you my people so go and don’t let the material riches blind you or else the curse from him will come to you and the angel of death will knock on your door,” Adam said giving them a reason to not disobey his orders. Soon their part came, Abel puts his vegetables on the sacrificial altar and Cain puts out his sick and bony animals. Adam was disgusted from seeing those animals being presented at the front of the all father. “What is the meaning of this my son?” he asked confused. “My offerings father,” he answered cheaply and Adam felt his anger surged throughout his body. “Get out! Get those puny offerings that you brought here, you are a disgrace in front of the all father presenting him that,” he said while pointing to the door going outside. He looked angrily to his father and he stomped his way out leaving the animals inside. “I will go after him father,” Abel said and run after Cain. “Brother!” Abel called out to Cain when he reached the outside of the castle. “Where are you?” he called again but suddenly he felt something cold to his waist and it became numb quickly. He was weakened but he managed to turn around. “W- why?” he asked him for the last time before coughing out blood and collapsed on the ground. “Why have you to be a hero? You were always the favorite,” he said on his dying brother. “What have you done?!” Eve screamed who also comes after her sons. Cain ran away and that was the last time he was seen. -End of Flashback- -The Phoenix’s Maiden-
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