To Train

1590 Words
As the sun soon rises, Amaterasu woke up and prepare herself to go to the three that she will train for the whole two months. Once she is ready, in a click of her fingers she is teleported to the camp site of the three. She is surprised to see the three still in their deep slumber. She can’t let this three get used to this, but in reality, the three has just had a three-hour sleep. She clapped her hands enough to generate shockwaves across the cave. The three was so surprised that they panicked on there places and does not have any idea what is happening. “The early bird, eats the worm,” she shouted and the three stand up straight looking at the goddess. “We have no time to waste and from here and now on, we will train hard that you can never imagine,” she added and that terrified the girls since she is physically weak as of this moment. “Now I will tell you how I will specifically train each one of you,” she started to walk looking each one of them straight in the eyes. Kamandag is not ready for this to happen since she is very content that her existence is not known by the kings. The question is, when they noticed her existence inside the castle and her identity? She really can’t know unless she asked the kings themselves, all that she can assume right now is that they have the same ability as hers to detect power level in their surroundings. “First one is Arthur,” she started to talk and they gave their whole attention to the goddess since she deserves every inch of their respect. “Your firepower can match a god,” she complimented the knight that gave him a little bit of confidence that he will be needing. “But you are weak in mana,” she said and his confidence was decreased a hundred times from that little bit that he gained earlier, since he is still affected from the psychological trauma that Amber inflicted to her. “I know that you have lot of stamina as I can see that your body is strong, but mana is separated from your physical attributes since you are using the power inside your body,” she explained. “I know that you two know what mana means and for the sake of Amber I will still explain it to you. Mana is the aura itself and the source to generate our power, it shapes itself that way we wanted it to be but each time we use an ability it decreases inside us, it’s like filling a cup from a jug of water. The more we fill the cups the less the jug has,” she explained further. “In case of Arthur, I noticed that you always use your most powerful move at the start of the combat and that is not very ideal in a battle. I understand that from your experience you did not suffer from exhaustion in the battlefield but you are still just a big fish in a small pond, and that is why from now on you will swim in the ocean. I will train you to have more mana and to use multiple powerful spells in a single battle without suffering from exhaustion,” she added. “We mystics, once ran out of mana no matter how physically strong we are we will be weakened since that mana is the aura that gives us life. Don’t worry Amber, this mana replenishes over time since we have this special organ inside us that collects the essence particles from our surroundings,” she finishes and she continues to Kamandag. “You dear, I want you to transform to your fairy form right now,” she ordered the snake and Kamandag hesitated. “But your highness, I will be completely n***d,” she reasoned, and the goddess clicked her finger but nothing happened and the three is confused. “Transform now,” she ordered the snaked again and she is very hesitant to transform. “Do it,” the goddess insisted and gave her a very strict look and Kamandag can’t do anything but to transform. She is covered by red dusts that spiraled over her. The two is mesmerized with its beauty but Amber covered Arthur’s eyes since she knew that she is completely n***d. Kamandag covered her body immediately once she finishes transforming, but she felt a cloth where she put her hands on. She observed herself and she is wearing a black gown. “Great! It’s a perfect fit!” she complimented the black gown that really suits Kamandag in her fairy form and this give a witch vibe from her which is okay since her twin came from the witches. “I put a curse on you that whenever you transform in that form you will be wearing this enchanted gown which will empower your attacks,” she explained. “You have the potential to be so powerful that the enemy will need an army to stop you but you lack confidence and experience. I sense that you have the knowledge of magic and you have a great mana quantity so why waste it?” she asked Kamandag but she cannot answer the question of the goddess cause she herself is not aware of this. “And for you Amber, I will train you personally because every abilities of your family I will teach you and every secrets of the phoenix clan I will tell you,” she pulled Amber gently to her side. “Arthur, I want you to bring me the heads of seventy salamander for within five hours and Kamandag is it?” she asked and Kamandag nodded. “I want you to battle a fire minotaur all by yourself and bring me its head while I teach your friend over here,” she said. Arthur and Kamandag both can’t believe on her training regimen that she prepared for them but they cannot complain to her since she is a god and she has the authorization of the kings to do this to them. This is a s*******r not a training, Arthur thought since he will be killing a ton of salamander in this day. He knows that he can complete it within the time limit but killing them without a proper reason is not acceptable for him. Meanwhile Kamandag is flying across the lands to find one fire minotaur that she will be fighting and she do not trust herself that she can beat the creature all be herself. Amber and Amaterasu remained on the same spot, because the goddess is summoning familiars that will serve as surveillance for the two. These familiars are a flying flaming eyeballs that works as same as the cameras or drones back in the human world. The goddess encoded them with her orders and she let it flew to follow the two. They will be observing them from afar and Amaterasu will watch it later to assess their performance. This is a test and not a proper training. This is to test their limits. “Shall we go?” she asked Amber. “Okay,” she cheaply responded to her question and Amaterasu leaded the way and she followed behind her. “Don’t worry they will be okay,” she started a conversation in between them. “I’m not worried about them, I’m worried for myself,” she frankly said. “I am terrified that I know that I will be breaking myself because of that harsh training that you will give me,” she said. “I am not as kind like the kings that you met,” she said calmly. “As your instructor they entrusted me to guide you with all my heart and that is what I will do to you, I will give you the confidence to be part of this world,” she added. “I hope that will happen after this training,” she whispered to herself. Arthur found the nest of the Salamanders and he saw them sleeping. There are bunch of them, and he estimated that there are a thousand of them in this area. This is the fastest way of collecting seventy of their heads because if he hunts them one by one it will take him weeks. He then stood in front of them and he inhaled the air very deeply. “GREETINGS!” he shouted with all his might and the salamanders are awakened immediately because of his shout. “THOSE WHO ARE STRONG COME HERE AND FIGHT ME TO DEATH!” he said. The creatures can barely understand his speech but their instincts said that they will charge at him head on and whoever reach him first will be its meal. Kamandag is still searching around and she hesitates on fighting one. Since she knew that the gown will empower her, she thought that it will be worth the try. She saw one patrolling the area and she immediately shoots one of her venoms towards it. It looks at her angrily and it growled at her with its might before jumping towards her. This will be a harsh training for the three of them. -The Phoenix’s Maiden-
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