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 Amber’s Point of View “Amber,” the goddess, Amaterasu, called to me and I look at her. Earlier after our conversation with Kamandag ended, she said to me that we need to talk, just the two of us, so here we are right now, in the training chamber and the others are resting in their places. Kamandag volunteered to scout the place while we are gone since her alternate personality Poison is the only one that can sense the invisible enemy. I don’t know if it’s right for me to call her an alternate personality thought. I’m not sure. “Why did you call me here?” I asked the goddess who is now looking at me worried. “Do you remember, that I will allow you to fight outside now?” she reminded me about what she had said earlier in our training. I nod at her and she was relieved that I remember that. “Good, I will let you fight the underworld army if the worst case possible happened to us. But I need you to promise me that you will prioritize your safety more than anything else,” she requested. “Okay I promise,” I said quickly since I don’t have any other choice but when it comes to saving my friends I don’t know if I can prioritize my safety especially that I have a choice on saving them, I think I can’t keep this promise. Just a false promise between us. I saw her close her eyes as if she was disappointed in me but I ignored it. “But we will avoid any battle as much as possible, after capturing the enemy’s leader we will flee first thing in the morning with the crystal,” she said to me. I am okay with both plans, also I don’t want to be a burden in their shoulders that’s why I am going with the flow of the situation right now. Since I don’t have any plans right now, and becoming another problem in their shoulders is not ideal for me. “Okay noted,” I said, I don’t know what to say to her anymore since my mind is bothered by the incoming threats to this cave. Deep in my heart, even I mastered some of my abilities, I am still afraid facing the head on but not as much when I started the training. The goddess is right, I lack experience of a real fight where life and death are unpredictable. As much as possible I like to avoid risking my life. “Then let’s take a rest before we plan for our protection plan,” she and then leaves the chamber until I was the only one left here. I looked around the chamber and I let out a sigh, because I am getting tired just by thinking of it. I exited the chamber after a while, and went straight to one of the chambers, that is supposed to be my bed room, well I can call it a room pretty much, it has a bed and a lamp that’s been made by the goddess. That room is better than any cheap apartments that I rented in the past. It did not take me a while to reach my room. I look at the door for a few seconds before entering it and I went to my bed when I entered the room. I lie down on the bed and I stare at the rocky ceiling of the room. ‘Such a problematic day,’ I said to myself. I can’t help it but to keep thinking about the invasion and that Cain the current king of the underworld. It prevents me from falling asleep, it’s hard to relax when my mind is stressed out by things. I don’t when they will arrive here, and I don’t know what to do so that is why I am thankful that we will have a conference later for us to plan how things will go when the problem comes. I have to think of some ideas that will help me to contribute on the discussion later, I don’t to be just some pair of ears listening to them arguing on what’s better to do later. Don’t let fear get the best of my heart, remember that Amber. Stop running away now because you have something protect, something far more greater than the pain of death, since the goddess told me that I am immortal and every time I die, I resurrect in some far away place but in exchange of that, every time I die I will experience enough to break my mental state. But knowing that I have the chance to sasve my friends when they are in danger will break my mind even more. It will haunt me forever. Experiencing pain is just a small price to pay for saving them. Besides I am still not sure that what she is saying is true, yes I heard about the legend of the phoenix and they are famous that every time they die they will be reborn again as new and they will continue to live on. I never imagined that legend was true, especially that legend has something to do with me. What am I supposed to do? That is what I am asking myself over and over again. I scratched my scalp harshly because being stressed out makes my head itchier. I don’t know what to do. Is it okay for me just to ran away? NO! My mind is full of contradictions right now, and that is making me even more confused than ever. How am I going to contribute on the discussion later if this continue? Maybe I am just a pair of ears later. My mind is exhausted, and I feel my eyes heavier than earlier, I feel sleepy, this is good a little nap will refresh my mind and maybe when I wake up, I can think clearly than now, and I may even generate some ideas that the goddess will used in the plan. I let the darkness consume my thoughts. .               .               .               . “Hey Amber!” I heard Kamandag’s voice and she is shaking my body that wakes me up. “Wake up, the goddess is calling you,” she added and I was reminded that we will make a conference meeting now. My head was alerted with that little information that she said to me and I sat on the bed immediately. I squinted my eyes and rubbed it with my hands to remove that sticky feeling. I feel it in my eyes every time I woke up. My head still feels heavy after that sleeping but I can’t do anything about it since I just feel it. I shook my head to make my mind clear, and this is not the feeling that I am expecting when I wake up. I expected it to be that I am feeling refreshed instead I feel more exhausted than earlier, and I feel so gloomy like every reason to live for has been reduced to zero. I got up, and I drink the cup of water that Kamandag handed to me. That cold water refreshed my dried mouth, and when that ran through my throat, I felt more awake. That helps. “Thank you,” I thanked her for that and I wore the slippers that Amaterasu handed to me during the training. “Let’s go the meeting will start soon,” she said to me and she led the way. I just stare at her while I am following her through this maze like hallways. Upon seeing Kamandag using her Black fairy form more often, makes me miss that snake form, I also miss the feeling when she is at my shoulders hiding behind my long red hair. But I feel happier that she is taking a great step forward and that motivated me to do my earnest to. I don’t want them leaving me behind. Arthur with Pyro and his sword Excalibur, and Kamandag with Poison along with her redeemed form. There is only one thin that I noticed. They found their partners in battle and I am the only one alone. I envy them finding a partner. I wish I had a pet like Pyro, but a pet that cannot transform into that fearsome humanoid flaming form that Pyro did earlier. Also I want a cute voiced creature. I just need patience soon. I will find my partner too, that will assist me. I can say that I contented with all of them being my friends but it feels different when I have a loyal pet beside me. I can’t explain it but I can tell that it’s far more special. We reached the meeting chamber where Arthur, the goddess Amaterasu, and Pyro in his humanoid form are waiting for us. They all look at me when we reached the chamber. We went inside and we took the vacant seats inside the room. The goddess stood up walking to the center where all of us can be heard by her. “Let’s start the meeting,” she said. -The Phoenix’s Maiden-
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